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Most fortunate person I know



Well..I've never written a blog entry before but this is as good a time as any.

I'm an apprentice..And as I read through posts about people having a hard time getting an apprenticeship I can't help but feel ridiculously fortunate to be in my position..

I have a university degree that I obtained doing what other people said I should do with my life.. worked my ass off.. then followed my heart..

I worked 3 jobs.. day job, side job, and working for free at the shop almost every evening..did all I could to help out, watch, learn, lug, clean, run errands..anything I could..and I loved every single minute of it just feeling greatful to have a shot at learning from a great artist that I respect as both a tattooer and a person.

I'm getting going into what I would call the beef of my apprenticeship now things are progressing and it's an exciting adventure every day that I do not take for granted.

My only reservation is networking with other artists- which is why I am here on last sparrow. I'm in a small town, and it is definitely clicky in this area with artists.. I'm fairly introverted socially and reserved until i get to know people..so I just keep quiet on that level.lol. This is a more comfortable way for me to do that :) Would love to network and see other folks work ( i always love seeing art/different takes and approaches on things)

as for me i'll just be plugging away daily trying to learn as much as I can and improve my art as much as possible



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Congratulations on a thus-far fulfilling apprenticeship! I live in a town where you can't throw a rock without hitting a good artist. This has both positive and negative effects, but I find that most artists really want to share a collective vision of some kind. I think that tattooers in particular can relate to this, as a tattoo is the culmination of the vision between artist and client. Anyway! What I was going to suggest is maybe (if it's ok with your mentor and the rest of the shop) start an art night where you open the doors to anyone who wants to come draw or paint or talk about art with you guys. Cliques are both annoying and useless. If you can draw a group of people who can see beyond stupid things like popularity, I think everyone involved would grow a lot and make some new friends.

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Thank you!

Thats a great idea , Im not so sure it would work here - it can be that far gone..but I wishhh it would - I would love to learn some little tips and tricks even just by seeing where they start to draw certain things - not to copy it just to ad tools to my tool belt..

Do you tattoo as well? If so have you tried a group/ has it worked and or gone well?

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Fuck it, who cares! If nothing else, just do it with the people at your shop and keep the doors open. Maybe hang up some fliers or pass them out. Just my opinion, but I feel like people who do really care about making art(certainly over politics) would show up for something like that because it benefits both the individual and the community.

All art is basically stealing ;)

I do tattoo, and there is a weekly paint night at a shop about a mile from my house. There is also a drawing group out in East Oakland that gets together on a weekly basis as well, and those have both had great turnouts. It's just really cool to be in a room full of creative energy at work, you can totally feed from it and give it back to others.

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I think if we put out fliers we would end up with a bunch of D&D people and anime fiends... do you have it just open to tattoo artists or to everyone??:)

I like that idea..I wish I was in your area!! I would love that kind of thing!!

i like your positivity -i need that this week.lol. thank you:)

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    • My last tattoo scabbed over a lot, and I was very concerned, but my tattoo artist reassured me and told me to just continue with normal care. It healed perfectly fine and looks great now, so I wouldn't worry to much. 
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    • Thanks. And u just made me laugh, I guess my comment sounded conceded, and I did not mean to sound that way. I guess I'm in freak out mode because it's so on display. I don't think anything will ever meet my expectations because of where it is. So on display. My friend is actually going to my tattoo guy BECAUSE of this tattoo. Removal is not an option. I wont do that. I do have crippling anxiety due to having multiple sclerosis. I'm overly critical of this tattoo. The design is a sun with sun rays  that wraps around and up over my shoulder and a lotus below it. I don't like flowers. Just lotuses. Haha. So it's not your typical flowers down the arm tattoo. It's actually a unique design. I love yoga and zen things although from my post...I don't sound so zen. Haha. I've been going thru it now since summer started. I would say it's going in a while. I wear it out, got a compliment from someone at the gas station, I just don't look at it myself with it. It makes my stomach sink. Like I ruined myself. I'm ocd about it. I continue to get tattoos tho. I dont want to be a lunatic over it either. I always said I would never tattoo my upper arms and I did. And for the life of me, can't figure out why I did that. I was living in the moment I guess. So, if the reality of the tattoo doesn't meet my expectations,  what do u do for that? Add to it? Thank you for responding to me. I appreciate it a lot. I feel like I lost my mind over thos. I just got another tattoo on my forearm, and love it, it's smaller. Maybe that's why. I don't know. I allowed thos to be placed somewhere I never wanted ot, I approved it loved it afterwards and now....maybe cause it's so on display. I'm not used to having such big visible tattoos. Like, why cant I just be cool about it. I LOVE tattoos. 
    • "I'm very fit and complimented all the time how tone my arms are" So if you were fat and out of shape it would be OK?  🤣 Tattoo Anxiety is not unusual, but it really depends on how long it goes on for. Has it been weeks, months, years? You really don't have a lot of options. Despite what laser removal centers would have you believe, you'll never get totally rid of it. Any cover up will need to be even bigger and bolder, don't let any "artist" tell you differently.  Given the tone of your post, "I'm very fit and complimented all the time how tone my arms are," "My artist is extremely talented, there is not 1 shaky line, crooked line," "The line work is out of this workd, perfectly straight," "Everyone loves it" it sounds like the reality of the tattoo doesn't meet your expectations.
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