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Everything posted by CaptCanada

  1. Now that is what a show about tattoos is suppose to be like. I'm gonna look forward to it.
  2. I was talking to my tattooer at my latest session and these ink shows came up and we had an idea that maybe tim hendricks can shed some light on. Do they use numbing cream to make the show more viewer friendly so to speak? All these guys and gals that don't show they are in any real pain. Tricking the general public into thinking tattoos are easy to sit though, even on a 4+ hour session.
  3. For the thigh is all about big pieces, just about as much room as your back but its horizontal and not vertical.
  4. What's funny is that I think now if you ask like 20 random young Americans if they like tattoos most will say, yeah. If you ask them about body suits they will say, no. If you ask them about hand and neck, a good amount will say, if they look nice. But for people that follow the old rules, you don't get those spots until last, not 3rd or 4th.
  5. What type of store was that sign from?
  6. Well then thanks for the information, seems strange but makes sence. Part of our bodies healing process. But in the mean time if I get tired I'll just get my heart rate up, until it all passes.
  7. CaptCanada

    ICP thread

    I just have to ask why? But I have a theory, that chick wouldn't look to bad with out all the blue make up and stuff. Im also half way through it right now. [edit] Okay, thats it they all must die... Although I'm not a wrestling fan, they dragged Rowdy Roddy Piper into this, and that is just wrong. I love they alive.
  8. With this in mind, it kind of gives a new thought to these young kids that are racing to see who can fill up space fastest. Not implying that they are right, they are just making it easier on them selfs in the long run.
  9. If only something like that would work.....
  10. To add to this, most traditional Japanese suits (or traditional Japanese tattoos) start out as a back piece. Its not so common now, but before what you got as your back piece defined what you could get on the rest of your body.
  11. Yeah for a country that is so crazy about tobacco is funny how they dont import chewing tobacco. I hear that some american baseball players that come here suck on the wrong side of a cigarette cause of that fact.
  12. I've liked Shinges apprentice Tomo's back piece. Worked with what the guy had, and transformed it. [edit] Wow, so I cant speak english right now.
  13. A quick check of his myspace provides this information i have just opened my own tattoo studio, trust tattoo. it is in seaham, iv been tattooing now for nearly 9 months. more of my up to date work will be added soon. please cheak out my blogs, also please comments on my work good or bad i like to know what people think, if i dont know whats bad i cant correct my mistakes if you want to get in touch with me my work number is 07856954429, and email is [email protected]
  14. Chewing tabbaco isn't sold here, plus that's one vice for another. Wish all of lives problems could be solved with the answer of "paint flash" but I'm no artist, I'm a bartender by trade. I draw all the time though but on little 3"x2" notes, helps some of the time. And for running, really wish I could start but with at least 13 hours of work 6 days a week with an hour commute (total) I just think about sleep when I get home.
  15. To start off I must say that I don't enjoy smoking but I don't dislike it either, it's always just been something to do to pass the time. So, I've smoking for the past 5 years and from day one was at a pack a day. Within those five years Ive taken a few breaks, longest one was 3 months, but I would always get bored and start again. Never really got cravings for cigarettes, just bored. But recently if I don't smoke for a day I get exhausted, as in falling a sleep while standing. So has anyone on here that smoked before and quit have any tips about the fatige that comes with it. I know they are a stimulent, and that's why I'm getting tired, but this is to much. I figure it's better to stop sooner then later, cause at some point these things are going to do a number on my body.
  16. It's also like Tim Hendricks says in his interview, how much of the craft is leanred by getting tattooed your self, checking out how other artists work and maybe snagging a few tricks from them. I really doubt I would get tattooed by someone that has none them-self. It would be like buying meat from a vegan butcher, how do you trust them. They can be in the studio like a 9-5, once they leave it's not part of there life. For the rest, tattoos are with them until the day they die. But I have always wanted to see a tattoo artist who has a full body suit minus sleeves. Only arm tattoo they have is like a few lines from a unfinished outline. And of corse they would need to work in an walk in style only shop. That way you could fuck around with everyone getting their first tattoo, likehow painfull it is and stuff. Just to mess with them a little bit.
  17. They do have a bit of the artists portfolio, near the top of each of the artists profile. Just checked it, says view work. It's above age.
  18. I too wish your grand mother recovers quickly. My parents divorced when I was 15, never thought much about it. I knew that it would happen at some point. Sometimes things don't work out but parents keep up the show. It's been 8 years since I've seen my father, and 3 years for my mother. But it's like you said, your looking at it though the eyes of an adult. Spending years with the same person is hard if things start to get rocky, cause it will snowball. Just know that even if your parents ain't together, they are still your parents who you can talk with, spend time with, enjoy with just as if it was before(if you wish).
  19. I'd like to know why there are at least 3 pictures of the dude being taken at the same time. Was there a line behind them with everyone in the ER getting there cameras ready? Oh and as far as a story, he is accident prone and this sorta thing happens to him monthly bases. After a few years he got that tattoo, still holds true... so far.
  20. Was wondering if you do sleep on your back would it be kosher to just wear a tshirt to sleep in. That way if it sticks at all, you just need to jump in the shower with the tshirt on? Or has that not been a problem for anyone that has had there back done?
  21. Well if you change the theme from FB friends to thumbnails of some other list of friends, okay..... maybe Went to tattoo dex's website in hope it would have it there, sadly it doesn't have a picture of the tattoo, but it does have the video. seems completely fake, but oh well what ever floats your boat.
  22. Yeah, we have one guy that sometimes comes here from Hawaii, he has front/back of his neck, both hands and knuckles done and from what I know only has 3 smallish tattoos on his arms.... he is one of the biggest assholes that I've met.
  23. I would like to get my hands done at some point, if my life style permits it. My neck I'm not looking do much into it, it's just to much in your face for me. But having my hands done would only come after the rest, hell I don't even wanna touch my arms until I have my legs/chest/back finished. Just something that I want to go though, only get tattoos that show after I get my body done. Not In any real rush for everyday people to know I have tattoos. If you know me then I don't care, cause I know you, but some stranger, mind your own buisness. What's funny is living in japan and seeing the majority of normal folks that have tatooes on their hands or neck have maybe at the most 2 other tattoos on there body.
  24. Today I was looking at pictures on the internet and came up on Freddy Corbin, my wife was sitting next to me I thought why not find out what she thought about his tattoos. Her first reaction was "wow" then one of the first things she notices is the kanji on his right chest. She couldn't figure out what it was saying but figured he wanted kami sama, but the characters are wrong... Would love to prove her wrong and have his tattoo reading something else but maybe he did just make the mistake of the wrong kanji.
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