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    Euchlid reacted to tatB in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Yesterday marked 1 full year of living together with my girlfriend and we still like each other.
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    Euchlid reacted to Mick Weder in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    I just found a 1978 Triumph Tiger 750 that was found sitting in the USA now imported to Australia with only 4,600 miles on the clock (7,400 km's). Brand new paint, new rings.
    I'm gonna view it tomoz morning, and if I can get if for what I'm expecting...that will be fuckin' awesome!
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    Euchlid reacted to Rikhall in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Just had a chocolate peanut butter milkshake
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    Euchlid reacted to joakim urma in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Just got home today from 6 days spent in Berlin. Love that city! Shared a bed with a new acquaintance for 4 nights, biked around a bunch, met cool people, ate awesome food, saw the ethnographic museum and Pergamon, hung out with a friend from back home and stayed for two nights at my X's place. Life is too good sometimes
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    Euchlid reacted to iowagirl in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    guy at the newspaper did this of my daughter. Going to see if I can get the negative of it to make a poster to hang in her room. Finished our eight performances yesterday, and we got so much positive feedback. Several people came more than once, some came almost every night. The last four shows were all sold out.
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    Euchlid reacted to Wannabe in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    I got into the most prestigious school of journalism in my country! After both written and oral exams, I finally got the email. I was accepted. Now I just wish I had some money so I could get myself a sweet victory tattoo! :D
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    Euchlid reacted to Boiled Dove in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    So I have put on a bit of weight over the last couple of years, started aout 4 months after I did the Tough Mudder, and my most recent blood work came back with everything in the really not good zones. So I'm really starting to try to change diet and everything around and my wife has been working to encourage this. To this end she hit me with a great incentive. If I can trim down to a washboard stomach and keep it for a while she won't complain and I can go get a giant chest piece wherever I want.
    So, all y'all out in SF be prepared for me to be out there in about a year when I'm all trim and booked with Scott Sylvia.
  8. Like
    Euchlid got a reaction from soraya in Hand Tattoos   
    @soraya Oh yeah, some of us are full of all sorts of surprises. My crew tends to be flabbergasted as they see me with glasses, and I talk about uni a lot. So they have all sorts of pre-conceived notions, it's fun to bust them
  9. Like
    Euchlid got a reaction from SeeSea in LST Animal Lovers   
    @SeeSea so sorry you had to say goodbye to Molly :(
    I've just been gone for work for 5 days so I didn't see this until now. Monmon cat is a wonderful memorial idea! I love animal memorial tattoos, they give such a great palette to let their personality shine.
  10. Like
    Euchlid got a reaction from Zillah in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    My airline doesn't allow any visible tattoos either. When I was hired we didn't have a skirt, only pants. So I wore pants and long sleeve shirts. Then when we got skirts I lobbied for opaque black stockings, and was finally allowed. Level 80 denier is what covers my calf the best, but in the last year I've been wearing compression stockings underneath my thinner black ones. Unfortunately they don't make compression hose opaque enough to cover my calf (and now thigh) tattoo so if I want to wear compression hose I wear two layers. I could just go back to wearing the pants, but I like the skirt better!
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    Euchlid got a reaction from Zillah in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    So, funny story.
    I'm a flight attendant, and the other day a former teenybopper/now still performing (who knew?!) singer was on my flight, I asked him if he was going to play a show, and he told me my glasses were cute, and that I was very cute.
    Which cracked me up. I didn't have the heart to tell him that my little sister used to like his kind of music, while I was the angsty teen who loathed it with the fiery passion of a thousand burning suns.
    lol. At least he was nice. So for those who had crushes on a young Aaron Carter, he apparently still performs, and has the hots for glasses.
  12. Like
    Euchlid got a reaction from titforatat in Young tattooers currently killin' it!   
    Anthony Tex at Deadly Tattoos in Calgary, Canada is a pretty rad artist. I think he's 21 or 22 and has been tattooing for a few years. His dad is James Tex (who is fucking phenomenal) so he's obviously had amazing tutoring for the techniques, on top of his obvious natural ability in art.
    Here's his instagram
    And here's the shop link for Deadly
    Deadly Tattoos inc.
  13. Like
    Euchlid reacted to tatB in Post shitty things you have been doing recently   
    Montreal is close to VT. At the very least you can spend some time losing yourself researching the options in Montreal.
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    Euchlid reacted to DJDeepFried in Post shitty things you have been doing recently   
    Hey @MadeIndelible no preaching or judgement but look into Refuge Recovery a brand new book by Noah Levine that lays out a Buddhist approach to sobriety and was specifically designed to avoid all that Higher Power and God talk. Noah's been clean for twenty plus years and he's helped a lot of good people I know including me with my own path.
  15. Like
    Euchlid reacted to Dennis in Young tattooers currently killin' it!   
    Yozin Bunshin. I believe he is early 30's and does tebori! The man did one of my all time favourite suits.

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    Euchlid reacted to Abellve in How do you react to stares??????   
    Grabbing and touching without consent are not cool. I'm an unattractive male and it's happened to me plenty. I've been sitting at dinner with my wife and felt my shirt sleeve being pulled up by a stranger so they could appease their curiosity
    ...and I don't think we should be telling girls that if a man invades their space and ownership of their own body they should find it charming or flattering. No one else should have control over what they see of you, least of all men over women given the track record and the culture we've created.
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    Euchlid reacted to LadyGabe in How do you react to stares??????   
    I also especially love smiling and being really friendly to those who have obviously made a snap judgement on my appearance!
    My boyfriend is a muscly, skin head with very vibrant traditional tattoos of a reaper, a devil and all sorts of dark things. But he is the biggest, kindest and cuddliest bear ever when you speak to him! So polite and thoughtful, a real gentleman. It still cracks me up when he holds the door for a little old lady and they look terrified of his kindness!! haha
    EDIT: I am not so sure my BF would be so pleased that is how I described him come to think of it! Ruin his manly image ;)
  18. Like
    Euchlid reacted to Mick Weder in How do you react to stares??????   
    That's the thongs I wear on my feet too BTW, not the ones I adorn during drunky blunders. :p
    I used to get real angry with that shit, but ya know, if I kept getting angry with how people are in general, I'd be angry all the time.
    It's like, today I found out a dude I've known for some time, a dude I considered a friend, mentioned my name in front of a group of people & let the cat out of the bag regarding a something I have been doing at work that may not be entirely in accordance with local policy, but it's a something where no one suffers and it's for the better for all concerned...a little of the cutting of corners for everyones benefit.
    All know what I'm doing, but it's one of them things we don't mention. You's all get the drift I'm sure.
    For me, that's a matter of integrity. Loose lips sink ships.
    I didn't get angry, don't get upset...I now just wipe him from my circle of trust.
    That mole at my kids school, I make sure I go out of my way now to sit next to her, say hello & smile.
  19. Like
    Euchlid reacted to rozone in Hand Tattoos   
    Word. I can relate to this 100%. There's no better feeling in the world than shattering someone's expectations based on how you look with a solid proven track record and a strong work ethic.
  20. Like
    Euchlid reacted to Mick Weder in Hand Tattoos   
    @bongsau. Excellent post. Sums it up exactly.
    Took me 20...something years to hit solid neck and hands/ fingers. Even then at first I felt exposed, but they're my favourite additions because as mentioned above, it compliments who I am and the rest of the suit.
    Even the compliments from work surprised me.
    As I've mentioned before, I work health care at a majour metro hospital within Corporate Services.
    Even attending Executive meetings, I lay my cards and hands on the table, and when you can prove your able to talk the talk, people become more interested in what you have to say rather than the way you look. Breaking down prejudice is great.
  21. Like
    Euchlid reacted to bongsau in Hand Tattoos   
    It took me 10 years to bite the bullet and breach the collar. I thought neck tattoos would be a big change in the way I am perceived...by my family, friends, clients, strangers...overall it has been very positive and has complimented my personality and confidence. I mean the majority of my body is tattooed and covered. Why? Because I love tattoos, the commitment, the experience getting them, the healing and the aging. So why should I be afraid to let that show and hide who I am - an illustrated person.
    We use our hands for so much in our daily lives. I think hand tattoos are a very expressive piece of real estate (as is the neck line) - as a lot of these hand tattoos in this thread demonstrate. I am not sure for myself at the moment however, I feel it would be distracting for me to wear...not ready for the big stuff yet haha and I think personally the wait to get hand-blasted will be all the more rewarding. I think the outside-in approach of the younger generation...well...I think it trivializes the overall experience of getting tattooed. But everybody has their own opinions and reasons for getting tattooed.
    My feelings toward tattooing my own hands will likely change in the years to come as my tattoos age, my coverage increases (real estate decreases!) and my life-situation develops. Patience and waiting is part of the tattoo experience for me, much in the same way that spontaneous tattoos have their place as well. And there will be something satisfying when my skull and hands (in that order lol) are made. I think I will likely drop my sleeve cuffs down onto my wrists first and then maybe consider a smaller standalone pieces on my hands (instead of a full mitt style).
    I work as an professional engineer. I work for a smaller consulting company and have a flexible job. I am happy I waited, I don't think breaching the shirt line earlier on in my career would have been a wise decision. I didn't have the life experience and leadership qualities to backup my eng work and overshadow a rogue appearance. Now I am older, more experienced and have the respect of my peers in the industry for the good work and professionalism I have demonstrated.
    It is only recently that my clients and work contacts have started noticing and I have not been shy in asking about my tattoos (but, god, why does everyone have to refer to them as 'taaaaattz'?!?, really dumbs it down yknow) There is a time and place however and that is where you say "yknow I'd love to discuss tattooing with you at a later time, but perhaps right now this project meeting is not the appropriate forum". You'd be surprised how much respect you get as a young tattooed person from normals when you take charge of poorly timed conversation like that. On the flip side, when I am on a construction site for an inspection, the trades people comment on the tattooed engineer and frankly make me feel more welcome than say the engineer dork in pleated dockers who is too proud to get his shirt dirty.
    Tattoos make you an interesting person "maaan I bet that cat has got some stories mhmmm" but generally that is because you were an interesting person already before the tattoos.
    /and now...back to the thread...post some more great pics of hand tattoos ! :cool:
    - - - Updated - - -
    Awesome! love the space and size around your tattoos. Nice placement, and the tattoos are grrreat
  22. Like
    Euchlid reacted to rozone in Hand Tattoos   
    Thanks so much, @Euchlid!
    Fortunately, I work for one of Canada's leading boutique digital media studios where tattoos are not only accepted, but are actually seen as an asset in certain situations. I've, obviously, had to work quite hard to get where I am, but it's definitely pretty great to be in a creative working environment that doesn't pass judgements on me based on aesthetic decisions I may make with my body.
  23. Like
    Euchlid got a reaction from rozone in Hand Tattoos   
    @rozone those are stunning.
    I'm always curious what people with hand and neck tattoos do for work. Whether they're in the "industry" or have an awesome white collar job that is lenient, or work in the trades somehow. Or the last category of young kids working from the outside in (hands before sleeves etc) and not realising potential hangups from doing it that way versus inside out.
    I will treat myself to hand tattoos when I retire, it's a rad piece of real estate for sure.
  24. Like
    Euchlid reacted to Mick Weder in How do you react to stares??????   
    There's defo some advantages.
    When we take the kids to the beach and looking for a primo spot to sit, it's amazing how when I'll strip down to a pair of shorts, put up the umbrella, fold out the chair and crack a coldie, then the people who up and move ha!
    Was it sumfink that I done? Thanks for the space.
  25. Like
    Euchlid got a reaction from Mick Weder in How do you react to stares??????   
    There are a fair amount of visibly tattooed folks here in Vancouver, and more and more heavily tattooed ones so I don't feel like I stick out tooooooo much, especially in certain areas of the city.
    When I travel it's a whole other ball game though. Last time I went to the Netherlands to visit family I was a definite anomaly, when my husband and I went to Rio in 2009 were stuck out like sore thumbs, especially on the beach. We're going to South Africa and Mauritius so that will be a fun experience of trying to stick out less, haha especially as my husband will have most of his rioting monks leg sleeve finished.
    I really don't mind getting stares, I've gotten lots of compliments from older people which is great, although I think they're more perturbed by my septum jewellery than anything else.
    What I don't like is unwanted touching. When I was 18 and living in Paris, I only had my back tattoos, and I lost count of the number of people who would "don't mind if I do" and just pull my shirt aside to get a better look. what in the fuck. do not fucking touch me unless I say you can. ugh. I hated that.
    I find I get grabbed less now that I'm more heavily tattooed, maybe they think I'm intimidating. lol Or I've gotten better at the "don't you fucking dare" look.
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