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Posts posted by TigerBlue77

  1. Well I figured I would give an update on my trip and see what you all think.

    Trip was a little bust from the get. My boy who I was staying with got a new boss weeks before my arrival. He revoked his vacation request for the day I arrived and the day after, Friday.

    Thursday night was cool, took the BART at Fruitvale in to see the Warriors beat Chicago.

    Friday I just rode around while my buddy worked. Not too exciting.

    Woke up Saturday and headed in to Jose.

    Stopped in at State of Grace. Scored a T-Shirt and 3 prints.

    After that we headed over to New Generation and had the best tattoo experience I've ever had with the talented Khuong Ngyuen. This is what 6 hours gets you!

    By the way I'm looking for suggestion for my next session in September. Yes September, oh so long away....anyway looking for ideas for her robe? Color scheme patterns etc.


  2. For sure want to see some cool land mark sites. Graffiti yes, burritos yes, people watching yes!

    I'm a saltwater fish/coral head wouldn't mind seeing a shop or aquarium. I also collect hand blown glass, that would make a pretty cool souvenir in addition to some tattoos!

    Maybe check out State of Grace and see if there is any prints it art available since I can't get a tattoo appointment.

  3. Heading out to California for a few tattoo sessions in February.

    Looking for advice for "must see" adventures, oddities, sites, events, tourist attractions, art shows, galleries, street art, tattoo shops, restaurants etc.

    Lay it on me, I want to do as much as I can in that 5 day week end, as I've never been before.

    I'm a bit heavy on the tattoo schedule with an 8 hour session scheduled with the best artist you never heard of, and who I believe to be the best tattoo artist in North America, Khuong Ngyuen and a little banger scheduled with the Grime.

    I would love to know how to schedule a little banger with Horitomo to experience tebori style tattooing.

  4. I've only had a one banger tat and that was 20 years ago when I skipped swim practice to get my first tattoo. Every other tattoo has been at least 4 sessions to complete.

    I've been going every two weeks since June.

    There is one thing I do when I set my mind to something and that is to go HAM!

    I got my FitBit in the mail and I'm ready to make it blow!

  5. Anyone gym rats or fitness freaks out there?

    Curious how being tattooed effects your training?

    How many days after receiving a new tat, is it safe to work out or sweat excessively with out having adverse side effect to the work?

    I need to start a new cardio regime ASAP to get back in shape before I get back to the weights.

    I need to re commit to that lifestyle again after giving it up 10 years ago when we started having kids.

    I used to be "that guy" at the gym two times a day 6 days a weeks. So to say I've gone soft, is an under statement, ha!

    Any and all advice for getting back to it, please let if fly.

  6. I've been using the Tat2X sleeves to cover as my employer feels they are unprofessional.

    They actually work pretty good protecting me from minor scraps and scratches. They do help with the high temperature sensitivity as well. If chemical gets in them they do afford me a few extra seconds to remove and rinse rather than immediate/direct contact. They're a little toasty in the summer. But manageable.

    Curious if there are any other similar products out there?

  7. Curious if anyone uses any type of protection say while at work or exercising?

    I have a very active job, and one that badly destroy a tattoo if not careful! I work around high temperatures and naturally being "warm blooded" I sweat a lot so always wearing the long sleeve version of my work shirt, sucks!

  8. @Killercook76 or anyone else who's used this stuff....I ordered some last night after reading this thread.

    You've mentioned that it makes it more comfortable with less scratching or chaffing.

    How does it move on places like elbows and knees? Should I apply it with arm extended or elbow bent?

    I have a very active job and I will be having my second session on my dominant arm this Saturday and was hoping it will help with the chaffing and rubbing of my shirt and banging in hard metal and sharp object on my elbow and the inner forearm.

    Lastly, based on the amazing Tiger tattoo, you apply the derm directly over the fresh tattoo overlapping and extending about 1inch outside the tattoo. The adhesive being applied directly to the fresh ink does not effect the healing process at all? I imagine that it hurts a ton more on the fresh tattoo than a healed spot when removing?

  9. Looking for some tattoo love!

    Specifically someone who does large Japanese influence pieces.

    Thought I had my guy to do my back piece but I'm having second thoughts.

    Can you guys help me out a little and point me at a few people please?!!!

    I'm hoping to stay within 4 hours of Detroit, Michigan.

  10. See I'm like Brett Hull the Hall of Fame hockey player, I've gotta have sex before every game or in this case tattoo session. Really calms me and settles the mind!

    Then a fat ass ham and Swiss samich with a Dew before.

    Stop at McDs for a large coke while I'm getting tattooed......and I deuce at the shop!

    Everyone kind of expects it and he won't start unless I do. And lastly a good hardy stretch before jumping in the chair!

  11. Honestly, mostly curiosity. Also because I'm researching for a new artist to do a back piece. Some artist work dead ass slow while others work much faster while still providing superior quality work.

    Not looking for a rush job by any means, just someone who works diligently and efficiently!

    Although we pay by the hour, for me I don't associate time with cost or expense if that makes sense. If I want a particular persons talent or art per hour price doesn't matter as long as it is done in a reasonable amount of time.

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