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Posts posted by Duffa

  1. @Ursula - the funniest thing is since yesterday I have pretty much been constantly going "doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo doodle doo do". anytime, anywhere, for no reason in particular. BUT it has encouraged other people to do the same, and at Uni today I had a line of people doo-doo-ing behind me ;) (by line I mean 3 other people but it was still pretty darn funny)
  2. I also love the sketch where he's all "what if i had become a rapper" and it cuts to him as a goat centaur rapping hahahaha

    When he drops into the 'pan-pipe solo' while walking around in circles... I loose my shit every time. (Maybe we need a Dave Chappelle thread?) AND i just realised the clip you posted @Ursula is the extended version?? Is that on the extras on the season 2 DVD? (asks the guy that owns it himself lol, I'll go check)

  3. In about 6 weeks I will be traveling back to Japan to complete my sleeve and although there are some amazing Tattooers here in Australia (especially in my hometown) I thought it'd be cool to have at least one piece done by a Japanese Tattooer.

    It started off as a one point while on a holiday, and then figured it may as well be completed by the same artist. Once its finished, I'll have travelled approximately... 45,000kms (27963 miles) and 3 trips for one sleeve lol. I probably could have been a bit more efficient with time but eh, its just how its worked out and each trip has been amazing so no complaints here.

    And I intend to make a trip to the SFO convention one of these years ;)

  4. I definitely get 'nervous anticipation' when waiting for my next appointment. Part of it is I'm excited, part of it is not looking forward to the pain (mostly because of decent size sessions and at the moment going 2 days in a row) AND because I have to wait 6 weeks to have my sleeve finished ;)

    Oh, and because this sleeve is being done in japan, I don't really 'like' flying as such, but love traveling so that sort of trumps any fears.

    But the conversation (the "zen" thing is not my style)

    I honestly prefer to be chatting and shooting the shit when being tattooed - it makes it easier for me to get my mind off the pain... However, I've had to embrace the 'zen' way of thinking recently (the whole having only very basic Japanese skills can be a bitch)

    @ThaliaCamille - how is your arm coming along? very keen to see what Rachi throws down!

  5. @Ursula - Kris Kross went on to release 2, possibly 3 other albums after their debut... but all where nothing to write home about ;)

    @David Flores YES!. Outkasts earlier stuff was amazing. And in honor of that ;)


    A lil somethin from NYC

    And some shit from the bay area that I grew up on ;)

    ^^ we supported tha Liks when they came out a few years ago and we got Tash to do this ILL freestyle for a mix tape that was never released. IF i can somehow get a copy out the studio I'll post it for y'all

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