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Shannon Shirley

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Everything posted by Shannon Shirley

  1. Namaste ,back at you. I believe this is the first member from India. Beautiful.
  2. we've all done regretful things , If you haven't, you probably haven't seen much. the real trick is not doin it twice. been there.
  3. not me, but Reina cartwright,charlie's daughter and I put 2 tattoos on opposite arms of a walk in one day. I jokingly said " you wan'em at the same time " and he said "alright" so I said "come on Reina" it was pretty funny , he was an ol' man. a merchant marine as I remember.
  4. I loved the video, I worked for GTC in Modesto from @ 1990 til @ 1998. I had some good times, Charlie had a lot of stories and I may have heard them all. I went to some of those conventions back then and because of my associations was introduced to a lot of them older cats , Jack ,Freddy, and I cant remember too well but I believe Mike was one of them I met. I was very intimidated by these dudes, I remember Freddy just sort of scared me by his presence. these were pretty hardcore people with a lot of experiences and I had heard about a lot of it from Charlie. It really reminds me of how this business has changed. Its funny, I remember Scott Sylvia had told me that I frightened him the first time I walked in his shop around 89'. Its f#ckin hilarious to me. Honesty and confidence is often frightening. Most of these old cats were pretty straight up, If they said it, they meant it. Thats sort of rare nowadays.FYI, That backpiece in that video of the bullfight and roses is Charlie's. I guess that's about all I've got ,just thought Id drop it. It was a different time.
  5. Im gonna nominate the shop I work at in southern Alabama. NV Upscale Body Art Co. 115 S.Alston St. Foley Al 36536 251 943 2155. I so suck at self promotion, but im tryin'.
  6. stalking the hip are we? this some how for a moment makes me love the ignorant south.
  7. this biz is exponentially growing fresh assholes, what can you do? do the best you can and hold onto your integrity.
  8. the first shop i ever saw that was this way was american grafitti, yeah Scott would know.
  9. lyle . not a genius but a man that knew the biz.
  10. wow , im completely confused'. yes im old. greenday tickets! are you OK.
  11. I like doin the garbage can,hey,the city brings ya out a new one. ya gotta love the south.
  12. prolonged sun exposure will make you look tougher when youre old. It's OK. hehe
  13. we would have to ask someone older than I, I'm thinkin Chuck. Sometimes when reading some of this stuff, I wish Chuck (Eldrich) was overseeing the history portions ,at one time he was the only person I knew that knew anything pertaining to these subjects. ya know he worked at Tattoo City the original shop, I believe out on the mission,in the excelsior I believe. Until it burned down, I believe he told me this 20 some yrs ago. I tried to get him to hire me back then. again Its funny,Phil Sims was to me a name when I was a teenager, before I could go into one of those scary places. To help you understand a tidbit of my journey, I got my 1st wives name on my arm (long ago covered) at Doc Webbs in San Diego, me an her used ta seek out the wierd old joints in the late 80's. ''look mom no gloves'' hehe.
  14. damn right, Ive had lame shit fer ever. I think Scott already covered his. Aaron cain tattoo, ask him.
  15. this '' is'' the reason parental advisories are on records/albums and I had conversations with jello about it. Jello did not win. we are all subject to scrutinization. where do we draw the line? I have seen true perverts scrutinized by the american legal system, they did deserve it. but, I have always stayed away from what I thought might be seen as subversive, because of fear.I have held back. Art as unobtrusive as something as plain and vanilla as something Rembrandt thought ''normal''. thee American legal/judical system has been out of control for a long time.maybe im misunderstood, maybe I misunderstood this situation. dude painted some pictures of cocks n stuff, got thrown in jail. if thats correct we're all fuct. I met Alan Ginsberg a long time ago, he got fuct for the same shit. It's called ''Howl''. It was not OK to be a ''faggot'' in the 50's. Now its hip, I personanly could give a crap. BUT, freedom is VERY important to me. Thats why people fear you ,''tattooed person'', youre free, or as close as it comes. oh, yeah. I made a couple of tax free bucks today. we're next.
  16. ya'll er just fckin mean. these people actually think they're cool. really.sometimes you just hafta let it go.hehe
  17. Brisbane has always been cool, It exists because of the Cow Palace, It used to be all ol' cowboys.
  18. I spent most of my life in the SF bay. yes tiresome.
  19. help me, much of what i know is from what i can't remember. was'nt phil on the peninsula,san bruno? It amazes me thier are books on some of these people now.
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