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Posts posted by CaptCanada

  1. The other problem with that tattoo is just the word "racist" he is just labeling himself how others see him. It doesn't support his cause at all, like common if you get a forehead tattoo at least do it right. Cause that one just makes me want to laugh in your face, not be polite and laugh after you walk by.

  2. Nothing lasts, isn't that part of the appeal of tattoos? Not a huge fan of the wedding ring tattoos, but we've been talking about each getting something after the wedding.

    This is also true, I guess I'm just a firm beliver that tattoos shouldn't be gotten for a relationship. Me myself have been married for 4 years now. I have a ring, maybe worn it a dozen or so times. Wife is fine with it. But why something so simple as a ring or a tattooed ring is needed to say your married. I don't know, guess I'm just simple that way, a ring won't make a marrige, you have to.

  3. Wow, he is a genius, never heard of him till now. Been having a great laugh watching his Shameless special. But out of beer now and must take a quick walk to the convenience store to buy more, just as soon as my legs stop their pins and needles.

  4. It was good to hear a little about your trip Rory. You got it summed up pretty good. Middle aged Japanese are the most conservitive about anything over here. Every summer it seems like you see more and more tattoos out in the open. When I came here 5 years ago it was rare to see a Japanese walking around outside with any visable tattoos, now it's maybe about 1 in 20. I know there are a lot more out there, but just hiding. Tattoos are a good conversation starter with them, cause now they can finally talk about them with out sounding like a criminal.

  5. Sacramento is alright as well. Hot as hell, but the downtown/Arden area is quite nice. Plus you are a hop-skip and a jump from places like Tahoe/Auburn and all the adventures of the Sierras.

    Yey, gotta rep Sacramento. Lived there for 4 years, great place. About the middle of Nor Cal so you are close to everything that make it awesome. Wanna go to the mountains 2 hours, wanna go to the bay 2 hours, wanna go camping 2 hours, just about anything 2 hours away....

    Only bad bit about it is job wise, not so many opportunities.

  6. Well not to surprising, sucks though. The only thing that looks fishy to me is the Pakistan Counterinsurgency Capability Fund for 280 Billion. Yeah for the total that we are spending that isn't much, but I don't like the idea of giving the Pakistani government money. Osama was right down the street from their biggest training base for a reason, protection. Here is what the library of congress has to say about it Committee Reports - 111th Congress (2009-2010) - House Report 111-105

  7. Well for us that want to keep our tattoos looking good and not burning them in the sun, skin cancer should be pretty low on our risk threat. Although it does involve genetics, the sun causes the most damage. Pretty sure most of us don't have to worry about that with sun block and staying out of the sun and all. Hell I might see 20 minutes of sun a day, just enough for my vitamin D, but nothing more.

  8. Upon talking with my wife about me getting heavily covered, she says she will divorce me. I told her okay, get the papers I'll sign them. We'll just have to wait and see what happens when that becomes an issue, her areas she does not want covered in tattoos is arms, chest and stomach. Already have plans for legs and back so she is trying to pick her battles.

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