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Posts posted by TrixieFaux

  1. My mom hates tattoos, too. What can ya do? She still loves me. She told me she thinks they are trashy. I told her a tattoo itself cannot be trashy...the wearer can be, but I am not a trashy person...so, there you go. She also pulled the "get therapy" on me again this last trip when she spotted another tattoo. I had to tell her again that I am happy with my tattoos, happy people don't need therapy. She has a problem with tattoos. People with problems need therapy. So, yeah, she basically needs therapy to get over her problem w/my tattoos. Hee hee. My mom and I both have a sense of humor, so we can get into these brief debates and then we just go on. I know she will never like tattoos, but I do think she could stand to open her mind a little more. It is so shallow to judge someone based solely on appearances.

  2. Within tattooing, there seem to be lots of simultaneous trends... the trend toward "traditional" seems to be a pretty good one--solid tattoos, then there's the upside down script on the inner wrist trend... I guess whatever floats your boat. Maybe the next trend will be those splashed on water-color looking ones? Haha, that is not something I hope for, I will not be getting one of those, just a possible trend. I am really into black & gray for now.

  3. Dudes, sometimes I feel like it would be nice to date someone who wasn't into tattoos, because as it is, my partner and I feed off of each other in the worst ways possible. He only started getting tattooed recently, but caught the bug hard, and initially I thought that watching him get tattooed constantly would take the edge off for me, as I'd be living vicariously through him. As it turns out, it doesn't work that way--each time one of us gets work, it leaves the other jonesing for more--such that I think we're both acquiring tattoos at a much quicker rate than we would if we were not in relationships with total enablers. We brainstorm ideas together a lot, so in that sense we do "approve" of each other's tattoos, but it's not really so much about asking for permission, but rather that we trust each other's opinions and rely on each other to work through ideas together.

    And of course I am totally joking in "complaining" about this--it's actually pretty fucking awesome.

    Ha, I hear you. It's getting like that w/me and @DJDeepFried, too. At first, I was the one with tattoos. Then he got 1. Then he got a huge one for his 2nd, bigger than mine put together. I was a little jealous. So now I'm getting a huge one. I had wanted a tiger and mentioned it a long time ago. Then he mentioned something about the possibility of him getting a tiger. Then I was like, well, I better get my tiger right now before he does. Haha. Then, he can still go ahead and get one, it's a free country, we can be twins if he wants, but at least it'll be him copying me and not the other way around hahaha. I'm getting mine Aug 13th. :-P

    I especially agree with your last sentence, it's pretty fun.

  4. We are on a 2-week vacation to see family and friends on the east coast. A highlight was staying a night at our friend's organic dairy farm in northern VT where I had stored 3 boxes of photos before moving to Los Angeles in '98.

    Our 4 year old got to see her first clear, dark nighttime sky full of stars, made her first s'more at a campfire, and saw her first herd of cattle up close, in-person. While my friend's sister was singing and playing guitar by the fire, Stella (my daughter) said, "This is the best song ever. This song is making me want another s'more."

    Haha. Good times.

    PS-another awesome thing I just did was to buy an LST t-shirt!

  5. I've been tattooed by a guy called Big Al back in the early 90s in New Hampshire, then in more recent years in LA I've been tattooed by Mark Mahoney, Graham Chaffee (x3), and Kim Saigh. I was so impressed by my Kim Saigh tattoo I thought I'd stick with her forever but changed my mind because the work of James Spencer-Briggs, also at Memoir, caught my eye. I'll be seeing him very soon for a big one. Interested in Maxime, too now, among others...

  6. post-1642-146168840741_thumb.jpg

    This was kind of funny... I'm on vacation visiting family. My mom thought she saw a tag sticking out the back of my shirt, reached out to fix it and discovered it was a tattoo she didn't know about. @DJDeepFried was taking pictures and documented it.

    Pretty soon that left arm won't be so blank any more.

  7. So sorry for what you are going through. I think you've gotten good advice re: tough love. If she can't live with you guys (because she is an adult now who needs to take responsibility for her own life) she will have to learn to be independent. At the same time though, if she is truly addicted to cocaine rather than just using it recreationally, she probably needs to live at a rehab or halfway house until she is detoxed and has some tools to put into place for triggers like being angry. Or maybe there's an outpatient program she could take advantage of? Once she gets out would be a good time to do what Dan S. Suggested by agreeing to pay in full for down payment and one month of rent with her knowing that the next month is on her.

  8. hm....after being around this forum for a while, as well as checking out Dermagraphique: A Tattoo Critique fairly regularly, I have come to realize that a couple of my first tattoos were, well, not what they could have been. I am not regretful exactly, I like all my tattoos, but it's like: if I knew then what I know now...I might have done a couple things differently. If I were you I would look around at the galleries and think about it some more but that's just one person's input. There are a lot of cooler looking tattoo ideas out there in my opinion. Totally up to you and if one day down the road you're not crazy about it any more you could always get it covered or add other things around it and chalk it up to experience.

  9. I try to avoid getting tan but it is sometimes hard when living in Los Angeles. I love swimming pools...so if I go to one I have my sunglasses, a big floppy hat, and sunscreen especially on the tattoos. Whenever there is a chance I sit in the shade. You could always bring one of those big umbrellas to the beach, I want to get one. It's nice to be able to have some shade.

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