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Posts posted by Duffa

  1. This is nuts! (sorry if old news)

    Sleepwalking Artist Baffles Experts

    A Welsh man who draws artwork in his sleep says experts are still baffled by his unique talent.

    Lee Hadwin has no formal training or interest in art but has managed to produce about 200 portraits, nudes and abstract works while he sleeps.

    The 37-year-old nurse told the BBC yesterday his creative episodes normally follow a night of heavy drinking.

    But clinical tests by the Edinburgh Sleep Centre were unable even to determine what stage of sleep Mr Hadwin is in when the artistic impulse kicks in, he said.

    "I wake up in the morning and whatever is at the side of my bed is there," he told the BBC.

    Mr Hadwin, from the rural Welsh village of Henllan, said the nocturnal habit began at the age of four with scribbles on kitchen tables and developed into more intricate drawings and paintings from the age of around 15.

    He said he has no memory of his sleepwalking art and cannot recreate his work when awake.

    "Art has never interested me at all," he told the BBC.

    The artistic bent sometimes can cause problems — like painting underneath his mother's stairs or cutting up his best pair of jeans — but when he puts brush or pen to paper, Mr Hadwin sells his artworks to collectors.

    full link with photos and video:

    Sleepwalk artist baffles experts

  2. Ha Ha, Get It? - Ugliest Tattoos - Funny Tattoos

    Found another Ross Carlson shark, although he is not credited i remember this tattoo and painting.

    I don't exactly want to start anything or appear to be calling anyone out, but I'm pretty sure that tattoo was originally done by my homie Stooks on a mate of his, and to hopefully prove this here is a link to stooks original photo... which is also the one up there? (Before it made it to ugliesttattoos.com which I have a pretty good idea on how it got there)

    naughty ahoy Photos from stooks (stooks) on Myspace

    Just to be sure though, I will email him now

  3. Cheers Hogg!! All the crew there are super nice, extremely welcoming and patient with my bad Japanese. But we got there ;) lol

    Well I just got home after about 17 hours of straight travel. (It was only a nine hour flight but I had to go see my Mum and that isnt close!) So now ready for some sleep.

    I'll post pics once I get some for sure (I forgot to mention there is a decent cover up going on so some parts may need a little touch up when I return, but I am amazed in how its turning out) Actually there might be some photos on their blog so I will check ;)

  4. Okie dokie

    Well second session was just under 4 hours and finished the back ground on my upper arm. Next time I come back (asap I hope) we shall shade my koi and do the background on my forearm around my Hennya and then finished. Today sucked! lol. I mean the work is amazing but this was my first back to back session and I really had no idea what I was getting myself in for haha. So anyone who willingly does them reguarly or for another example, some of Trevor McStays clients where he will do their backpiece over a week period - I salute you!

    all right, I am going to get beer and pass out lol

  5. In Australia, its not common to tip really except maybe in hospitality (In general, most industries have pretty decent minimum wages so its not really needed but appreciated) but beers or `jazz cigarettes` never go astray lol. In Japan they dont really tip either, so I brought the catclaw crew a bunch of wacky australian souveniers and a bottle of Hennesy. (and crushed icees because its to friggin hot here!!)


    I had my first session yesterday at Cat Claw in Kyoto (pics later) 6 hours of fun, which is now my longest session (not including breaks). 2 and a half hours on outline... and then 3 and a HALF hours of hell shading underneath my upper arm. i wanted to tapout so badly, but refused ;)

    I am now going back for second session. only about 3 or 4 hours today, Horinao has a gig tonight

    I shall provide a better update later

  7. Haha cheers hogg ;) thought you might like that one

    Hrmmmm thats an interesting comparison... and makes me rethink my "knee? no fucking way." attitude. Elbow just felt wrong and inside arm wasn't pleasant but still bearable...

    Its true everyone's threshold is different (and after seeing you back, I'm guessing yours would be up there!) so knowing that my back (see: butt) is going to be waaaaaaay worse i might just have to rethink this whole knee thing. because to be honest, I want one (or 2 as the case may be here)

  8. i could be wrong isnt the first one juni salmon?

    Sorry Shannon to be honest I have no idea, are you referring to the first picture in the first post? Kyle mentioned that it was an image from the Nihon Dentou series, which is published by Tattoo Burst. Hope this helps in some way?

  9. Duffa, I'll be looking for a weather report....

    Rory I can already give you one - friggin hot!! I have friends in Osaka and the minimum temp is around 26, maximum 31 (thats degrees celsius people, I have no idea about Fahrenheit!) I thought living in Queensland I could handle most humid climates but it gets sooooo muggy in summer there its simply not funny (I was there about 5 weeks ago?)

    When do you leave Rory? And if you need any info on shops/cool things to do around the Kansai region hit a brother up ;)

  10. I know there are other Australians on here so I thought I'd be the one to start recommending some shops :) Plus if any other lst'ers travel down under then hopefully I've been able to help point you in the right direction ;) I'll start with shops that are local to me and who are all totally rad


    Westside Tattoo - Professional Services - Brisbane, Australia | Facebook

    True Love Tattoo


    Seventh Circle Tattoo Studio and Tattoo Artists in East Brisbane Qld


    Dynamic Tattoo

    Ten-Ten Tattoo "Japanese Tattoo specialist, Melbourne, Australia"

    Korpus Tattoo - Local Business - Brunswick, Australia | Facebook


    Holdfast Tattoo - Artist - Perth, Australia | Facebook

    Five Star Tattoo (Freemantle)

    There are a shit load more, but here is a start for now ;) Sydney I'm at a bit of a loss for recommendations to be honest. Tatudharma WAS one of the places I would have suggested if there hadn't been a completely f*cked up incident, anyway... and Adelaide I have no clue about either but will update when I can

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