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Posts posted by Delicious

  1. Yeah, I know. My sister's bf, he is 22 years old, has his chin down to his knuckles tattooed, but none on his legs, I dont think his back, a few on his chest. I dont get it. Doesnt help that alot of them are gang tattoos. His choice though.

    Makes me think of that douche in the other thread, Scott something, who was like 23 and a instagram celeb, or that teddyboy greg guy.

    Some people think I have alot of tattoos for being 19... though, so I cant really judge others

  2. haha I know. I am turning 20 in April. It's scary to me for some reason... I actually am beginning to feel like an adult, I guess. Its ok though, Ill still get my tattoo fix, my sister is turning 21 in February, and she is getting her arm done. So at least I get to watch that

  3. For one, I am in between jobs, not going to spend what money I do have on tattoos.

    Secondly... I don't want to rush. though my head is filled with grand ideas and this and that, I don't want to rush through getting my body tattooed. It's hard to restrain yourself, but I don't desire to be heavily tattooed, but I do want more. I am thinking, when I finally get another job, I'll save money towards that goal, as a treat...

    But getting tattooed willy nilly, especially being so young, has been a recipe for disaster in the area Im from. Alot of guys and women around here get tattooed like that, and they are 23 and completely covered, getting neck tattoos and full sleeves before they even have careers... Not for me! I don't know where I'll stop tattooing my body, but I want it to be a journey, not a race.

  4. Ok so good news, my ankle is finally healed. Except for the one small scab that will not come off, Im calling it a success. My chest has healed nicely too, and I finally understand what people were talking about with a big patch of solid black. It will not be perfectly deep pitch black, no matter what you do. It is still very dark though, but I can see variations in the black. Still, extremely happy with it.

    I wwent back and saw my first post, of the healed Ganesh, and I think in about 6 months - a year I will get the red touched up, and fix some of the faded blues/his eyelashes. He did warn me about the red though, so I can't really complain. Especially after getting a sunburn over it.

    So far, after one year and 3 tattoos, I can say I have learned alot... Just sad I won't be getting a tattoo anytime soon again.

  5. I have been thinking about this alot lately.

    It has, over the years, become more and more acceptable for a woman to have tattoos, and to be heavily tattooed... In my community, lots and lots of young women get heavily tattooed (usually with garage garbage starting in high school), or they get visibly tattooed. it is considered normal. But, there still is a stigma to being a tattooed woman, even one as lightly tattooed as myself.

    With my grand total of three tattoos, when people see my chest, its ooh's and ah's and where did you get that done?

    but on the flip side, I've had people ask me, what will your children think? How will you look in your wedding dress? What man will find you, obese with tattoos, attractive?

    I, planning on becoming more and more tattooed (but never heavily tattooed, just not my thing), feel like in the eyes of the world, when we get tattooed, especially in visible places, we are surrendering our femininity in the eyes of our peers.

    My father and brother both said my chest tattoo was too big... though it only covers the front of my shoulder. Girls who get their chest plate done, a sleeve of tattoos, are all at the mercy of our peers, who degrade us for being "trendy"and not truly feminine.

    But isn't this decoration of our body seizing and controlling our sexuality and femininity? This has parallels, in my opinion, to the current contraception/abortion debate.

    Not that they are morally equivalent, but that each appears to be an attack on a woman's autonomy of her body and her own control of her sexuality.

    I get the impression, especially with my field of interest (Political Science), that tattoos are for people who are ok with being somehow "lesser", and for men. Lesser, in the sense that those who get tattooed come from a pretentious side, and won't amount to anything, or that they are low class. And that tattoos are for men, because a woman with an arm tattoo is a big "dyke", that a woman's tattoo is pretty and small and soft, but never visible. But men can get tattoos with impunity, for they have been the realm of men for a long time.

    Tattoos are becoming more and more common among the population in general, and more and more acceptable. But we are held back by what a woman is "supposed" to look like. This is one facet of the struggle of the modern American woman. She must be traditionally feminine, want a family, look the part... But with the rise of equality for women, now we are supposed to go out, get high paying careers, make our mark on the world, be as successful and intellectual as men... These are contradictory demands. We have this cult of ultimate womanhood, ultimate motherhood, that has no room for tattoos, no room for ugliness, no room for personal freedom. The ultimate woman in our society is a devoted mother, who is totally involved in every aspect of her children's lives, who looks pretty on the outside, with nothing deviating from the norm. No visible tattoos, a normal hairstyle, clothes that fit the contemporary mold.

    We are taught by our society we must fit into this womanhood, this being, in order to be a good woman. But now, we must both be what we want to be, and what society wants to perceive us as. It's a complex issue. Tattooing is becoming more acceptable, but, in my opinion, still held back by traditional values and norms for women.

  6. You have an idea of the type of tattooing you like, no?

    I would say, do whatever you want, within this style, and within this theme...

    You could keep it mythological, like your first leg tattoo towards the squidpants

    you could have literary references if you wanted to change the theme.

    But sitting down and saying, "put whatever on me, whatever you want" maybe isnt the best idea. You should have some input into what is going to be on your body forever

  7. Thank you! I know I am panicking, and worrying, but I will believe you guys and assume that it will get better. I do love that tattoo... I dont know how he made the the black lettering so bold and thick, but its perfect. Not insipid, frilly overly girly. its feminine while being bold.

  8. thanks. I am such a worrier! Its so weird, both the tattoos on my upper body, the back of my shoulder and the front of my shoulder/ chest, pretty much healed super fast. Both peeled in three days... I havent even hit a week witht he new one and its almost completely healed!

    it seems the only problem is the red on the ankle... so lesson learned no more red on the ankle!

  9. My ankle is still not healed, no matter what I do. It looks like it has shiny skin over it, when I pull the skin taut, it cracks, but then I mosturize and you cant even tell it happened. I have been trying to keep it moist, but it is still really rough to the touch where the flowers are. I am really concerned. Also, i have a small scab that will not fall off! Will add pictures in a bit

  10. I don't have a huge amount of experience to compare it to, but I see a lot of comments about how collarbones are bad.

    When I got my first collarbone done it was all over the place in terms of how it felt...some bits hurt a lot, some I barely felt...but there was a moment when he went right over the bone and I felt the vibrations through my entire skeleton. It wasn't so much that it hurt so badly as it was that it just felt really not right. It made me dread doing my second collarbone, which I had to do because otherwise I would look lopsided and I wanted to fill that space before I started my sleeve. The second one felt a lot better.

    yeah I didn't really think about it when I decided to do it... then when he started outlining I was like oh fuck oh fuck what did I do? My leg kept shaking, but I forced myself to be as still as I could. My friend had left for 15 minutes when he started, and came back and asked me if I was ok, because I had a strange look on my face. I kept having to clench my fists around my phone or on my pants. It stopped being so intense when he was shading, until he got near my lower breast and again with the collarbone.

    I was fine though with the color and shading, but his fingers on my skin was torture

    My smartass friend thought it would be funny to offer to bring me a stress ball next time.

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