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Posts posted by Cork

  1. I don't care who likes what tattoo, but as soon as I see someone get their last name tattooed huge on their back and posts it in the "Latest tattoo lowdown..." thread, like it's the greatest tattoo of all time, that's when I will have a problem. I met hogg in real life just so that I could have a character witness for not getting banned if I act like a douche on the internet. :)

  2. Had a brainwave yesterday about doing a full bodied dragon coming up the back of my thigh over my bum and having the head where the wolf is now in between the big dragon claws ?

    So options are 1) Dragon and flower (colour) 2) Skull and Flower

    Lets brighten up a dull Wednesday and a have a vote ?


  3. Has any one else received any thin lines on their tattoos? The hair on my Kongo Yasha is all thin lines, and it was probably the worst 30 minutes of tattooing that I have ever suffered. I am curious if it was just the spot on my back, or the fact that thin lines hurt like hell anywhere.

  4. What's the piece going to be? Make sure to document the process with lots of photos so that you can share! :p

    I'm heading back to see Rubendall tomorrow for more work on my back. We're going to shade in the rest of my thigh...maybe even start some color!

    It's going to be Kongo Yasha Myo-o. This guy, with influence from this statue. I haven't seen the design yet, but I'm pretty sure he is going to knock it out of the park.

    Can't wait to see more of the progress on your back.

  5. Ha. The drawers. Just drop 'em, hop on the table, and you're good to go.
    Its not like your tattooer hasn't seen some ass before. lol

    Well I don't know about you guys, but I sweat like a mother when I'm uncomfortable. I would not be able to just drop them in public like that. I think I am going to go with the bath robe idea, if only for my own comfort.

  6. The background of the website on the artist page disturbs me. The "Find us on Facebook" icon is perfectly placed in order to save my eyes.

    In my opinion, that large area could be used for something amazing, instead of some random black swishes and lines. There are so many amazing chest piece options. If you want to do some real research, go through this thread.


  7. when i got my ass done it stuck to my underwear and it was NOT fun peeling it off... i also had to wrap saran wrap on my toilet seat to deuce. if i can find a way to heal with the dry wrap method on my ass i would, but seems kind of impossible to me.
    Wear loose clothes, and start doing squats now. You'll want to be able to take a dump while holding yourself up over the toilet seat!

    Oh shit I didn't even think about the toilet. Thanks for the insight. This is one more reason why squat toilets are superior.

  8. Holy hell this thread is getting destroyed lately. I love it.

    So after getting your ass done, how do you work travel? What is it like driving with a flaming ass cheek? Do you get a chauffeur and you lay in the back seat? This is one major concern of mine because when I (hopefully) start mine, I will be travelling up to 3 hours for the sessions. I can't imagine what the drive home would feel like immediately following a long session.

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