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Everything posted by irezumi

  1. agreed. maybe its best on both him AND the artist that he lives with what he has already, finished or not. 3 visits and the outline isnt finished for something as small as a forearm tattoo?? speaking from an artists point of view, i would be done with that client by now. tell him take what he has to the grave as is.
  2. hahahaha I had to read the choice parts out loud to my gf. that was hilarious.
  3. I prefer to just eat my fruits and veggies. More fun. Also, worth reading; Juicing: What are the health benefits? - MayoClinic.com
  4. A wise sage once told me "Make your drawings look like tattoos, don't try to make your tattoos look like drawings"
  5. lot of variables there. but on the whole it will age better, yes.
  6. right on. i just started running earlier this year. not up to any marathons, but it is pretty cool to run longer distances without getting tired. every time i push myself to an extra half-mile further than i've done before is pretty rewarding. years of burning my fingers and breathing in burning flux has made me try to avoid soldering ever again at all costs. hallelujah for quality pre-made needles.
  7. twice. place is rad. aka fly-out city. so many good things in this thread. kudos to everybody.
  8. Ferguson does some rad shit. Watched him do a geometric pattern thingy on the back on my friends knee at Montreal convention a few years ago.
  9. besides getting tattooed, which is also awesome but that's for a different thread. Just got back from a guest-spot at Godspeed Tattoo in Breckenridge Colorado, where everybody are the friendliest tatbros. Did a early morning/sunrise canoe trip on a mountainside lake, skated at several different skateparks, several mountain trail bike rides, camped out for a few days way high in the mountains with good friends P Wee, Miho, and Joel Long, did some 4 wheeling in a jeep in same area, and had a campfire drawing session with P Wee & Joel. Can't wait to go back.
  10. Countless times when people say "i dont want the stuff on the wall, it looks too cartoon-y" i'd simply go trace a piece of JD Crowe or National Brand flash and show them the outline and they say "oh I love it!" go figure.
  11. spaulding's 'tattooing A to Z' book has been available to anyone with an address for countless years. but at least its not 5600 dollars haha. if there's idiots out there that will spend that much money, well i guess it's the old man who has the last laugh.
  12. TAM issue with Gogue interview has an intersting little blurb about this... 5 year tats bro. he says himself that he knows some of his work wont last too long. he says he has a guilty conscience because he knows that some of it just falls apart in a few years. he knows that people are just wowed by the little tricks that make it look neat. for a few years. i could get a new sleeve every 5 or 10 yers!!
  13. I know plenty of overweight people with awesome tattoos. Fuck what people think. You only get one life. Live it.
  14. I was fairly disappointed in DKR. Personally I thought the villains were meh at best, and the scheme was unclear for a good part of the movie. Still worth watching in a theater, but the weakest of the 3 movies IMO.
  15. Up the ante and get things shot with lawn darts.
  16. Its no big deal, really. A hard tap and thats it. Just looks like a pin sticking out of your arm/hand/whatever. Only time I've ever had a half-second yikes sensation was getting a huge one in the crown of my head. Whoa.
  17. Its just another spot for a tattoo. no big deal.
  18. I went to the Telfair museum last week to see this show of his; so awesome to see in person. Recommended to anyone within driving distance. Calendar | Telfair Museums
  19. do squid socks count as clothing?
  20. by the time someone notices the heavily tattooed freak is about the same time i already ran past them.
  21. sun is gonna fade your tattoos one way or the other, so just deal with it or bring an umbrella/sun tent or something like that. and yes, always apply sunblock, and often. you should be doing that anyway tattoos or not. as far as tattoos go, unless you go to the beach for several hours several times a week, its not gonna be a huge impact. my drivers arm is far darker than my other arm, and thats just from daily exposure in the car. colors 20 years old are still fairly bright for how old they are. i do go to the beach several times a week(to run, not to tan lol), but always in the early AM when the sun isnt at its peak, never for more than an hour. and i always apply sunblock. i know the sun is gonna do what it does, but hey thats life. i'm completely covered in tattoos, so what if a few are a little lighter than others. for some people that have a handful of tattoos it might seem like a bigger deal. by the way, any spf above 30 is basically no more effective than 30 is.
  22. Stares from kids are the best. Always in total awe of seeing such heavily tattooed skin.
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