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Everything posted by Hogrider

  1. Just my opinion but I think you have as good a chance of making it worse as you do of improving it. It's a nice, solid tattoo. I'd finish it and live with it a while before thing about what to do next.
  2. Interesting, but after a while they start to look alike. Waaaay to detailed for a tattoo.
  3. When you have more tattoos than your artist (I'm not there yet).
  4. I think you are as likely to make it worse than better. That's a nice tattoo. As @Synesthesia pointed out, that's in a tough spot, really delicate skin. NO tattoo is perfect, if you look hard enough and long enough, you'll always find something wrong. You have a really good, strong tattoo. Enjoy it!
  5. +1 You don't know what it looks like until it heals.
  6. I don't know about the symmetrical issue, but it's waaaaay to much detail for an arm tattoo. That would have to be huge, like a full back.
  7. Sounds like good advice. You've already done one thing you regret. This is a recipe for disaster. I've seen a lot of God-awful tattoos on people who couldn't wait to cover them. If you rush into this, you are more likely to make it worse than better. Take a deep breath, calm down and just accept that it's going to take time to fix. If you are old enough to get a tattoo, then you are old enough to get your own money. Get a job , earn money , fix it .
  8. I recommend you do some research on laser so you have realistic expectations. I watched the TV show Prison Break. The star got his entire torso, back and sleeves lasered off in one session. Completely gone, no trace. If that's what you are expecting (or anything remotely similar), you'll be extremely disappointed.
  9. +1 When I hear, "I just want it gone" it makes me think they are in a hurry. Desperation for a quick coverup is a recipe for disaster. Every coverup is harder than the last, so take your time and get it right.
  10. I remember that article. She probably wrote another article later talking about how everyone regrets tattoos and crying about her laser removal. To the OP - same as my thoughts for a woman - if you have to ask, you're not ready.
  11. A panther in a dark cave eating a chocolate bar.
  12. That's going to be tough to cover up - Big Fat Dark letters. I don't think that rose you showed will cover it up as is. You should see someone who specializes in cover ups. You will probably need to do some laser on that first.
  13. It think it's hard to quantify, but I would say it will help. Think of it like this - the ink goes into your skin. When the sun hits your skin, it causes the ink to fade, just like the sun fades everything it touches. My house was built in 2007. The floors exposed to the sun are much lighter than the floors that never get sunlight. So the more sun your tattoos get, the more they will fade. Given what we know about the sun today, I would not be out tanning for any reason, but if you do tan, I would rethink getting tattoos in visible areas.
  14. @Gingerninja nailed it. Get the tattoo you want and take care of it. The other part of the equation is to get your tattoo from someone that knows what they are doing. A quality tattoo, well taken care of will last a long, long time.
  15. Rather than add to the lion, what about another chest panel to balance things out?
  16. My advice would be don't be in a hurry and don't cheap out. You've done that once with predictable results. I wouldn't go to anyone who didn't have extensive coverup experience. What you have isn't going to be cheap, quick or easy to fix.
  17. Hogrider

    Please help !

    I would go see multiple people that do coverups. That's not going to be quick, easy or cheap and will likely involve some lasering. Don't be in a hurry, that would be easy to make worse. What don't you like about it?
  18. Not my cup of tea, but as long as I don't have to participate, who cares? When I see this kind of extreme work, it makes me wonder if they will regret it years from now. Must be the old man in me. I have a ton of work, but a long-sleeve shirt and pants covers it all. You make your choices then you live with the consequences.
  19. Wait until you have no more space left. :-)
  20. You might have better luck if you share where you are from. You could probably get recommendations for Artists in your area that specialize in coverups.
  21. Overthinking. 300,000 people travel between US and Canada each day. They aren't going to notice someone going every three months. You are a tourist. You love the city. The end.
  22. Take a deep breath, do your research and take your time fixing this. When it's fully healed, go see someone who specializes in coverups. Get multiple referrals. It's not going to be quick, easy or cheap.
  23. Just my opinion, but it's pretty busy now. If you add much more it's going to be really hard to read. Just my opinion, but I don't like tattoos that you have to look at for 10 minutes to figure out what the hell they are.
  24. I would look for tattoo conventions in your area. I'm sure you'd find lots of people who would like to have their tattoos photographed. You might also consider just asking people you see with interesting tattoos. Make sure you have a consent form with you in case you want to take a pic on the spot.
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