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Everything posted by SStu

  1. Perhaps there is/was a favorite memory that resonates with you and your connection with a united and loyal family. In that memory there are images (locations, objects, actions, etc) that connect the feeling with your recollection . . .
  2. Most of us agree that tattoo images are mostly only what they mean to you - not what they're supposed to mean to the casual viewer. Whatever image resonates those properties/characteristics to you is all that matters.
  3. All ink spreads a bit over the years. Time will tell.
  4. No. Nothing wrong with that placement. On the other hand that particular font in that size might not age too well . . .
  5. do you want to stick with that style? Might be tough to do a cubism nature scene, but you could always add more animals.
  6. Schedule a consult with Herzdame. Keep in mind that getting in front of a high quality artist make take some effort and a great deal of patience. This is a good thing.
  7. Keep in mind that the full dissolving/absorption of the ink can take up to 6 months. On the other hand, that line-work is IN THERE.
  8. Yep. You don't even need to wash it twice/day after it's dry.
  9. I've never seen this before. Imho I'd let it dry heal. It's entirely possible it'll end up just fine, too.
  10. SStu

    Initiation Post

    Welcome. There are MANY previous threads on your question. Meantime, post a picture!
  11. A high quality artist could thicken the lines and smooth it out, but a half-assed artist will make it look worse. Proceed very carefully. Herzdame looks to be qualified. Never go back to that original tattooist.
  12. For most people the top and sides of the feet hurt more than most other places on the body. I can't even fathom getting the bottoms done. Any good tattooer will be as good on the top and sides of the feet as elsewhere. What style are you looking for?
  13. yeah, I'm no doctor but I think you're just going to have to wait it out.
  14. Looks like your reaction is to the adhesive - not the ink. The problem isn't about the tattoo. Lasering certainly wouldn't change anything.
  15. that's going to depend on the ability of the tattooist who might change the color - but imho it can only end up quite dark
  16. SStu

    Blown out ?

    It'll be at least 4-6 weeks before you know how it's really going to look. Next time, find a real tattooist/artist to administer your tattoo.
  17. the trick here is going to be finding the right artist so that the two of you can strategize about desires, options, realistic expectations and such. Where do you live?
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