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Everything posted by Jake

  1. pretty interesting. that video uses a pen and I think technology is far away from being able to replicate that with a needle. Far too many variables of depth, skin stretch, etc. Not to mention a design is going to lose a lot of the soul that the artist brings to it. perusing the artist's website and saw this video too. thought it was rad. surely others on here have played this game before too...
  2. Jake


    cool concept
  3. Morimoto > some dude who supposedly walked around the dessert and then turned into a zombie and that Morimoto tattoo idea is awesome!!!
  4. Jake


    I agree with almost everything that's been said in response but Robin brings up a really good point that segues into something I've been struggling to put words to. I think the naivete of Shant's question prompts a knee jerk reaction in people. ESPECIALLY among those who have practiced the craft for years/decades. Generally it's a justified response... But in this specific case it may be a bit overkill Realistically, Dari's advice is the most sound in my opinion. Go get some tattoos. Get acquainted with the culture. If there's no credible tattoo shops near you Shant then save up and travel to a world renowned artist. See if it's something you really want to be a part of. I doubt anyone becomes a musician without first listening to music. Tattoos, like everything in life, is the same. How do you know it's what you want if you haven't experienced anything more than the most fleeting elements of it? PS - It's probably best not to tell the person giving you your first tattoo that you want to push ink. More than likely they will instantly put you in that mental category of "people trying to get something from me- ignore"
  5. I generally despise celebrity gossip but good for her. I laugh that that's considered "chubby". She still looks better and more fit than the average American in my opinion.
  6. This reminds me of the people who think they're getting some deep meaning kanji symbol that really just means "picnic table" or "laundry basket" or "fuck tard". I definitely believe it is the responsibility of the customer to be sure of their meaning. The tattoo artist is already quite busy with the layout/application/creation of the tattoo and shouldn't have to worry about whether the customer did their research or not. The exemption would be if the artist was putting a personal spin on it that the customer did not specifically request- then the artist should full well be aware of the implications of the design. Petri brought up a great point of the fact that in traditional Western culture we do not have immediate resonation with many of these designs so we are free to create our own meaning. Perhaps the goal for both clients and artists should be to explore the creation of a visual vocabulary in this realm that is unique, esthetically pleasing, and free to interpretation. A big goal yes, but definitely worthwhile when you see proper execution.
  7. I'm game for either place. I think it depends on those willing/able to drive to the north bay. I love me some Sol Food but want to make sure we all can get there first. Robin I would gladly accept a ride if the offer is still out there.
  8. never car surfed but did plenty of skitching. skateboard + car + speed wobbles + pebble/crack/sand = bad news
  9. totally. cupcakes are definitely the most common for baked goods tattoos
  10. Jake


    Boysetsfire and Defeater are doing three shows together on the east coast. FUUUUUCCCKKK! Boysetsfire - After The Eulogy rules soooo hard.
  11. Jake

    best TV series

    we don't have TV anymore... but what we used to watch was: White Collar Modern Family Iron Chef Man Vs. Food Sons of Anarchy
  12. great collection of photos but between the loads of bare arms and the people saying they're being original when I've seen the same words 1000's of times already, that site makes me cringe
  13. our tastes are far too similar. you beat me to the appreciation punch again hogg! for reals though those photos rule hard. thanks irezumi
  14. That sounds awesome! I thought sea lions were aggressive around humans though?
  15. damn. you just missed the Black Fag / Henry and Glenn Forever art show
  16. DEADRAMONES. probably the best thing to ever come out of Iowa.
  17. I'm really stoked for this record to come out... The 7 inch from this record is REALLY fucking good for a new school hardcore band. Bridge Nine needs to email mp3s to the preorder peeps already On the same page they show the new Agnostic Front 7 inches as well. Awesome screened B sides! ]BRIDGE NINE RECORDS - Defeater and Agnostic Front Pre-Orders Launched (Finally!)
  18. that reminds me... Lochlan and I gave our nephew quite the xmas present last year. he shaved off his mustache and I shaved off my beard and we put them in ziploc bags for him to be able to have his own facial hair. hahahaha. he's super skeptical of gifts from us now.
  19. I know quite a few people with palms that held most of the ink from only one session. It is indeed quite possible!
  20. Thursdays are always hard for me to do. March 9th I'm in for either place! Sol Food always sounds amazing but it's difficult for me to get there unless someone was willing to give me and Lochlan (pending his schedule I'm guessing since he hasn't said anything yet) a ride...
  21. Jake

    Funny videos

    talking about Henry Rollins in the Random Picture Thread and I thought I'd contribute this. Henry Rollins is surprisingly funny talking shit about Creed, electronic music, and more. Best quote - "When I was 18 I wanted to fuck on the floor and break shit. When I was 25 I wanted to fuck on the floor and break shit. When I was 35 I wanted to fuck on the floor and break shit. Now I'm 40 and I want to fuck on the floor and break shit!"
  22. holy shit I had no idea that Henry Garfield = Henry Rollins. that picture is so much better now!
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