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Posts posted by rob323

  1. By no means should you take my opinion as medical advice. However, I am surprised to hear that the doctor concluded the tattoo ink caused the swelling. There are reports of tattoo ink staining lymp nodes (found post-autopsy I believe) but I dont' think any of these cases involved lymp node swelling as a direct result of being tattooed. Also, placement would be irrelevant. The ink gets to the tattoo via your body's systems and not just because it's placed on your arm.

    If you're confident the doctor's assessment is accurate then you might want to avoid another tattoo or do something small and see how your body reacts this time.

    Here's a couple of articles on the subject:



  2. Agree with @Oiocha.  Let it heal and then see where you're at with it. I don't think moving your wrist is going to make it any worse.

    I recently started working on my first larger scale tattoo and I've definitely been down the over-analyze, stare at it all night path with it. It can drive you crazy especially if you're prone to being a perfectionist. Accepting imperfections is part of the process as I'm slowly learning.

    As a wise man once said in another thread, "my tattoos are as perfect as I am".  Credit for that goes to @JAC1961

  3. Hello,

    I'm still new and unable to post yet in other forums so putting this question here. The areas in the attached photo were colored about 8 weeks ago. They do not itch or burn. They just continue to flake and peel. Is this a reaction to the red ink or something else? Any suggestions on getting it to resolve? I have red ink in other areas of in the same tattoo and on the back of the same leg but none of them have reacted this. This area is the bony part of my shin.

    With enough lotion the spots can't be seen but as soon as the skin dries out good, they return.  The tattoo is a lighthouse on the front of my leg. It's just upside down in the picture.


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  4. If there's no fever and just congestion, I'd say you'd like do fine but you know you're body best in terms of recovery.  Time under the needle would play a role in the decision for me.  If you're expecting to do a shorter session then it's probably a non issue. If you're planning a 6-7 hour session those can be rough and take a toll on the body.

    You should also think about your artist....if you're that sick and contagious he/she I'm sure would prefer that your reschedule.

    Best of luck!


  5. 4 hours ago, Hogrider said:

    I didn't mean to imply that you shouldn't finish what you've got. I wouldn't add water over the lighthouse just for the sake of symmetry. It will limit your choices if you decide to finish the rest of your leg.

    If your goal is to keep getting tattooed, I'd suggest enjoying each piece as you get it. You'll always be a little 'out of balance' but who cares?

    You're getting good, solid work and that's the main thing.

    Thanks again! Really appreciate the advice!

  6. @Meeshka Thanks! I'm hoping I'm never too old! I think I will just finish the water in the next section. The water goes up to the back of my knee so hopefully my brain will adjust to how much higher it is than the lighthouse in the front. I think I'll just try not to look at my self sideways in the mirror for a while!

  7. @Hogrider Thanks for taking time to respond! I definitely need to get the water shaded and finish the coverup around the bottom of the ankle. I am definitely concerned with overdoing it and then not being able to un-do it. I'm a newbie to larger tattoo designs, so one last question if you don't mind..would just finish the water shading and hold off for a bit? I have this weird symmetry thin in my head where it feels like I need to add something over the lighthouse because of how high the water goes on the back side of the leg. Make sense? I'm also an over-thinker...can ya' tell?

  8. Hello,

    I'm new to the site so it's my first time posting. I've started a lower leg sleeve that's also a cover up of some old tattoos around my ankle that extended up 4-5 inches on each side. I'm doing a nautical theme for my love of the ocean and diving. The front of the leg is the lighthouse. The back of the leg is the dive helmet. On the back, I wanted waves coming off the images and around them so the water outline is partially completed.

    I'd love to hear what others think about the design and where it's headed. I'm struggling to see the finished product in my head for some reason. I'd like to add some smaller tattoos above and to the sides of the lighthouse then bring the water around to the front of the leg to fill in remaining empty space. Is that too much for the design?

    I see a lot of beautiful tattoos on this site and I'm not sure mine is stacking up in terms of design/quality so I'd love to hear what others think (hopefully I don't regret asking for that lol) before I finish the full tattoo.

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