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New Member Looking for some Advice on Existing Tattoo


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Hey everyone! I'm new to these forums ready with some possibly super dumb questions. I currently have three tattoos, two of which I'm very happy with and one of which I like to call my "problem tattoo."  I recently had it redone a bit and although I do feel happy with most of the added parts, like the purple watercolor splashes and triangle, I still feel meh about this tattoo - which I think largely has to do with the red/orange/yellow color scheme inside the triangle that I just don't like on my skin. 

My existing tattoo: https://i.imgur.com/eyzpZIC.jpg

I'll be going abroad for half a year next week so I tried to let this whole thing go for now since I won't be able to get it changed for a long while anyway, but me being me, I couldn't. So I've been thinking of possible "cover-up" options (while still keeping intact the overall design) and came up with a couple of options.

1. Purple/pink shades

No yellow/orange/red tints at all and instead going with purple/pink/blue shades, with the entire sun covered up through black tree outlines instead. 

Inspirations:  01343.png.9a995f9f0422a840bc032e77373218fb.png

2. Pink Dawn

Instead of the current sun more of a pink sun, where I'd have to shade the current darker parts in the sun with black dotting (perhaps), and still the same sunrise idea but instead with these pink shades for more of a pink sunrise (they do exist!! LOL). I'm worried my current tattoo is too dark for this, though.



3. Blue/Orange Retroesque

Keep the sun orange (but then really orange), and the sun rays black, and blue instead of the current orange/yellow inside the triangle. I love those watercolor brush kinds of designs, but I'm not sure how difficult they would be to achieve for the artist. 

Inspirations: 014543.png.157cb60c56ba8b668fd016eec912a65d.png

4. Gold/Blue Sunrise

Now, before I'll sound super dumb, I do know that you can't have golden tattoos. But I still can't help but wonder if gold shading can still be achieved for the sun with black dotting for the parts that are already dark on my existing tattoo and also black rays with blue watercolor splashes much like you see in the last image of my inspirations. I realize this is extremely ambitious but I figured I might as well just ask, right! Hehe. 

Inspirations: 0154574.png.e1f9599b43007e739aeb533694edd8f9.png


So to put it more definitively, my questions go as follows:

1. Which of these four ideas do you guys think might look the best on my current tattoo? I feel like I do also have to add that the tattoo is on a place that catches a lot of sun and that I'll be going to a hot and sunny country, so once this tattoo is all healed up and can safely catch some sun again I do expect it to fade at least a little bit in this half a year before I'll get it touched up/redone.

2. How possible do you guys think it might be to possibly achieve a bit of a "gold" effect for the sun?

3. Will darker shades of blue be able to successfully cover up light-ish shades of orange? I know orange is on the warm spectrum with blue being on the cold spectrum, but I have to admit I'm not smart at all when it comes to color theory and have no idea how it'd all work.

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I know you don't like it, but I'd leave it. You are in a hurry to get it fixed which is a recipe for disaster. You are about 95% more likely to make it worse than better by rushing to get this done. You've already tried to fix it once and you're still not happy with it.

My advice is leave and when you come back TAKE YOUR TIME. I've heard tons of stories from people that were in a hurry to get a tattoo, or cover up a tattoo, or fix a tattoo and made it exponentially worse.

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@Hogrider You're right, and that's solid advice. I do tend to go into these "obsessions," basically, usually shortly after getting the tattoo, where all I can think about is getting it redone. I do already feel more toned down and chill about the tattoo by now, a week later, so with a bit of hope I'll feel even more chill about it a few months from now, haha. I did feel myself going off on this rampage for new tattoo designs to cover up what I have now which I now already think were really bad ideas (mostly because they were incredibly dark and not even necessarily something I particularly liked, I was more looking for anything that works as cover-up). 

I'll continue to think about it while I'm abroad and not take any action until I'm back by the end of this year. I just figured, if I'm going to think about my options, that it might be handy to know beforehand which options are even feasible and which totally aren't, hehe. 😅

Thanks so much for your response and your advice! 


Edited to add: You know the whole concept of postpartum depression?  Sometimes I really feel like there is something similar for tattoos as well LOL. I had something somewhat similar with the first tattoo I ever got, started thinking immediately of things I'd want to add to it or things I'd change and now, more than a year and a half later, I'm super happy and satisfied with that tattoo and am only glad I didn't get it changed. So Hogrider, you'r definitely right in how that rush can have really bad results! 😱

Edited by Fig1996
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You may or may not be surprised to learn that we hear this more often these days. 

Let it ride for awhile. It's not poorly done. Nothing there to be ashamed of. You look fairly young, and your tastes in art and how it appears on your skin will very likely evolve. 

My guess is you'll eventually add more AROUND it, and that will reduce the impact of what you're seeing right at this early moment. 

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23 hours ago, Fig1996 said:

Edited to add: You know the whole concept of postpartum depression?  Sometimes I really feel like there is something similar for tattoos as well LOL. I had something somewhat similar with the first tattoo I ever got, started thinking immediately of things I'd want to add to it or things I'd change and now, more than a year and a half later, I'm super happy and satisfied with that tattoo and am only glad I didn't get it changed. So Hogrider, you'r definitely right in how that rush can have really bad results! 😱

Couldn't agree more. 

I've had my share of anxiety with two of my three tattoos. I felt unhappy with a tattoo I got last year almost immediatly. I stressed and stressed about it, seeing things that NO ONE else was seeing. I ended up getting some work done underneath it...and you know what happened next? I was unhappy again. Finally I had to stop. Still haven't done anything with it, but I try to remember that it can be added/lasered out, if I want to later. 

I think your tattoo looks nice though. It's certainly pretty and well done. As Hogrider and SStu said, give yourself some time and don't rush into anything. 

I'm now laughing to myself because I just posted about my own regret with my latest tattoo. It's so easy to give advice, but not always to give yourself the same advice. Ah well...

Edited by QueenFan
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    • First let me say I've never seen exactly that related to tattoos. Second, I am NOT a doctor, so take any advice with a grain of salt and follow it at your own risk. I do have something like that which appears on my face from time to time. After multiple visits to the dermatologist, which didn't fix it, I finally came up with my own treatment. Whenever it flairs up, I just wipe the area down with plain rubbing alcohol three or four times a day to keep it dry. That usually works within a couple of days. Again, I'm not a doctor, but I don't think it would hurt anything for you to try that. Good Luck.
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