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Avery Taylor

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Everything posted by Avery Taylor

  1. . Mixing styles is fine, but I would skip the 3/4 sleeve idea. If you want symmetry then it would be hard to match up with anything other than another Japanese style sleeve. Go ahead and get the Japanese full sleeve, and then do whatever you want on the other arm. I am speaking from experience.
  2. I think that the whole idea behind this forum is that is for everyone.
  3. Blackheart just posted a shop manager position on their blog. Maybe send a private message to Scott and see how it worked out.
  4. Sounds like it is time for someone to get a chromed out Virgin Mary.
  5. The shirts look great Shawn. Have a great time in Richmond. I know that you love good food so if you get a chance go to Mamma Zu's. I have not lived in Richmond since 1996, but I hear that it is still the best Italian food around. The wait is generally long, but if you are looking to get away from the convention for a bit then I think it would be worth a try. The same people own another restaurant Edo Squid that is also very impressive.
  6. Paco does some really nice work. I know a few people who have been tattooed by him, and they have all said that he is a nice guy. Perfection is an incredible shop, but don't miss out on Great Wave. The only regret I have from my time in Austin is not getting tattooed by Jason Brooks.
  7. I am with Deb. If someone asks me to recommend a tattoo artist I do. If they ask me about an already existing tattoo then I smile and nod my head in as positive a manner as I can muster. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. If they start paying me to be a life coach then I will start giving them the truth. Most people can't tell the difference anyway. In fact I am beginning to wonder if I can tell the difference. In the last year I have started to use (I fucking hate this term, but it is the proper one so I will use it) social media, and it is having a negative impact on the way I feel about certain tattooers and their tattoos. There are a couple of guys in particular that I used to love their tattooing, but now it does not move me at all. I am not sure if it is the tattoos or the way that these people come across on the internet, but either way I have stopped liking their work. It really makes me wonder if I really liked their work before or if I just recognized their name and was influenced by that recognition. Anyway I have gone way off of topic. Ignorance is bliss. This is especially true when you have a great big shitty tattoo covering your forearm.
  8. Congratulations on getting hitched to such a beautiful lady.
  9. That dude's work is pretty awesome. I had never heard of him, and his work is really cool. I spent a lot of time at Perfection when I lived in Austin, and I can't picture four people working there at the same time. There are too many great tattoo artists living in Austin. Maybe one day they will all realize that Austin is too fucking hot, and move up to Seattle.
  10. Congratulations. Great to hear that things are going well.
  11. That is a great photo. Your boss looks like a 1920's bank robber with a bunch of tattoos. I mean that as a compliment.
  12. Here is a nice Higgs tattoo I found recently. It was tattooed by him, not someone else tattooing his flash.
  13. I love those nickels.
  14. Matt Arriola's Photos | Facebook 7:30pm until 3:30am with about 30 minutes of breaks total. One more session and we should be finished.
  15. This is a nice way to fill in between chest panels. Stuart G Cripwell's Photos | Facebook
  16. Straight up photos. Friends of his were talking about how good he is getting based on photos of other people's work.
  17. I don't know if anyone here got a chance to see his "Future Ink" album because he has pulled it down in the last couple of minutes. Mixed in with his shitty tattoo work he had an eagle done by Brad Fink, Rose with a locket by Valerie Vargas, and a handful of other great artists work in there as his own.
  18. http://www.facebook.com/jeffrey.cupitt My wife was sent a link to this guy's Facebook page by an angry friend of ours. I am sure that you will recognize some of the photos in his portfolio. I try to stay away from being too negative on this forum, but this guy is a douche bag.
  19. This tattoo was done in September of 2009, and I bet by September of 2010 it was a black panther crawling out of a very dark red rose.
  20. It is funny that Smith Street has been mentioned in both responses to this thread. I think they set out to be the premier street shop in the world, and I would say they have accomplished it.
  21. The problem is not CEO salaries. The problem is how much influence these large corporations have over our government. The reason so much deregulation (in banking) has taken place since 1980 is rich assholes paying the elected officials to look after their interests and not those of the entire country. A few people making enormous amounts of money does not matter. It only matters when they are paying government officials to rewrite the Constitution so they can make those enormous amounts of money. The George Carlin quote that Dari added at the beginning of this thread is dead on. Also some of you may have noticed that my location is Canada, but I am an American. I am married to a Canadian, and when we started weighing the pros and cons of raising a family in the US or Canada it did not take long to make a decision. I consider myself very lucky to have been given a choice. I am not saying that the Canadian government is perfect, but Canada was the right choice for my family. And even though I live in Canada I follow US politics and events much more closely than Canadian ones. The final thing I will say is I don't think we should expect perfection from any government, but we should expect a hell of a lot more than what the US government is doing right now.
  22. The debt forgiveness is unrealistic, but it is a starting point for negotiation. You made bad decisions that led to your debt, and so did I. We accept that and we are both working to pay it back. However there are a lot of people out there who were targeted and tricked into mortgages that they had no business getting. I know our natural impulse is to say that they should have known better, but there is plenty of information out there showing how lenders used false information to trick these people. I do feel that something should be done to make this right. As for you @Jacyel Adkins, and I unfortunately we will have to do it the old-fashioned way.
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