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art art art



this site makes me want to get back into making art hardcore. i need a push to stop being lazy (and to clean/finish unpacking/organize my room) and to start actually making a game plan to do things again, so i'm hoping this blog post will do that. i have a few ideas already in the works, and i'm going to lay them all out here so i do not forget (and maybe someone will push me forward):

- (work in progress) a series of portraits of people who have inspired me (family, artists, theorists, historians, etc.)

- a series of paintings based on song lyrics

- a series of photographic portraits of tattooed Native Americans here in California

- possibly a photographic portrait series of tattoo artists (this may be cliche and overdone so i'll need to research this beforehand)

- photographing the former sites of tattoo history here in California (Northern California to start)


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that's Ruby from Arkansas! i just pulled that negative a few months ago. yea technically i'm in school, though i'm just taking two classes and i'm not really thrilled by either of them. i like the content, i just don't like the format or the lack of real discussion. it feels really easy and a waste of my money.

i'm writing about this image:


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