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Sol James

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Posts posted by Sol James

  1. Hi guys. 

    I’m booked in to make a start on a traditional styled back piece. Artist has told me to think about the designs I want to include, and we’ll go about mapping it all out. 

    I just wondered if you guys had any advice. Meaning isn’t always important to me (although if possible, it’s a nice bonus!) but I’ve decided I want this to be family related. Was thinking a centre image of some description, then a few little things dotted around it.. 

    any advice would be great! 


  2. hi guys. This is an odd one! 

    my next tattoo was going to be the classic rose and dagger, or heart and dagger. I have been getting a bit anxious about it of late as it seems that a new knife attack is reported almost daily, here in the UK! Knife attacks are becoming quite a problem here... 

    Im sure I’ll be told to just get it anyway, but I’m wondering if anyone else has not got a tattoo for similar reasons?!!

    am I being too sensitive?

    cheers all. 

  3. It seems to be mostly on the line work, does it not? Rather than on shaded areas.... the line work on mine sometimes raises when I’m very hot.. Granted, it’s never in lumps like that, nor is it as much.

    Sorry I can’t help with a diagnosis. Do you mind me asking why you’ve dismissed pregnancy as a cause? My wife has just had a baby and it’s crazy how the body reacts! 

  4. It’s an awkward one, with regards career. I’m in the building trade so it’s not really a problem. However, if I go and price a job, I will try to cover them up at first, if the customer is older. A lot of people in their 50’s and 60’s still find tattoos “unattractive”! We all judge people on how we look and I’m aware that some people don’t like tattoos. That’s cool. I respect that. For that reason, visible tattoos are a big deal in my opinion. Get them if you are confident that your life can continue as if you didn’t have them..

    Subject matter and style makes a difference too. An artist in London (Cassandra Frances) has “tattoos even your mother will love” in her Instagram bio! It’s true, her tattoos are pretty and inoffensive. Whereas An animal with a dagger through its head May be less appropriate!! Know what I mean?! 

  5. Thought it would be cool to “Bump” this thread, and see if anyone has any new artists they like at the moment! 

    My personal favourite at the moment is Vince Pages.. Great traditional with just the right amount of elegance.. 


    i also think Mills from Black Garden is doing great stuff, with a similar feel to Pages... I’m booked in with Mills in a couple of weeks, which is cool! 


  6. Hey all! 

    Im booked in at the family business on Wednesday and before I message the artist telling him what I want, I thought I’d see what everyone’s favourite images are, that would go nicely with my daughters name in a banner...  I’m after something bigger than just a heart or something! I have my favourites, but would like to hear yours! 

    Cherrs everyone! 

  7. 11 minutes ago, Hands On said:

    the only two options i like are to 1) leave it as is or 2) blackout the part that looks like a penis 😉


    I have considered the blacking out option. It would depend on what the artist thinks... the only reason why it’s an issue to me is because it’s part of a piece I had done for our first son.... most people here seem to think leave it though..... 

  8. 56 minutes ago, Hogrider said:

    That's really rude to do that to someone. To do it twice is just gauche. I'd tell her to knock it off. As @scottyg said, if someone has a enough of tattoos and you look hard enough, you'll find something phallic.  

    It was never said in a nasty way! Just a bit of husband and wife banter! Like I said, it hasn’t bothered me that much! It seems phallic tattoos are quite common around here, then! I appreciate people’s oppinion on the matter... 

  9. 1 minute ago, Gingerninja said:

    Okay, did someone tell you that it looked like a penis or did you get the idea all by yourself? 

    Yeah seriously, it was mentioned! In fact the same person said it twice. I thought nothing of it the first time, but had a look the second, and thought, “yes, it does indeed look like a penis”!!!  I’m not at all the obsessive type, but thought I’d get some opinions! 

  10. Hello everyone. 

    I’d like your opinions on this please. I’m booked in to continue with my arm, at the end of September. He’s a great artists, and works at a high profile shop. It’s recently been pointed out to me that part of a rose, I’ve already got, is a bit “penis like!” If you can’t see it, then great! It’s in the center and It is bugging me a little. Funny though, I’d never noticed it before and it’s 3-4 years old! 

    Basically, shall I live with it, or ask if there’s anything that can be done at my next appointment? What do you all think?




    2 hours ago, el twe said:

    Rain cloud, or fishing rod, or Jelly Roll Morton with a banner that reads "Oh, the Water"?

    But yeah, bounce this idea off your artist - something good will come from this.

    I like the Jelly Roll Morton idea! I didn't know whether my artist (Andrea Giulimondi) might need a more definite idea?! Maybe he'd be happy to figure something out from the lyrics...

    maybe a scene, with a boat on the water, and the banner would work? 

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