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Classless Pile in High Heels


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Anyone in the Bay Area by chance remember "Fajitagate"? Well it appears some new dumber classless people have taken the trophy for that neighborhoods "things dumb people do because they have no class or ego" award.... First of all shoes are supposed to get scuffed, secondly anyone who can actually afford Louboutins high heels wouldn't be swapping them out with sandals, third...oh never mind I'll let you all have fun with this!

This woman is the winner of my C U Next Tuesday Pile Award. The dude who got hit with the shoe, I would shake this guys hand for stepping in and trying to bring some class/common sense to the situation.

Enjoy the read.....oh and if you know her that's unfortunate. The comments are pretty good as well....

Drunk Marina Lady Attacks Local Restaurant Guy With Stiletto [updated]


Matt Meidinger, the general manager at Jasper's Corner Tap & Kitchen who formerly managed Clock Bar over at the St. Francis, is eagerly seeking out a belligerent drunk woman who clocked him on the head with her high-heeled shoes before fleeing in a cab the other night. Meidinger tweets that he "spent the night in the ER" on Saturday/early Sunday following the incident because the blonde suspect apparently "cracked [his] skull" with the force of her blow.

Update: We contacted Meidinger, who writes in to explain the story, which happened outside the Balboa Café in front of several witnesses.

We wrapped up our one beer at Balboa and walked out to try and grab a cab. While standing there a woman (who I understand to have also just left Balboa) bent down to take off her black Louboutin's and put on flip flops for the trip home. As she was doing this (in the middle of a very busy sidewalk) a man passing by accidentally kicked one of her shoes. Not down the street or anything, just bumped it with his own shoe. She started yelling at him and as he turned around to apologize with his hands already up in the air a good sized man with her punched him! I was standing a few feet away and watched the whole thing happen. I spoke up and said, "Whoa! Take it easy! Kicking a shoe doesn't equal a punch in the face, Louboutin's or not!" As the guy turned around to tell me to mind my own business the woman ran up and said, "Yes, it does!" and came down on top of my head with her heels. Blood immediately started pouring down the left side of my face so I pulled out my phone and called the police. At that point another of her guys (she was with two men, both early 30's between 6'2" and 6'5", 230-260lbs) ran over and told me to get off the phone. I said no and started to back away. He then punched me, grabbed my phone from me and threw it across the street. A random man on the street ran up and gave me his phone at that time insisting that I call the police back (This guy stayed the whole time, gave a thorough statement and did all he could to help. I don't know his name, but I owe him a big thank you). At this point the two guys had both started fights with my two friends while I was running around on a strangers phone with the police while trying to keep an eye on the woman who was frantically running away. In the confusion, all three of them got away before the police had a chance to arrive.

Understandably, Meidinger's pretty pissed. He's seeking her name or the name of "her goon," who appear to be Marina regulars — though of course she's innocent until proven guilty. Contact him here if you happen to know her, and here's her pic. He's offering a $500 reward for any info.

SF Grub Street Link

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Now I'm not a big city lawyer but it seems to me that if my shoes were that valuable I wouldn't be putting my sweaty feet in them. Probably wouldn't be letting them come in contact with who knows what on the dirty dirty ground either. Honestly, who knows where other people have been with their shoes. What with all the non-human animals living out there and what not. Seems to me the best place to keep something like that is in a display case somewhere or maybe in a special box just for a matching pair. It would be some kind of storage place with other pairs of shoes. You could even keep some material inside each shoe to make sure they don't loose their shape. It could be call a shoe storage place or maybe "shoe store" for short. ;)

Take it easy,


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she is hideous and tore up. they found out who she is and the police are trying to locate her and talk to her but she is hiding out somewhere...she def. needs to lawyer up...and be banned from the marina...i mean she needs to remain in the marina FOREVER with the other douches..and never leave...

If I were the Police I would look for her anywhere that serves white wine at lunch. She looks like the type.

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