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Posts posted by Euchlid

  1. Best of luck for your kiki! She is beautiful and would definitely make a beautiful monmon cat :)

    - - - Updated - - -

    This is Hugues (pronounced oog). We mostly call her oogie, she's a 4 year old Frenchie and the first dog for myself, as well as my husband.

    She is rad, except for her breath which always smells like a bag of rotting anuses. Thankfully her cute face makes up for it. I'm sure someday I'll get a tattoo of her, I just don't know what.

  2. I was in my last year of high school and really wanted a tattoo, I went to a shop and made an appointment for after my 18th birthday. I even got birthday money to go towards my tattoo. I was (is) very much into art, and particularly surrealism. So I got the elephants from "Les Elephants" by Salvador Dali as I had a large print on my wall for years and it's my favourite painting of his. It cracks me up as apparently it's a (relatively) popular tattoo, but I don't care. I still like it, and I especially like how it's framed by my sleeves. It was done by Scott Veldhoen at Eternal Image Tattoo in Calgary (Canada).

    First photo is after I got them done in 2003 (I was doing hair modelling for a hairdresser pal hence the cheesy photo)

    Second photo is at my wedding in 2011

  3. This is always super interesting to me.

    My husband and I were friends for about a year before we first started dating, when I first met him through mutual friends, I was working the front desk at a tattoo shop. I had my back and calf done, and was going to get started on my ¾ sleeve. He had just gotten out of a long term relationship, where he told me his ex gf didn't like the idea of him getting tattoos, which I thought was weird as no one I had ever been with had issues with that.

    Fast forward 8 years later and he's gotten his arms sleeved, he has a couple things on his back, and he's currently getting his leg sleeved. I've gotten my other arm sleeved, and am working on getting more stuff on my legs. Where we differ is probably subject matter. Some of my tattoos are not really his style, but I don't particularly care as I am the one wearing them haha. We keep our finances largely separate so we each get them if we save for them independently.

  4. 6 hours I think, side of thigh. It's fascinating how the body works, I found the last half hour almost unbearable but up to that (save for the first 10 minutes when I am always wondering why I am getting tattoos to begin with) it was quite enjoyable. But after 5,5 hours it was like hitting a switch and everything felt horrible, probably my storage of pain sedative hormones just ran out. That's cool to me and part of the tattoo experience, getting to know how pain works

    exactly. For me, the first half an hour is total balls because my body has not produced any lovely adrenaline. I like to sit for 4-5 hours, anything after that and my body doesn't like it at all. My last session was just under 5 hours, and it was great because it's also the first tattoo I've been able to start and finish in one sitting (other than a tiny 15 minute hibiscus on my foot).

  5. I started out with stuff on my back, telling myself it was all I would ever want. Haha then I started worked the desk as a shop so that went out the window. I got a snake and a rat on my calf in 2005,and I love it as it's the pattern on my ball python(who died a few years later). So it's meaningful for me, but it means I cannot sleeve my leg. I decided that sleeving only one leg with a cohesive design is not for me.

    So my current tattoo plans are to cover my legs as much as possible without making it look like I'm trying to tie a bunch of random tattoos together into sleeves. I started with a big thigh piece and will get a complimentary one on the other side when I have enough $ to do it. I love that this idea leaves me with the option of getting some smaller pieces as filler as well.

    I walked around with one 3/4 sleeve for years before getting the other side done in 2010/2011.i also have zero plans to tattoo my chest as it's not a look for me, and since I would like kids in a couple years I'm leaving torso real estate out of the picture for the time being. I want to get as much of my legs done before kids so it's go time! I'm trying to load up the piggybank when I can!

  6. Totally! Case in point, the artist who did the traditional Japanese toad on my thigh specialises in Japanese. The artist who did one of my sleeves refers clients who want Japaneseto other artists as she knows tthere are people out there who do all the research behind it and will do a better job. That said, she only works part time now so she just does projects she wants to anyway.

  7. I always make sure I eat a really good breakfast before an appointment, like a big bowl of oatmeal or something that can give you fuel for a while. I also make sure to pack a couple snacks for the break so I don't have to get someone to run and grab me food (although when I was a receptionist at a shop I never had an issue with getting clients food).

    I also bring a bag of skittles. The big bags double as a bit of a stress ball squeeze thing for the really spicy spots.

    As my latest tattoo was on my thigh, and I don't have the greatest skin I made sure to be really diligent about exfoliating and heavy moisturizing in the week leading up to it. I wanted to give my artist the best possible skin to work on.

    I also am usually pretty quiet while getting tattooed. But keeping my eyes closed and focusing on breathing properly works well for me, I have been told that I sit really well by everyone I've been tattooed by so it seems like a great technique!

  8. Hahaha, I didn't realise "Les Elephants" was a popular Dali tattoo. I have them on my back, I had just turned 18 and they were my first tattoos. I didn't really know very much about tattoos at the time, but I wanted something from my favourite painter.

    Would I get something different now? Sure, but do I regret them? Not in the slightest. I think it's pretty easy to rag on people for their design ideas, but as long as it's done well, who gives a shit if they're walking around with a popular owl, or a famous painting? I'm sure some on my tattoos wouldn't appeal to a lot of people, but that's why I am wearing them; because I like them!

    I used to work at a tattoo shop as a receptionist, and the artists there would definitely suggest improvements on weird concepts, or poor placements, but the biggest thing was they would respect that some people's ideas are definitely subjectively "cool", so just make sure it's executed well and there you go.

  9. Hey guys, Still loving this stuff. I cannot believe how awesome it is to not hate wearing clothes after a leg tattoo. I am working friday-sunday morning and wear a uniform for work so I was planning to take it off Sunday morning when I got home. That would make it a week since my tattoo (i had it done last sunday), and 6 days of wearing this wrap (I wore one right away, and then washed and re applied a new wrap the next day- monday morning). It should be ok to wait until then right? Does anyone else have experience leaving it wrapped for 6 days? I don't want to take it off before then as I wear stockings and a skirt for work and loathe the thought of wearing that on top of exposed freshly healing tattooed skin.

  10. Healing my first tattoo in 3 years. Also my first thigh tattoo, so I'm assuming this won't take too long to heal up as it's much closer to my heart and gets better circulation. This is also my first attempt at using saniderm. I have to wear a uniform for work (tights and a skirt) and can't imagine trying to heal a thigh tattoo underneath stockings. It would be disgusting. I'm on day 2 and it still feels pretty awesome, I'm taking aspirin, as well as elevating my leg and icing it when I can (like now-sitting on the couch pretending to write a paper for school). I think I'll leave the saniderm on until sunday morning as that's when I get home from work and don't have to worry about my uniform. That will mean I've worn it for 6 days, but the instructions say 3-7 days so it should be good!

    I've dry healed for all my other tattoos (back piece, calf piece, and two sleeves) so this is a totally new experience for me!

  11. Hey everyone. Trying out saniderm for the first time! I have to wear tights and a uniform for my job, and the thought of trying to heal a thigh/lower hip tattoo underneath that made me want to cry. Especially since I had a super shitty time healing my last sleeve. So I'm giving this a shot. Today I was able to wear clothes and not become glued to them, and aside from an initial leak last night before I put a new wrap on this morning, there have been no leaks. I'm just following the instructions on the saniderm website, and so far so good! Here are a couple photos. First one is this morning, first wrap 14 hours after my tattoo was finished. Then second photo was after I washed it and put on a new bandage.

    It's a bit swollen now, and leaking still a little, but I'll post another photo tomorrow.

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