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Posts posted by oboogie

  1. On 9/17/2017 at 8:20 AM, kitpop said:

    I looked on her instagram to see her previous work done and she seemed to be one of the better options for what I wanted but I did feel a sense of just wanting to get it done. She did recently email me saying she's more then happy to give me a free touch up when it's healed which is abit reassuring.

    Any reputable artist will do this. If you aren't sure about her, I wouldn't go back.

  2. That's way too much. I don't like that at all. It's up to you, of course, but I'd give your ideas to your tattoo artist, and let him/her take care of it. I don't think many artists are going to replicate that.

  3. 4 hours ago, Hogrider said:

    I never said it makes anyone evil to buy instead of adopt. Most of the people I know who have bought just don't know about the problem. As far as knowing what you get from a breeder, where do you think the 'problem' pure bred dogs sitting in shelters come from?

    I encourage everyone to do their own research. We've been sold a bill of goods by the AKC about the 'superiority' of pure bred dogs. Research shows that purebreds have more behavioral and health issues than mutts.


    Before I knew better, I bought my German Shepherd Dog, who was supposed to be pure bred and superior. Six months on, we learn she has double hip dyplasia. So yeah. They aren't "better" and you "don't know what you're getting." My mutts? They are just fine. So that whole theory? A load of codswallop.

    She died just before her 13th birthday a few years back, but she was totally disabled her whole life.

  4. I have a small line drawing in John Lennon's hand on the back of my neck. Most people don't see it unless I put my hair up.

    That said, my lower legs are covered, and so are the top of both of my arms. So. People know I have shit tons of tattoos. But I work for an international advertising conglomerate. No one cares about my tattoos.

    Get it if you want it. Don't if you aren't sure.

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