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Posts posted by irezumi

  1. I do like the black and red color combo and have a tattoo like that.. check out my pics I have a cobra black n red.

    To the OP, this idea can definitely look amazing if handled properly. This only works if red is evenly composed throughout the design. Having red in just the bug but not the roses will look odd, and if B&G is combined with color it will look like 2 different tattoos that got smashed together or 2 tattoos layered in an unaesthetic fashion.

  2. I know Scott, but not directly through Dan. We worked at the Montreal show a few booths apart a couple of years ago, and only after that found out they're friends. It's a big small world. I've never met Robbie as far as I can recall. That was 14 years ago hah. I relocated to Minneapolis only a year after moving there for more work than Des Moines could provide.

    I have a great memory of the summer of 2000 when Dan set up a tat van/RV for a week across from the entrance to the state fair during the week the fair ran with Freddy Corbin, PeeWee, Adam Ciferri and Dan doing tattoos while I helped them with the 'front' and tubes. Such a good time.

  3. Dan Koenig is a really good friend of mine, super nice guy. I was at his shop a lot in 2000/2001 when I lived there for a very brief period of time.

  4. The woodblock is by Chris Brand, and during his lecture he talked at length of his ongoing project of interpreting the 108 heroes in a context of combining the Japanese and Chicano approaches to similar concepts in story/folklore. His lecture also comprised of an interesting slide show that went into how the early drawing and paintings of the stories of the Water Margin/108 Heroes were later re-imaginged by Yoshitoshi and Kuniyoshi , how they included detailed figures with tattoos and how some of those were interpreted into bodysuits. So he would have a slide of 3 or 4 pictures side to side of the original print, and then in chronological order backpieces by various tattooers of the same image. I was already quite familiar with the Kuniyoshi & Yoshitoshi prints, but the following sequences of the tattoos was really interesting and informative.

    He then showed 7 or so backpieces of the aforementioned project of the Japanese/Chicano crossover. He explained his approach by showing side by side slides the similar icons and figures in folklore and meaning, using one example of his comparison of Kannon and Mary of Quadalupe. Really fascinating lecture, make sure to watch it when JANM puts them up for people to watch.

  5. Flew in for the Perseverance show and had a blast even if it was a very compressed trip. I've been to a lot of cities across the US but it was my first visit to LA. I saw some old friends, went to the opening night gig (which is when the video I posted was from) and afterwards me and one of the guys I work with went down to Shamrock to see some of his old friends. He worked there for a while at one point so to him it was like visiting family, and I was introduced to Freddy Negrete and Danny Romo as well as some of the other guys there. Hung out for a while until closing and then Danny gave us a ride back to our hotel. Really super nice crew and solid tattooers. Also had a French dip at Cole's; apparently the OG inventor of such said sandwich.

  6. Welcome to the forum, and congratulations on having your own studio. Out of curiosity, who do you have as a mentor? I'm hoping you have a more experienced tattooer with you there? If not you should seriously consider hiring one. Flying blind is a terrible way to start and bad habits, purely out of lack of training, are hard to break.

    Expect to get some heat here for opening your own place after tattooing 5 months and I would agree that it's not a great idea without more experience. To keep on a positive note I must say your English seems to be doing fine.

  7. I thought Junii had (to me)the most inspiring lecture. She may have struggled through some English but every story or idea she was talking about rang true regardless of gender. She well deserved the ovation if anyone were to get one. Chasing dreams is part of what makes us interesting people and keeps out spirits alive. I can relate to the same experience of chasing a dream to be doing what I love to do and how the realization of the dream has made me a happier person in general.

    Chris's was really interesting and well put together. Both of those were my favorites. I have always been a huge fan of Chaz esp what he's been doing the last few years style-wise but it (again in my opinion) wasn't a lecture that truly fit in with the rest of what the exhibit was about.

    ^@moisttowelette that's a super awesome page you got there. I would've liked to get the catalogs I picked up signed (sorry Ross) but I had been sitting in one seat for 4 straight hours with only a roti and coffee for substance for the whole day. I was ready to eat my hand by the time 5 o'clock rolled around. Skipping the signing turned out to be a blessing; while everyone else was inside lining up for the signing I had the chance to have a lengthy conversation with one of the people that inspired me to chase MY dreams. This guy did more for American tattooing than anyone else arguably more so than Jerry even if he wouldn't accept that honor. He continues to inspire me every single day.

    Thanks Ed, for everything you've done for us.


    What I didn't know before is that he gets a fair amount of his prints done in a town reallllly close to my house, right down from a mountain where I take daily morning hikes. He said he'd be glad to stop down to our shop next time he's in town.

    edit: after reading it just now I had to include a quote from a link I found in a different thread "Without Hardy, I wouldn’t be who I am today,” Horiyoshi III told The Japan Times in a recent interview."

  8. Hope you didn't get what I said wrong! Jason is able to put a good tattoo on anybody which is why I recommended his shop earlier in the thread. As is Dennis. They have different styles for the most part, but both of them are past competent. If I were the client I would make my decision based on the style of tattoo I'd want. More than one great tattooer in Chucktown!

    @Riyko Columbia is closer to Charlotte but it isn't so far from Charleston that it's not worth serious consideration. On a personal level I only know of one or two shops in Charlotte I can recommend based on healed tattoos I've seen in person. Immortal Images would be worth considering if you go up that way.

  9. I can agree that Jason has talent and a nice shop but I can also vouch 100% for Dennis Hickman as one of the best people to go to in Charleston. Super solid tattooer and all around nice guy. He was taught by some of my best friends in Savannah. I would get something from him without thinking twice about it.

    Dennishickmantattooer on IG

  10. It's not like rotaries are heavy to begin with and already have next to no vibration. I don't see what's so different on this? What's the issue this artist is having with power? Rotaries can run on next to nothing.

    I might also add that the purpose of this forum is to talk about good tattooing by both tattooers and 'collectors' alike. A despised term but effective. It's kind of in poor taste to join simply to push your next product, it's not a good look. The best way to start your account is to post in the introduction thread first and include images, tattoos, tattooers that inspire you, tattoos you have of your own, or tattoos that you've done.

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