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Everything posted by Fala

  1. Another lady here... Don't get a tattoo to "attract women" or "look bad" for women it won't work out the way you want it to be. Tattoos are for you - they are on you - do not get them with the goal of satisfying someone else. And, beauty fades - remember that. Wait a bit, see where you end up as your post-high-school self - a lot changes in a short amount of time.
  2. Can I be the first to suggest a panther? I've been really digging panthers.
  3. Don't I know it @Pugilist!!! The best is when people demand information for free then flip out when you say "do your own research."
  4. @Graeme Yes. Troll. And, why is it that so so so many people think that knowledge and information should be spoon fed to them? No work, no research, no investment or time spent on their end; yet they expect others to provide what they want to know with no questions asked. I blame it on the internet.
  5. Is it itchy? Do you have any allergies or skin sensitivities? How do you normally heal - tattoos, cuts, etc? Is it just dry, or is it also oozing fluid (if fluid, what is the color - clear, white, yellow)? What shoes have you been wearing while healing - maybe you are having an allergic reaction to the material in the shoes that is only predominant now that the skin has been broken. What did the Dr and tattoo artist say it was?
  6. I don't know if this is awesome or shitty or not but... this morning I get up, get ready for work, then decide to bleach the rubber bath mat that's discolored. So, in a cup of bleach goes into the tub with some water to cover. Next thing I know, one of the cats has his front paws IN THE TUB WITH BLEACH-Y WATER, sees me then starts to run away. I had to catch him, wipe his paws down (and everywhere he walked, thankfully hard surfaces), then hold him over the bathroom sink and rinse his paws off. He's the squirmiest cat I've ever known, so it was interesting. I decide that the cat's paws need a second cleaning after seeing him lick one, then run to the water dish and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink. So, in his paws go again into a bunch of water. It was a fun morning... Cat's fine, no problems, still alive, all that good stuff. You can't make this stuff up. Here's to hoping this weekend is actually relaxing.
  7. I can't believe this thread is 9 pages long... Dude - this has been said again, and again, and again and there's no way I'm going to be able to state it as eloquently as others but... Pick a couple of images that follow a theme, then bring them to a tattooer (a GOOD tattooer) and let them take care of the rest. You can have meaning all you want behind the tattoos, the tattooer doesn't care what they mean to you because they need to create a great tattoo. If you need to explain it to someone else, what it is (not why it is) then it's a poor tattoo. FWIW - I didn't get the whole batman/joker image in your current tattoo until someone else said it then I went back to look at the tattoo - tattoos should be easy to read...
  8. I'm wrapping up the label/branding for my herbal products line, making herbal medicine, working on my blog, schtuff like that. Been pretty busy - looking forward to the long weekend and relaxing (and sleeping!!!)
  9. I get it, nothing wrong with showing a variety of skills. I just roll my eyes at the people who ask "can you do this infinity symbol for me?" when, based on looking at a portfolio, the tattoo artist is clearly capable. ;)
  10. Assuming you will be bringing him the high quality photos of moths for him to work with, why not leave it up to him to figure out which would look best when taking into consideration your future plans?
  11. I'm pretty sure @Meredith Davis is here just to promote a new tattoo care product without actually paying to advertise on LST... Just sayin'.
  12. @CABS - I've been wanting something from Brian for a while, I might have to figure out how to make that happen. He visits NY about once a year.
  13. I will never understand why people say "can I have your opinion" when what they really mean is "can I have your approval". Not my thing either, I do see the charm in some of them though I wouldn't want it on my body.
  14. Feel the burn @SeeSea! Seriously though, I don't re-wrap because every time I have it has prolonged the swelling, heat and irritation. I have really sensitive skin, and creating a situation where the skin is unable to breathe is not what my body likes at all. After getting home, the wrapping is removed ASAP.
  15. Hahaha @BrianH - hydrogen peroxide feels THE BEST on fresh tattoos! LOL
  16. I think if my tattoo artists had their portfolios set up like that, I'd run in the other direction @Lou Morgue! Then again, I've been going for custom stuff so there ya go, I'm getting what I want from the portfolio. I like Smith Street's set-up - if it ain't on the wall, then you don't need it (or something similar to that.)
  17. Hahaha @Colored Guy. What would make it even better is scrubbing the area with a metal bristle brush (like the ones used to clean grills), rubbing the cream in, letting it sit, then belt-sanding with the cream the next day ;)
  18. Agree with @Graeme and @Mark Bee. You could also let it all marinate for a while, eventually you'll think of something you'd like to put there. If you MUST have it filled, ASAP, talk with an artist.
  19. Thou shalt not argue that thou's drawing on a piece of paper makes for a better tattoo than a (LST recommended) tattoo artist's rendition of the tattoo, especially when thou hath no tattoos.
  20. I love this thread - gives me the tiniest glimpse of what I have to look forward to.
  21. That cobweb background must have been a bitch - totally worth it! Looks great! I dig that blue too.
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