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Everything posted by ThaliaCamille

  1. The longest time between tattoos for me was about a year and a half (not including the 18 years when I was underage). The last time was 4 days ago. Session 4 of a sleeve that still isn't finished. The itch for me right now is literal.
  2. If it's already done, I stick to "If you don't have anything nice to say...". If they're asking my opinion on something that is clearly a terrible idea, I say so.
  3. I dig. When you see a Peter Aurisch piece, you know, the style is that distinctive. No idea what some of these pieces will look like in the future, though.
  4. 'Scuse the pictures, they were taken by a friend who wasn't real comfortable using my camera. And then attaching them here ate the colour (not that it matters at this stage). Also excuse my arm-cleavage :P Anywho, after 3x3hour sessions, lines: I haz them. Favourite parts are the crowns (Cypress and Ivy) and the hair. And the eyelashes ^.^ There should be more Greek Mythology tattoos. Got another session with Rachi in about a week and a half.
  5. Artist: Rachi Brains, Black Throne Tattoo Brisbane, QLD, AU
  6. Artist: Rachi Brains, Black Throne Tattoo Brisbane, QLD, AU
  7. Artist: Rachi Brains, Black Throne Tattoo Brisbane, QLD, AU
  8. Artist: Rachi Brains, Black Throne Tattoo Brisbane, QLD, AU
  9. Artist: Rachi Brains, Black Throne Tattoo Brisbane, QLD, AU
  10. Artist: Rachi Brains, Black Throne Tattoo Brisbane, QLD, AU
  11. Artist: Rachi Brains, Black Throne Tattoo Brisbane, QLD, AU
  12. I use a product called After Ink, which I believe is also from NZ. It's mostly essential oils, in a sort of paste form. I've tried other stuff that worked too, but I do note that the scabbing stage is on the whole much less dramatic - I get some tiny black flakey (haven't tried on colour yet) stuff falling off during application, and that's it. Never goes dry, never peels etc. and everything comes out looking nice. Plus it smells good :D
  13. Lower half of my arm got way itchier than the top half. I think the hair growth theory has some weight to it.
  14. At the moment, I'm going around once every 2 weeks. That seems about right to me - just enough time to forget how much it hurts, and the horrible "hangover" I get the day after.
  15. The Kvelertak one is so gorgeous.
  16. Had one of the guys working in my local Coles (supermarket) stop what he was doing and come over to gawk at me. Some kind of foreign accent (I hate to assume, but my guess would be he was from India/Pakistan?) - "Oh, is beautiful! *stares for ages*... "oh, she's holding a knife! I thought it was just a nice girl! Wow!". He was so friendly ^.^ I've had a couple of really old ladies say things to the effect of "I like your look", or "Good on you for being different". Usually in a nice way, so I guess those are compliments?
  17. I think the body can only take so much, even if the pain isn't all in one spot. The reaction (IDK, adrenaline or something) is probably just as bad. Longest for me has been 3 hours. After 2 hours, I feel pretty shithouse.
  18. Piercings>Bad Breath>Tattoos? Bad breath? Really? It'd be foolish not to consider how visible tattoos might affect employment opportunities before getting them. Which is why this topic being brought up in articles/conversation is odd to me: am I going to read it and go "oh shit, I never realised!"?
  19. Local branch has pretty much imploded here. There were about 100 people left yesterday when they were asked to move on. Most complied (and the cops provided vehicles to help move all their stuff!), about 20 sat down and were moved off 1 by 1. Most of the city is concerned with the $30k worth of damage they did to the park. They're now arguing with each other over Facebook about where they'll "Occupy" next. The Premier (like our state's "Governor") even offered them another inner-city-but-out-of-the-way park to set up in.
  20. Most recent session, I took a couple of Nurofen (Ibuprofen) prior to starting (on the advice of the artist, after I really struggled during the previous sitting). Made it much more bearable. Not necessarily less painful, but my reaction seemed better... suss as that sounds. I know I'm going to continue doing that.
  21. I really enjoyed the last 2 sessions on my arm, so I'm definitely feeling that "must continue!" urge. The pain, I always dread. But the conversation (the "zen" thing is not my style) and the overall... experience? That, I really look forward to. So much that now I don't want it to ever be finished. The idea of getting a small piece in the weeks between sittings has crossed my mind a few times... thank goodness for money, limiter of all impulse decisions.
  22. Great photos, awesome of you to take them time to post and caption them all.
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