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Posts posted by piccalilli

  1. 6 hours ago, onlyme said:

    I've heard this said...

    Several hundred hours in to my thighs arse back chest and upper arms...
    I'd have no compunction to get everything finished with zero pain if there was a way to do it. I don't care about that being part  of the experience, I am done with the stabbing and burning.


    4 hours ago, FXRrich said:

    Hey guys, just read through all 44 pages of this thread and felt I could contribute a few things as I have a back piece in progress with Myke Chambers. It’s very reassuring to hear that a large portion of you felt this is very tough project to tackle. I have my full front done and with the exception of the belly button, the back is just brutal in comparison. I’ve found the sweet spot for me is 3-3.5 hour sessions. That seems to be where my endorphins are drained and it becomes a huge mental battle. 
    I believe a few of you mentioned involuntary movements when tattooing the butt and i experienced crazy spasms in my left cheek. Myke actually had to have another tattooer hold my ass still. I’m only 3 sessions in and we started this a LONG time ago. Late 2013. Then lots of life’s curveballs were thrown at me and I just wasn’t able to get tattooed. There’s a bit of story with that which I think speaks to my experience and the character of Myke and what a genuinely caring, humble, and down to earth guy he is. I don’t want to go into it with a huge post if it’s of no interest but I’ll gladly share my experience if anyone would like to hear it. 
    Anyway, I’m back where I want to be, achieved the goals I set out to reach and am in a place where I can get back into this.



    Good work! It is tough, yeah, - I still get the involuntary arse cheek spasms even with the whole area almost covered.
    Always good to hear as well a very positive experience with an artist, as well!

  2. On 11/22/2019 at 12:14 AM, JasonTO said:

    Taking blood is exactly that: it's literally sucking the life force out of you. I can't look because the sight of my blood being siphoned into that beaker makes me noxious. No such issue watching a tattoo needle do its work. 

    I cannot do either. I routinely get lightheaded (or actually feint) when I have blood drawn, though.

  3. 22 hours ago, piccalilli said:

    I know I have not posted in a while, apologies everyone. Well, we are moving along. It usually feels from uncomfortable to terrible to absolutely IAMGOINGTODIEHERE.

    I know it will be worth it. It could always have been worse, I know; at least the shading is tebori. Anyway, after finishing all of the background, we are now methodically creeping up towards the lower back from the back of the right thigh with the colour on the tennyo's kimono and it is ... unpleasant.

    Oh and (probably thankfully) I am absolutely not continuing to add to this to the munewari soshinbori coverage level I joked about earlier. There is no way in hell that I could deal with the pain around all the tender bits in front judging by what I have felt on my back.

    I need to post some progress photos...




    Here's a rubbish photo I took session before last one when had begun adding the patterns on her kimono...

    Have been adding the red on her kimono on the back of my right thigh since.


    This Instagram post of Horifuji's I linked below shows the whole thing (but older photo than the one I posted above)


  4. I know I have not posted in a while, apologies everyone. Well, we are moving along. It usually feels from uncomfortable to terrible to absolutely IAMGOINGTODIEHERE.

    I know it will be worth it. It could always have been worse, I know; at least the shading is tebori. Anyway, after finishing all of the background, we are now methodically creeping up towards the lower back from the back of the right thigh with the colour on the tennyo's kimono and it is ... unpleasant.

    Oh and (probably thankfully) I am absolutely not continuing to add to this to the munewari soshinbori coverage level I joked about earlier. There is no way in hell that I could deal with the pain around all the tender bits in front judging by what I have felt on my back.

    I need to post some progress photos...




  5. It really feels like I should know this as most of my sessions so far (I would guess at least a dozen) are two back to back days but I never came up with a good solution. Sometimes I would just be wrapped up with clingwrap, sometimes with gauze dressings and tape.

    My biggest concerns were always:

    a) absorbing the shit that oozes out without dripping everywhere and staining your clothes.

    b) keeping it clear from contamination.

    Once or twice I did wash it in the evening as it was getting messy and it burned, then applied fresh gauze pads. Carrying with you some unscented Dove soap and extra bandages may not be a bad idea.

  6. On 1/8/2019 at 5:44 PM, Oiocha said:

    Going to see Tomo next weekend and I'm ready to go.  I also haven't forgotten about posting my Daruma: its perpetually got something that wont let me take a clean picture.

    Ah, we'll miss crossing paths at SoG by mere days!

    14 minutes ago, Oiocha said:

    The ride is wild as hell the whole way but I know I will only ever get to have one back piece, I'm so happy that I could wait and make it count.  There isn't a single other person in my mind I could think of that I would want to do my back, at all, other than Tomo.  I have the rest of the skin real estate for anyone else but the back is special.  I'm saving my pennies and dimes for April/May;  I'm hoping the heavy hitters show up to Jacksonville for the Imperial Tattoo Convention again and maybe if I'm lucky I can go to the Bay Area Con just once at least.

    😸 👍

  7. Allright, you weren't joking. Had my first two days this wekend;  the back is horrific to work on. And outlining on the back of the thighs... the pain was near indescribable. Made the arse, spine and back part of the ribs pale by comparison.

    All of you are utter beasts for doing this purely by machine. I cannot even fathom.



    Have a few months before my next session, hopefully I'll completely forget about what this weekend was like by then.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Oiocha said:

    Tebori supposedly hurts less, also if you jump on the plane the morning/day after its still a dull throb and didn't really bother me and I flew from Cali to FL, you will do great.  

    My modus operandi is "questionable planning". Like almost all of my prior appointments it will be two days ~4 hours each then drive straight from SoG to the airport. Freshly wrapped but hopefully not leaking ink around the TSA scanners!

  9. The inevitable continuation of my self-flagellation tattoo coverage towards an accidental bodysuit is continuing. I have the appointment set for less than two months from now for Horifuji at State of Grace to put a tennyo on my back/arse/rear of my upper thighs. Bringing it up again as I am seeing more posts from people with their back work and it is suddenly becoming real to me that it is happening awfully soon. I am only somewhat terrified, at this point. Sitting in a plane with a freshly tattooed arse is not something I ever imagined I would have to be concerned with, frankly. Tebori needles near my tailbone. What could possibly go wrong


  10. Oh wow, @Oiochathat is you? I saw that on the shop's/Horitomo's IG . Very nice! His monmon neko are always so dynamic and graceful. And you have a fox there, on it as well! Is he doing the background by machine or tebori? I cannot remember.


    P.s. Reread what you posted. I am definitely concerned now; I am starting on my back in a few months and my first session is set at about 4 1/2 hours... Managed to survive sessions that length for my arms/shoulders/chest but this may be a whole new level of terror.

  11. On 8/10/2018 at 9:49 AM, scottyg said:

    I'm already planning my right calf and 3/4 sleeves with chest panels.... not good.

    Nice, we're going in opposite directions! I am starting on my back in a few months. Not sure which one of the two of us will be having it worse. The feeling of the tebori needles in the front of my worn out and permanently-painful right shoulder where I have all the knots produced the most pain I could recall ever having 😵 Hope my back won't disprove my last statement.

  12. So, I recall being asked if I was going to do the other side after I posted my left side's tattoo here some months ago... yes, yes yes, fine, you win; you were right. I couldn't leave it unbalanced.

    Discussed it with Horifuji after my last appointment for the left side and I asked him what he would suggest. He suggested Sojobo on the right shoulder to keep the theme consistent. The karasu tengu on the left shoulder would need to be supervised, anyway.

    Horifuji at State of Grace in San Jose USA. Outline and details machine, almost all colour tebori. 

    Great shop, great people, great experience, great artist. Links to his Instagram posts as the photos are much clearer than what I can do.

    And both sides from the front...



  13. I have found my body is not a fan of a certain bright yellow (by Solid Ink). Almost everything else on my half sleeve and hikae (afaik all with Solid Ink pigment) are quite healed and flush but the small areas done with this specific ink by machine are still a bit raised and bumpy. They also had more scabs and peeling. We will be using a different slightly richer shade of yellow for accents on my right side after discussing it as my body had no trouble with it. Must be a slight allergy. No trouble with red, the left shoulder healed perfectly well and I also had a significant amount of the same red on my right shoulder done a week ago, no trouble at all.

  14. * This one is pretty decent as an overview (and it is readily available i.e. affordable!)

    Japanese Tattoos: History * Culture * Design


    * This one is a bit older but good (written by Taki aka Horitaka aka Ryudaibori, owner of State of Grace in San Jose)

    Bushido Legacies of the Japanese Tattoo


    * Another one by Taki that is good (sounds close to what you're after)

    Tattoos of the Floating World: Ukiyo-e Motifs in the Japanese Tattoo


    * This one (by Horitomo of the Monmon Cats) is good if you're particularly interested in Fudo Myo-o (has some more general reference material on irezumi/monmon/wabori/etc). A lot of it is sketches that he had made from original art as well as historical detail on the iconography. Geared towards artists but I still found it interesting/educational.

    Immovable: Fudo Myo-O Tattoo Design by Horitomo


    In the end though, if you have a good artist who is knowledgeable, they can guide you in the right direction. I know that I could trust the person I worked with to get everything "right" and he also was able to explain to me what decisions he made that were "breaking" the rules (and why).

    P.s. two more online resources that I personally like:

    Irebokuro (hasn't been updated in donkey's years but what is there I found very educational)

    BUDDHISM & SHINTŌISM IN JAPAN A-TO-Z PHOTO DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE RELIGIOUS SCULPTURE & ART (self-explanatory - a beast of a reference resource)

    P.p.s. I am not an expert, I am just very interested in the subject...

  15. @scottyg hit the proverbial nail - "wonderfully bizarre" is a great description. Quite a piece (in a good way).  I cannot even fathom 130 hours ... although my only tattoo had taken about 35 - come to think of it, maybe it isn't that much so hang in there! You have a tremendous amount of work put in it and the results are spectacular. I would think that 130 hours in you are quite a bit closer to the finish line.

    If nothing else, you can look forward to showing it off to us here when done :6_smile:

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