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Avery Taylor

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Everything posted by Avery Taylor

  1. For me it is mostly just sad. She has earned every bit of shit she gets from the tattoo community. Her persona is embarrassing, and easy to hate. I think that she is just a really insecure person who got caught up in something that she had no idea how to handle. I was getting tattooed at True quiet a bit when she worked there and she was a nice person. She did not act like the idiot she became on tv. I can't say that I have a ton of insight into it, but I was getting tattooed by Chris when he found out he was going to be on a TV show. I remember the day he told me, and it sounded like a good idea at the time. We talked about the funny shit that happens, and how it would make a good show. No one knew what kind of a shit storm it was all going to turn into. It sounds naive now, but those guys really thought it would be a show about working in a tattoo shop. Now the sob story format has been burned into our brains, but I don't think anyone (besides the producers) had any idea that was the direction it would take. I think that Chris and Tim have survived the backlash of it all because their roles on the show were based on talent and not a persona. Nobody seems to hate Corey Miller either. The producers of those shows were smart enough to know that they needed something to anchor the shows, and give them some credibility. Everyone else got thrown under the bus. But you can't get hit by a bus if you're not standing in the street.
  2. I love OV. Keeping it the way that it is perfect. When is your birthday? So I can get a jump start on shopping.
  3. Kat worked at True Tattoo with Chris Garver, and Tim Hendricks. That is how she got on Miami Ink. She was married to Oliver at the time, but he didn't have anything to do with Miami Ink. - - - Updated - - - I hate publicists. I hate the word publicist. Everything about that profession is ingenuine and shitty.
  4. A couple of friends of mine just bought about 60 sheets of his old flash. I am going down to see them this weekend. He told me it is some of the coolest stuff he has seen.
  5. The portrait looks like Jennifer Aniston mixed with a little bit of Danzig.
  6. I saw on Grant Cobb's Instagram that you may come by Liberty on the 13th and get tattooed by him. My wife and I will be there that day getting tattooed by Matt. I wanted to get tattooed by Grant but we have had these appointments scheduled for too long to cancel. I met Grant a couple of months ago at Spotlight, and he definitely falls into the category of people I like and would like to get tattooed by.
  7. That looks rough, but only one left. I hope that it feels a little better than it looks.
  8. You are not mistaken. He does have the Battle Royal.
  9. He just posted three gals. Two of them are Mary Joy's hands is the third one your stomach?
  10. I have no idea how to use a spreadsheet, but I do know that I don't want to know how much I have spent on tattoos in the last ten years. I also do not want to know how much I have spent on beer in the last 10 years.
  11. I have always liked this tattoo. It is based on a Mike Malone design, and you can't go wrong with one of his designs. The guy with this backpiece also had his sleeves and hands done by Steve as well.
  12. I try to stay away from bashing the tattoo tv shows, but i think they play a big part in it. People decide that the tattoos need to mean something so they ask the artist to jam fifty different elements into a three inch tattoo. The artist says yeah i can do it if that is what you want, but doesn't jump up and down about how new and original the design is or most likely gives a suggestion to simplify the thing. Everyone of their friends and family has told them what a great idea it is, and now the person that they have came to get tattooed by is telling them that it isn't. They get all butt hurt about it, and go looking for some other people to reassure them that it is as great of an idea as they think it is.
  13. I read the script for it. It is really good.
  14. "Tattooing the Invisible Man" is my favourite. "In A World of Compromise" is another great one. "Tattooing from Japan to the West" is usually pretty cheap, and I look at it quite a lot.
  15. We all assume a photo is soon to follow.
  16. This sign strikes me as a bit ironic since everyone seems to be Instagraming every single moment of every tattoo these days.
  17. a I agree. Took a nice thoughtful post by Dan (which was not necessary considering the question asked) and shit on it. There are other good shops in Chicago. I completely agree, but no reason to be rude about Dan's post.
  18. He is a real good tattooer. He doesn't really post much of his work online, but he does post on Instagram. His user name is marcohernandeztattoos
  19. I am waiting for Marco to get back to Olympia so I can go down and get something from him.
  20. headband brothers Here is the Scott Harrison one. Click on Harrison, then moving pictures, then Blowguns, Beachwhistles, etc... I especially love the Mike Malone story.
  21. The bus stop story is on Scott Harrison's website. I have been meaning to post it for awhile. Mike Malone, and a bunch of others are in it telling stories.
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