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Posts posted by mtlsam

  1. So here I am reviving an old thread. I would like to solicit your opinion on the breast question: to appreciate them bare, or to cover them up?

    I plan on putting this tattoo on my thigh, so it won't be seen by the general public, but I'm still curious.

    Your thoughts please...

  2. get two sessions of laser treatment, to lighten the tattoo. wait 6 months to let the skin settle, find a competent artist, and maybe get a rose tattooed over the top, classic, timeless, represents love and could possibly tie to growth etc. a colour tattoo will work way better to cover this design than a black & grey one. that's what i'd recommend

    This might be the only appropriate time in life to say "...what she said." ^^^

  3. There is something to be said for getting the worst out of the way, but I am generally driven by what I want more than where it is going to go, if that makes any sense. I have often thought about targeting shitty spots just to get them done, though, so I am inconsistent about it.

    That's my plan as well. I really want to have the rest of my arm as the last body part to have tattooed. My thigh sucked too! I thought it was going to be easy. Going for a bit if touch up work then I'll post it up.

  4. I'll chime in and say that my side piece was most uncomfortable on the ribs near the nipple area. Worse than the stomach and love handles by far!

    Contrary to popular opinion both of my elbows were fairly reasonable. But my friend hated her experience.

    Finally I got a large hand size piece on my thigh. Thought that it would be mellow, but it really sucked, a lot! I'm a tall guy who is mostly leg, and I'm more than a little apprehensive about all the fun leg work to come.

  5. I've been collecting from artists that I admire. My first few tattoos were less informed choices, but I'm up to 18 artists and I'm pleased with what I've got.

    So far my plan has been to get one or two pieces from a given tattooer. I'm a little torn when I see the cohesive look of a limb covered by one artist, but I think variety will win out for me.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. @mtlsam I don't know how I missed this! I just saw Chad's Instagram pic - holy shit! That is amazing. Absolutely amazing. And, looking forward to seeing you again next September in Montreal.

    Hey, thanks a lot. I'm really pleased as well. Definitely looking forward to another LST meetup in September. I'll try to get there a bit earlier so I catch everyone.

    Ps. Chad says he plans to be at the Mtl convention again this year...

  7. Did you have your appointment with Chad yesterday? Or is it today?

    I was in yesterday in the morning. Chad took about 3 hours to finish all the shading and colour. It was fine for the first hour and then got a little intense. It's all good today though!

    Some seriously bold and bright colours!!!

    I'll post the pics when he does or for the march tattoo of the month thread.

    I'm feeling a little crazy about this, but I'm booked for tomorrow afternoon to get a Polito style parrot on my thigh. Got to take advantage while one if my favourite tattooers is in town!

  8. Hi all,

    I'm asking a question on behalf of my girlfriend. She has several tattoos from the same artist, done in a heavy black style. No shading, just skin and black, you know what I'm talking about.

    The last of these was completed in late October, and they all healed nicely. My question lies in the fact that when she scratches them, they, unlike her other tattoos, hurt. She describes the pain as starting a few seconds after the contact and being rather sharp. Has anybody else experienced this? Is it an ink reaction, slower internal healing due to the heavy black?

    Your thoughts are appreciated.


  9. Can we expect to see finished pictures of your giant rose/gorilla piece from Chad Koeplinger next month?

    For sure! I'm secretly hoping (well not so secretly anymore) that this could be my chance in the tattoo of the month contest. I'm getting psyched to get it done, though it will be odd to see it in colour after living with the outline for these past months.

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