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Posts posted by cltattooing

  1. 1 shot Zeis Tiger/Snake by Jason Phillips at FTW in Oakland, CA.

    Jason slays both Japanese and American traditional. If you're ever in the Bay Area, you should definitely book an appointment with him. So happy with how this turned out. So glad I don't ever have to tattoo my chest ever again.

    Yeeeeaaaahhh that came out so well!!!!! Super stoked for you. I heard you took it like a champ too (:

  2. max kuhn tattooed my whole back in around 12 hours total. it didn't seem to be going by quick while i was getting done but thinking about over it now that it is finished i think i lucked out.

    mario desa is super quick too. outlined a scimitar on my stomach in literally 10 minutes around 2 years ago. the whole thing took about an hour and 20 minutes which again i'm grateful for because it was pretty awful. timmy tatts & lowercase j are both very fast too. timmy outlined a friends rock of ages backpiece is 45 minutes!

    I love love love love love love love love your back piece and am completely astonished at how little time it took.

  3. Making a delivery in the outskirts of Chicago tomorrow, but I got here around noon, so now I'm waiting on a train to take me into the city, so I can go check out Chicago Tattoo Company. I can't try a walk in as I've already got an appointment in a few weeks, but hopefully I'll pick up a shirt and see some rad old flash. Should be fun!

    You should totally buy a print and a shirt from Casey O, he's a great dude and a brilliant artist.

    @Shaun1105 Congrats on all of those things!!!

    Also I haven't announced it on LST or anything, but I moved shops about 6 weeks ago. Instead of working upstairs from a bar, I now work a few blocks from my house in one of the older shops in town, and among brilliant and passionate artists. Like... we have barbeque's and shit, it's great!! Couldn't ask for a more fun and inspiring work environment.

  4. I was wondering the same thing, and had the OP not thanked Greame for redirecting him, I would have thought it were about long lasting trends. I briefly looked thru the given thread and saw most people are referring to line clarity, shade blending, and recognizability.

    So instead of letting a thread die.....

    I think the Japanese style, although not my favorite, has lasted ages and isn't going anywhere anytime soon. I have seen some incredible work in this style. One super popular and played out style is the "traditional" e.g. sailor tattoos, black cats, roses, owls, and knives piercing hearts. Do you know how many fucking knives through hearts there are walking around in this world? It blows my mind. I have zero respect for art on the second-grade level. Never have I ever (drink!) seen an "old-school" tattoo that impressed me or that I liked. Period. Why does this appeal to people? There is nothing unique about picking one of these out of a flash book and putting your own custom banner flying around it. I lol when I see them.

    Haha you went there

    So aside from the fact that you just insulted about 80% of LST's membership with that post, you should probably learn a little about the style you're bashing before you make such sweeping generalizations.

    It's fine if you don't like traditional tattooing and it's fine to feel like every tattoo needs to be a custom masterpiece, but I cannot emphasize how dumb it makes you look when you come to a forum with no sense of who it is you're interacting with and why people here like what they like. There are hundreds of pages describing the history and innovation behind traditional tattooing, it might have been a good idea to read through the forum a bit before posting.

    Also, just fyi, there are handfuls of traditional tattooers who can draw circles around portrait artists and vice versa. Style and skill have little to do with each other.

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