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Posts posted by TrixieFaux

  1. It's not hate, it's love. Love for good tattoos. I didn't know the difference when I first started my tattoo journey either. It pays to stick around here and really see the good stuff and the differences... If the guy has a good personality, that's great--maybe he'd be good in sales. For tattoos, there are people with good personalities who are also really good artists with technical skills.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. OW! Ok I don't think I've ever complained, or rather, commiserated on here before........but this thigh tattoo still hurts 8 days later. Certain spots are acting up and when I stand it gets worse. Boooo hooooo. Arms and back were not like this for me. I had to stay home from a kid's bday party and I ordered groceries to be delivered today because I just couldn't bear covering it or going anywhere.

    But I love the tattoo. So, there's that. :)

  3. If you follow me at all on Instagram or Facebook...you've probably seen this. I'm pretty much obsessed with my latest tattoo from Jim Sylvia. As a Bowie fanatic, and a cat lover.... all arrows pointed toward me needing this tattoo that I got last night. It's a great feeling you get when you pick the right person for the job. I had never met Jim before, but have been admiring his work for the past couple years. Finally figured out what I needed from him. Great guy. Solid, talented, skilled, accomodating. <3

  4. I have some cat tattoos myself...and I wear long sleeve shirts to work every day, although I sometimes pull up the sleeves a little and tattoos show. I don't remember consciously making a choice that now I will go from having a few tattoos to being a more heavily tattooed person, it just happened when I started getting really good tattoos and wanting them to continue or get bigger. The tiger on my left arm went from being just a tiger on my upper arm to being a 3/4 sleeve because I liked what the artist was saying & drawing and it just kept getting bigger and more involved. I guess I realized during those sessions that it might change how I had to dress sometimes but it was a price I was willing to pay.

    More cats in the planning process for me. You can never go wrong with more cats. :-D

  5. I have no upcoming tattoos. I'm just posting here because I'm starting to get that feeling like I should have some upcoming tattoos. There's a bunch of stuff I want. Thinking about some type of black & gray underboob thing from Nate Kostechko, a second monmon cat from Horitomo, and possibly a fox on my leg from Jim Sylvia. None of these are booked, just in my head. Gotta start somewhere...

  6. After 4 years of having to see the guy across from me pick and eat his boogers every time I turn my head, I decided to record it for proof's sake in case there is a justifiable homicide investigation on me!

    Imagine seeing this EVERY time you turn your head or leave your desk. #puke #biohazard #killmenow

    Omg @The Tig, he must be stopped! Show him this video! I have see nose-picking EVERY day at work, but it's because I work with kids who don't know better! I'll get the double-pickers, two fingers way up there and I try to gently explain that this can spread germs and isn't polite to do in front of people. But no, this guy... :eek:

  7. I like the idea of imagery...but I also don't mind script. With script I'd say keep it simple. You could get an image that resonates with you with something like the word "trust" under it...as in, trust yourself, rather than the OCD thoughts... I almost said No Doubt, but that can't be used for obvious reasons haha. Since OCD is a struggle, two fighting animals could pertain... a knife through something (slaying OCD)... or maybe just a peaceful image of how you would feel having overcome it, like a flower. Any image that strikes a chord with you. You would know what it meant. If you get writing (or an image for that matter), like @marley mission mentioned, don't design it yourself, go to an artist who is amazing at what you want.

  8. It's fascinating to me the reactions that some parents give their kids over something as seemingly innocent as a tattoo. It really gives perspective to how much things can change from just one generation to the next. I can remember my mom saying that she thought tattoos looked so trashy on women, and my grandma saying that no one would want to hire someone with tattoos. In their generation that's how it was and its really hard to change an opinion that's so ingrained.

    I've never officially told either of my parents, mostly because I live so far away from them and it didn't cross my mind to tell them, but my dad has seen it loads of times and just says nothing or maybe something like "everyone has tattoos these days". My mom said "I saw your tattoo on Facebook and I don't even hate it! I'm coming to terms with it." I asked her why she thinks it's a big deal and she said "Sweetheart. Imagine you have a perfect baby girl, beautiful, perfect in every way, and then she goes and draws permanent pictures all over herself!"

    Good point I guess? Ha.

    It's nice she's coming to terms with it!

    I have a little girl, beautiful and perfect in every way...and the other night when @DJDeepFried was reading her bedtime stories I overheard her saying she wanted to cover her arms in tattoos, "like mama's." I just smiled and thought that was so sweet. Whether it happens or not, she will always be beautiful and perfect to me. That's the generational difference!

  9. That looks pretty! I think there are tons of things that could work in the open spaces, you just need to work it out with your artist. I have black and gray roses, too, on my right arm...along with a bunch of other stuff that my artist and I thought would look cool.

  10. Trader Joe's has a moisturizing cream that's $3.99 for 16 oz. When my tattoos are in the dry stage of healing, a little of this and they heal beautifully. I've been using the same bottle for the past few years/several tattoos. No need for any fancy tattoo-specific aftercare.

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