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Posts posted by Steve

  1. As I was perusing the forum, I found myself in the Initiation section and made a comment on someone's thread about not posting a new thread just for the sake of showing off a new tattoo, mentioning that there would probably be hundreds of threads about new tattoos when we have one thread that has served the community perfectly well for that purpose. And then my brain got to thinking, "well, what would happen if there actually were hundreds of threads for basically the same function? probably would take up a ton of server space, and be really expensive to maintain."

    And then upon going back into the Initiation forum, I noticed the 51 pages of threads. Now feel free to disregard this suggestion, but I think it would probably help with the site's expenses if every thread in that section of the forum were deleted after 60 days. Or perhaps deleted after 60 days of inactivity. Obviously, not every person who signs up here ends up sticking around. Which is fine! To me, it seems a little unnecessary to archive threads that say basically the same thing, by people who have already left and by people who have become active members. Also, with fewer threads to sort through, the ones actively present in the sub-forum reclaim their relevance.

    Anyhow, just an idea. Thoughts?

    Hey - thanks for the suggestion!

    The overhead for having those threads is relatively nominal actually, so from a cost perspective, there isn't much of a motive to delete threads. We also don't want to mess with people's post count and what not. ;)

    Anyways - thanks again for thinking of ways to improve the forum - we ALWAYS want to hear what you are thinking on that topic, so please keep the ideas coming!


  2. Finally did it! Thank you @slayer9019 for finally getting our asses in gear. Great to meet you @HaydenRose @Fala and your dude Jason, @ironchef you are far too kind with that print.. truly. @dirbab hope you got back over that bridge ok, homie. That hair is looking luxurious. Sorry it's not a better picture!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Aaaaand it's crooked. I am so good at computers.

    Great to see the NYC crew finally pulled it off!

    I tuned up the picture for you a little bit. ;)

  3. I get an error anytime I try to like from Tapatalk 2 or Tapatalk 4. Any help, is this a known issue?

    Sent from my LG-E980 using Tapatalk 2

    Thanks for letting us know - is anybody else getting this error? And what does the error message say?

    I will investigate and report back what I find.

  4. Hey! I have recently registered on here, and have a quick question related to this topic: Will I get a notice, if my post for some reason gets rejected by the admin validating it? I tried posting some pictures in my initiation thread and in the latest tattoo lowdown thread yesterday, but I am not sure whether it has been rejected, lost, or if I just suck at posting things :)

    Hey Emil,

    We usually approve posts within a day or so, posting lots of links or images in your first ten posts can trigger them to be moderated as a measure to protect against spammers.

    Thanks for your patience and thanks for joining LST, looks like you're off to a great start here already.


  5. Sounds like we might go a little over 14 for our dinner on the 19th - if so we'll have to hope for some available tables near the big one we have reserved which snugly seats 14 (but won't fit 15).. @Sean Sinha and @chrisnoluck (for your +1) you might want to call ahead and see if you can reserve a table near the big one that we already have reserved in the front of the restaurant just to be safe. The more the merrier!

  6. Alrighty gang - I just confirmed our reservation as follows:

    Next Thursday, 9/19/13 @ 7:30pm

    OTD (Out The Door)

    2232 Bush Street, San Francisco, CA 94115

    Tel: 415-923-9575

    Here's who's on the guest list - let me know if one of you can't make it so we can adjust the reservation: @hogg @a1steaks @cltattooing @ian @dcostello @Reyeslv @MadeIndelible +1 @chrisnoluck @tammy @steve1461686340 @Iwar @dari @Scott Sylvia

    Looking forward to seeing some old friends and meeting some new faces!

  7. @BrianH Thanks brother for stepping up and filling in for my oversight! Exactly the reason why I like this site so much and the people on it! Let's stick to my original plan where I will send out a print to @hogg @Iwar @slayer9019 @gougetheeyes . @BrianH can send his print to @steve1461686340

    Folks, PM us your info and for the locals if you want to meet up, let's set things up for a hand off. Again, cheers to the LST crew and keep up the good work.

    Very very cool of you guys, that print will hold a very special meaning for me.

    ..and now I can sleep at night w/o having to worry about the indian leg wrestling thunderdome deathmatch.

  8. Wow, you guys are awesome.

    When we started LST we had no idea it would evolve into such a great community so quickly.

    I'm just grateful that the mission of the site has already succeeded, and I know @Scott Sylvia is too.

    I honestly don't know what we'd do without the moderation team we have, and it's true that they are volunteers who mostly go un-thanked sans a free t-shirt or dinner here or there.

    @Iwar, how about we arm wrestle for for the print at the LST anniversary dinner on the 19th in SF? We both have guitar player arms so it should be an even match.

    Thanks for all the kind words and support everyone - here's to many more years!

  9. Alrighty - I'm having a hell of a time reserving a table for 14 on the 19th.

    ..so I went ahead and reserved the same table we had last year at OTD (out the door): OTD Pacific Heights

    2232 Bush Street, San Francisco, CA 94115

    Tel: 415-923-9575

    Our reservation is for 7:30pm

    They do good vietnamese food and parking wasn't bad last year.

    Any objections should come pre qualified with a confirmed availability at alternate suggestion. ;)

  10. Awesome crab, @suburbanxcore!

    And I have no idea why images upload sideways. @steve1461686340?

    Hi Guys,

    Not really sure, but it could be that the image metadata is telling the server that 'sideways' is actually the right side up.. You should be able to change the orientation on your Mac/PC before uploading - it is possible to rotate images in the gallery on LST after uploading, but unfortunately not thread attachments..

    Awesome crab by the way!

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