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Our Endless Days

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Posts posted by Our Endless Days

  1. From when I talked to people who scratch or have some scratcher stuff on them, they seem to be the type that wouldn't have gotten a tattoo from a good artist anyway. Price is almost 100% of the reason for getting it anyway. It's like me and home décor, I could give a shit for the most part as long as it works and is cheap, but the big difference is I don't have to wear my shitty couch on my body forever.

    i was talking to my girlfriend about this recently and I think that you could say this about pretty much every aspect of life. Most everyday people don’t take the time to educate themselves about most things ie good music, books, tv, movies, art, really anything. People are just impatient, and, to be quite frankly, willfully ignorant. How many regular, everyday individuals will consider what you hear on the radio as what music has to offer? If you’re not willing to broaden your horizon, you’ll most likely be left with bland shit. the sad part is that the internet makes it so much easier to do research and find your niche, and people still don’t.

    my younger brother lives in long island. He goes to some shit shop out there for his tattoos. His tattoos, for the most part, are straight up garbage. I try to point him in the right direction of quality tattooers and shops, but he just doesn’t want to listen. For him, he’d rather go around the corner to some schmohawk tattooer than travel an hour to get tattooed by someone in NYC. He also doesn’t want to pay the cost of getting tattooed by someone in NYC. I went with him when he got tattooed once by said tattooer. I was blown away by how shitty this dude made my brothers tattoo look. Again, I tried talking to him and talking him out of it, but he just wouldn’t listen. He straight up thought he was getting a quality tattoo.

  2. Update: We just found out that my wife's step brother lost his entire house and while her parents' house is supposedly still standing, there will be water damage, at least. They're up staying with family in Mass. and are coming back tomorrow to see how it looks.. and apparently people have been looting what's left of the town, so they've had to bring in the National Guard.

    Since the trains are still shut down and a lot of the city doesn't have power, it's been like a weird perpetual Sunday/vacation mentality here. Bars and restaurants have been packed and everyone is out walking around, hanging out, still trying to figure out how to get to work, how to get their car from under water, etc. But we're good here and I've been working crazy shifts, so in a fucked up way, it's been good.

    Attached photos of the house and an aerial of the town where my in-laws live.




  3. just saw shawn's post in my bloglovin feed. i can't watch the video until i get home, so i won't be able to comment on it until then.

    up until this weekend, i've done everything i could to boycott that show. my girlfriend asked if i'd watch it with her, so i agreed. what a horrid, piece of trash, god awful waste of fucking tv air time. not only is the show a shit show of dumbasses, but none of them seem to have any skill. they're all straight up garbage, expect for that bald headed dude that does new school tattoos (he seemed pretty good at doing new school tattoos).

    that one dude with a mohawk is seriously a jerkoff. i was getting angry whenever i watched him. he clearly has no respect for the craft of tattooing, and his remark about traditional tattooing being 3rd grade while he's smoking with the 10th graders made me want to throw my remote at the tv, especially considering the dude did one of the worst traditional tattoos out of a collective group of shitty traditional tattoos.

    the one plus was seeing oliver peck shit all over them and and richard stell's beard is fucking stellar. sorry for the rant, but that show is an utter pile of shit.

  4. I agree with @Our Endless Days, that was a lame ambush.

    But I have enjoyed the season thus far. A much better start compared to how Season 2 dragged out some of those first 4-5 episodes.

    definitely. you can't deny that this show is immensely better than 99% of the shit that is on tv. with that said, at times, the show can be laughable. some of the dialogue is so forced, and the fact that everyone in this post-apocalyptic world is an amazing marksman is pretty ridiculous.

  5. I think if things end up meshing well on me, it will be more a matter of theme than one of style. When I choose a tattoo, and it doesn't matter if it's something that I've spent hours thinking about or something that I've spontaneously picked off a wall, it's going to be an image that appeals to me viscerally. I'm more and more realising as I get older that there are certain themes or tones, and I don't just mean in tattoos, but in books, music, art, movies, etc., that just kind of always work aesthetically for me and that I always find appealing. I don't have any Japanese-style tattoos on me yet, but when I do, it will be something like tigers or dragons or onis rather than peonies or koi because this is the sort of imagery that appeals to me on a gut level, and I think (we'll see as I get more covered though) that this will hopefully be enough to keep my tattoos from being a total random jumble of things. And if not, at least I've had some great experiences getting those tattoos.

    yeah. one of the things that i've been trying to decide is Whether or not I want to go to a tattooer here in Rochester or possibly buffalo, or do I save my money and travel to nyc to get tattooed by dan. Luckily, Rochester has a pretty awesome convention that is attended by some great if I went with the former. as well as a guy that's tattooed me a bunch that's great and Rise Above in Buffalo. as it stands, I’ve been saving and holding out so I can keep making treks back and forth to nyc to get tattooed at smith st. I really want a fluid, flowing collection of work, so I’m trying hard to not stray.

    - - - Updated - - -


    i love those all photos of individuals that have body suits from one tattooer. bob shaw's is the first that comes to mind. such a beautiful collection of tattoos. originally, i wanted to just get an array of different tattoos, so my right arm reflects that, but i've been attempting to plan things out more so that eventually i'll have a symetrical look to my tattoos ie lady heads on my shoulders, cat heads in my arm ditches, crawling panther on my right shin, crawling jaguar on my left, etc. i love seeing individuals that have symmetrically planned out tattoos.

    tl;dr, nerd talk.

  6. For me, it's never really been a question of getting all my tattoos done by one person. As much as I love the look of the coherent body suit, that just isn't for me.

    I've also found that I'm not very good at having a "plan" for my tattoos and that there's a large amount of spontaneity there for me. For example, when I got that Ron Henry Wells skull on my inner bicep, I was planning on putting it on my leg somewhere but because during the summer/end of the summer when it's hot and humid at work my work boots tend to chafe my calves, I decided that it probably wasn't the best time to try to heal a tattoo on my leg...so it went on my arm and looks awesome.

    i want that look of a coherent body suit where everything is planned and meshes well, but i'm totally the same way. a lot of my tattoos haven't turned out how i planned they would i.e. size, some of the placement, things like that. that's one of the reasons why i want to get tattooed by one person. shit's hard to limit yourself to one though.

  7. i was recently asked this question, so i thought i'd ask it here. How do you balance the desire to get tattooed by a bunch of different tattooers as opposed to getting stuff done by one person?

    It’s really tough. Since last summer, I’ve been getting tattooed by dan santoro and I really like the continuity of the tattoos he’s done on me. on the flip side, there are so many amazing tattooers that I want to get tattooed by.

  8. I was out at a pub trivia night this wednesday, invited by a friend. I met some of her friends and we chatted and all was good and at one point one of them just pulls up my sleeve without asking me and I was awkwardly like...yes please do that without asking me. I swear some people.

    it's baffling how stupid people are

  9. i recently had a FRIEND just straight up grab my arm, move it all about, and examine it to look at my tattoos, without asking me first if that was cool. she's not a super close friend, but still. how the hell do you just do that to someone? in what world is that cool?

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