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Posts posted by oboogie

  1. 22 hours ago, Alicia said:

    So I told my parents yesterday about my tattoo plans... bearing in mind I'm 42 years old.

    My mum: "oh dear, but you won't be able to wear vest tops and stuff in the summer then?"

    Me: "errrr, no? What?"

    She genuinely thought I was going to go through all that and NOT show it off? Mad woman!

    Haha, @Alicia. I'm 45, and my parents HATE my tattoos. I dread telling them every time I get a new one. I feel you. :-)

  2. I've had a couple of tattoos heal badly, including a black and gray one. I don't think it is infected yet. If it oozes pus or a red circle starts emanating from it and keeps getting bigger, I'd see a doctor. As it is, I'd just keep your hands off it and don't pick.

    You will probably have to get it touched up, however, once it is fully healed. That's what I had to do with the black and gray bird on my leg after it did exactly what yours did.

    I've only had one tattoo actually get infected, and that's because my skin just rejected the main color in it completely. I got an antibiotic shot in the ass, and I eventually healed. It had to be totally recolored, however, because the color actually FELL OUT. Completely. My artist was baffled, but he used a slightly different color, and it was fine.

  3. 16 hours ago, marfil98 said:

    Ehh I'm not so sure. I was the same way (if not worse) with my first couple of tattoos, but after a while I realized that they're not MEANT to be perfect. Once I realized that and got a few more it completely stopped bothering me. Now I have 13 lol.

    I have a lot more than 13, and I have never once sat around and obsessed about them. Ever. Not my first and not my last ten. I just didn't. I don't think it's the norm. Perhaps the original poster has OCD or something. Seriously. He needs to put it in a balloon and let.it.go.

  4. 23 hours ago, iowagirl said:

    @oboogie that's gorgeous! I did two hours on each of my feet in one visit and F*** me running that was awful. I wasn't aware it was possible for feet to swell like that. It was like a Friday, and then I went back to work Monday. Chasing after preschoolers..hobbling. Not one of my smarter moments. (and lucky me-it was a cover up and it's poking thru---so now guess who gets to do a removal session and get it redone?)

    Are you doing something similar on your other foot?

    Thanks, @iowagirl! I'm really very pleased with how it turned out. I reckon I will do something similar on the other foot. Josh Henderson is pretty much in charge once I tell him my idea. He'll come up with something great to complement the other foot, I bet.
    You are a crazy nut to do both feet in one go! My foot is just now starting to look like a foot again. It looked basically like a slab of ham for the first few days. Brutal. Still so happy I did it, though.
  5. 9 hours ago, Michaelshane said:

    Same here.shading was not so bad.It takes a long time to heal.I think it's because it's so far from the heart.I got one foot done then waited seven months to do the other.Im glad I only have two feet.

    I think I'll be waiting until next spring to do the other foot. This is going to take a while to heal—I can already tell that. It still looks like a slab of ham. Very swollen. OUCH.

  6. 1 hour ago, Dan said:

    the tattoo looks great though hun,

    now you do realize that your feet are uneven now and you will have to get the other one done too ! LOL

    Thank you, Dan! I've thought about that ... I'm going to have to be uneven for a while now. I have to forget how much it hurt before I do that again. Hahaha!

  7. 23 hours ago, SStu said:

    hello, @flowerchild, what shop are you working in?

    Based on this post by @flowerchild in another (three-year-old) thread, he doesn't have a shop. He's "self-taught." If you can call it that.

    The post I am referring to:

    "so how is one supposed to get better if they never ask questions or seek the advice of those who might actually be a little more advanced than himself? When I was learning how to tattoo, plenty of people were rude every time I sought help. There are kind tattoo artists out there. If you truly want to keep the craft alive, the community should be a little more welcoming."

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