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-1. Is there anything I can do (or not do) before the appointment to help with the healing? As with any healing process, the healthier you are going in, the easier/faster you will heal.

1. Can I use white Dove bar soap to clean it? Yes

2. I don't want to use an after care product as they sound like a nightmare for a girl with lots of allergies. It there any normal first aid treatment I can use to help? You won't need any aftercare product or first aid treatment. It's just a tattoo. Reading your other threads about the tattoo you are getting, it looks like it's going to be pretty quick. Keep it clean and you'll be fine. There are lots of people out there trying to make a buck off of convincing those getting tattooed that they need some particular brand of snake-oil for things to heal well. This simply isn't true.

3. Which lotion (or at least what to look for in a lotion) and how often? The typical recommendation is something non-scented. Since you have a lot of allergies you probably already have a moisturizer that fits your needs. Use that. Use a small amount if you feel the tattoo start to dry out. Some people prefer nothing at all.

4. Does Bert's Bees make any products I can use? I don't know

5. How do I keep from having a nightmare situation when I wake up? (upper ankle piece) Do I wrap with sterile gauze and ointment or something? Not sure what this means? If I'm reading the situation correctly you are getting a relatively small, quick tattoo. I think you are making a mountain out of a mole-hill. You are going to undergo some minor skin-trauma. That's it. I understand that you want to do it right since it's your first, but don't overthink it...the most tried and true method of healing tattoos since forever is keep it clean and wait.

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Thank you for the advice! I have OCD, so it's in my nature to over think things.

I'm eventually going to get a full calf piece on the other leg. This small one is as much practice as anything. I know it's a skin trauma and I didn't know if I should treat it how I would a nasty cut or something like it with ointment the first couple days to keep away infection or what!

I forgot to ask, is aloe vera bad for them? I have a plant and figured using a bit of it might work to moisturize and help it heal.

I've heard horror stories of fresh tattoos sticking to sheets or clothes. I wanted to know if I should wrap it before bed in some way so that doesn't happen and how many days I should do it.

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Thank you for the advice! I have OCD, so it's in my nature to over think things.

I'm eventually going to get a full calf piece on the other leg. This small one is as much practice as anything. I know it's a skin trauma and I didn't know if I should treat it how I would a nasty cut or something like it with ointment the first couple days to keep away infection or what!

I forgot to ask, is aloe vera bad for them? I have a plant and figured using a bit of it might work to moisturize and help it heal.

I've heard horror stories of fresh tattoos sticking to sheets or clothes. I wanted to know if I should wrap it before bed in some way so that doesn't happen and how many days I should do it.

Hello again! :D

I think I can help you because I was as obsessed as you to knowing EVERYTHING, every little detail, about the healing process.

It's just okay to worry about it, since it's something super important.

For this small piece, just don't worry: you can take care of it as if it was a little wound.

I mean, nothing will stick on it since it's just so small! This is just outlines, right? Don't worry, ointment the first 2-3 days and then a regular lotion to moisturize. As 9Years said (how can I mention someone??? I can't find the option) just use the lotion you usually use, non-scented, obviously. Avoid alcohols too.

For the larger one, that's what I'm doing healing my whole back piece:

The first three days use ointment. You can use just lotion if you're 100% sure you won't touch anything dirty with the tattooed area. If not, use ointment, because it kinds of protect you from the dirt better than a simple lotion.

Then you should switch to the lotion, since the tattoo will make a "heavy skin" on it that protects itself, so you don't need this extra protection.

Don't let ANYTHING to rub the tattoo, NEVER, until it's 100% healed.

I recommend you to not letting anything to touch it as much as you can (if I'm in home, I just go without a shirt, totally nude on the tattooed area, my entire back. In your case, go with shorts! The upper ankle is a super easy area to keep exposed to the air) , but since it's impossible while we're dressed outside, just try that your clothes are 100% clean and VERY loose.

Your small ankle tattoo is not going to stick to anything, so don't worry. Just try to sleep with it exposed to the air.

But I realle not recommend to wrap it. I know some people will say that's okay, but this is an open wound and you should let it heal exposed to fresh air, you know... I never wraped a tattoo, never ever.

Also, I actually have a tattoo in the upper ankle (you can see it in my gallery, the cats one) and it was super uncomfortable to wear socks: try to not wear socks. If you have to, try to wear loose socks that will not rub on the tattoo!

For the big tattoo you're planing: the same, 3 days ointment, then lotion. For my back I just wash it twice a day (morning and night), dry it with kitchen paper (because it's tough and it won't let you small pieces of paper as the toilet one), let it alone 5 minutes, and then put the ointment/lotion on.

For sleep the first 2 days I did it without shirt, so you should sleep without pants or with shorts if they don't touch the tattoo. Also without sheets on. Yes, I had a cold. Hahahaha. But that's the best to avoid fresh tattoos sticking to sheets or clothes. After the third day you can sleep with loose clothes and it won't stick. At least, mine didn't stick the third day when I slept with shirt!

About the aloe, mmmh... I don't know. I used to use it on my face to heal some acne scars and it irritated my face sometimes, and you really don't want to irritate a tattoo... so go and ask your tattooist! He/she will know better than us.

hope it helps!

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Got a tattoo on my shin about three days ago. Its just right under my knee. I noticed the first two days it was weeping a lot. i started to notice the tattoo was getting hard and bumpy. My artist said it was a build up and recommended using Listerine on it. Cant believe how well it worked and how good it felt. Anyone ever use listerine on a tattoo?

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i started to notice the tattoo was getting hard and bumpy...My artist...recommended using Listerine on it.

Wait, so you got a scab and put listerine on it? Weird.

I would file this under "things most people will never need to do to heal a tattoo really well".

- - - Updated - - -

i started to notice the tattoo was getting hard and bumpy...My artist...recommended using Listerine on it.

Wait, so you got a scab and put listerine on it? Weird.

I would file this under "things most people will never need to do to heal a tattoo really well".

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How long would you guys usally wait to go into the salt water after getting a new tattoo? I'm figuring with a moisturizer on it, it would be ok fairly soon?

I take showers right away after getting a tattoo,but I don't submerse it in any type of water for at least the first week.

tattoos are forever,and so are the oceans.

I get tattoos on my Maui & Kauai vacations,but I get them on the last day there.

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I take showers right away after getting a tattoo,but I don't submerse it in any type of water for at least the first week.

tattoos are forever,and so are the oceans.

I get tattoos on my Maui & Kauai vacations,but I get them on the last day there.

Ty, I guess a few days away from the beach won't be so bad lol.

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I think natural products are the best choice :) What I use is Ultra balm the first 2-3 days and then Dream Cream. Both by Lush and both vegan! No alcohol, just natural scent, nothing irritating: all natural ingredients.

They are kind of expensive but they last a lot of time. The Ultra balm survived the healing for two sessions of a full back piece (it means I used it 5-6 days, twice a day. On a full back piece) and then it was used up. The dream cream is a big recipient, so it also lasts a lot.

Both of them were fantastic. Also the oat milk in the dream cream is super calming, so it helps SO MUCH with the itching during the peeling stage.

Really, these products are just magic! I heal super fast after my two sessions and both the outlines and the color showed awesome!

Enviado desde mi JY-G4 mediante Tapatalk

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Getting my first tattoo next month and was left confused by this thread, so I have questions...

-1. Is there anything I can do (or not do) before the appointment to help with the healing?

1. Can I use white Dove bar soap to clean it?

2. I don't want to use an after care product as they sound like a nightmare for a girl with lots of allergies. It there any normal first aid treatment I can use to help?

3. Which lotion (or at least what to look for in a lotion) and how often?

4. Does Bert's Bees make any products I can use?

5. How do I keep from having a nightmare situation when I wake up? (upper ankle piece) Do I wrap with sterile gauze and ointment or something?

Mind you, I want to know all this beforehand so I won't have to make a run to the store after.


1. Hydrate well and don't drink alcohol for 24 hours before the tattoo. Alcohol thins the blood which could cause more bleeding during the tattoo.

2. Avoid painkillers and other medicines that thin the blood, if possible, for 24 hours before the tattoo.

3. Get an adequate amount of sleep for your body's needs.


1. People recommend an anti-bacterial or anti-microbial soap. However, it is hard to find these that are free of added colors and fragrances. I have sensitive skin and use Basis as my bar soap (found at Amazon, Ulta and Bed Bath and Beyond). If you use Dove, I would suggest making sure that it's the Fragrance Free version; the unscented version still has masking fragrance in it.

2. Some normal first aid products aren't recommended for tattoo healing as they may contain alcohol or other agents that will irritate the tattoo. I've used Bacitracin with no problems.

3. Lotions should be fragrance and color free. You also want to avoid lotions with petrolatum and mineral oil. Many of the common ones that are mentioned (Eucerin, Lubriderm, Aquaphor) contain at least one of these things. There are other lotions that are marketed for tattoos such as After Inked which should be fine for most people with sensitive skin. However, it gave me a burning sensation so I stopped using it. I ended up using Hustle Butter (found on Amazon and at tattoo conventions).

4. I'm not familiar with Burt's Bees products enough to have an opinion on them.

5. Unless you are using a product like Tegaderm or Saniderm, I wouldn't rewrap the tattoo just to protect the sheets. I would use old sheets if staining your sheets is the concern. If I misread your concern, let us know.

Your artist will tell you about after-care for your tattoo. Let your artist know of your concerns with allergies, as well.

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1. People recommend an anti-bacterial or anti-microbial soap. However, it is hard to find these that are free of added colors and fragrances. I have sensitive skin and use Basis as my bar soap (found at Amazon, Ulta and Bed Bath and Beyond). If you use Dove, I would suggest making sure that it's the Fragrance Free version; the unscented version still has masking fragrance in it.

I use the White Dove bar soap. Is that safe? Is it better to use a bar soap or a liquid soap on a new tattoo? How often do I clean it?

2. ...Bacitracin with no problems.

When would I use it and how often? Like right before bed at night? After the first few days? After washing it with soap?

3. Lotions should be fragrance and color free. You also want to avoid lotions with petrolatum and mineral oil. Many of the common ones that are mentioned (Eucerin, Lubriderm, Aquaphor) contain at least one of these things. There are other lotions that are marketed for tattoos such as After Inked which should be fine for most people with sensitive skin. However, it gave me a burning sensation so I stopped using it. I ended up using Hustle Butter (found on Amazon and at tattoo conventions).

Is there anything else I can use from a local store (like Walmart and the like) for a bit? I am getting inked Wednesday and I don't think I can get it in time.

5. ... If I misread your concern, let us know.

My concern is having my fresh tattoo stick to the sheets and having to rip it off which (as many have said in the thread) hurts like a son of a bitch.

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I use Dial Gold, per my tattoo artist. For the first three days after a fresh tattoo, I wash it and put Aquaphor or nappy cream every three to four hours. After that, I switch to cocoa butter or Hustle Butter.

I've never had a tattoo actually stick to the sheets, so you should be OK. Sometimes if I get tattooed late in the day, I leave the bandage on until the next day to prevent getting plasma and ink all over my sheets. It's never done me any harm, but again, that was on the advice of my artist.

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I use the White Dove bar soap. Is that safe? Is it better to use a bar soap or a liquid soap on a new tattoo? How often do I clean it?

I prefer a liquid soap on a tattoo for the first two washes (even though I haven't found an anti-bacterial fragrance free liquid soap), but lathering up a bar soap in your hand works just as well. The White Dove Bar soap still has fragrance in it, so I would get the fragrance free version of Dove, if that's the brand that you prefer. I usually (before I switched to -derm products) clean my new tattoo twice the first day, then once or twice or day for the next two days. Your artist will make a recommendation on this for you.

When would I use it and how often? Like right before bed at night? After the first few days? After washing it with soap?

I use Bacitracin after cleaning the tattoo about four times a day for the first three days. After that, I normally switch to Hustle Butter. I have used Eucerin, but strongly prefer the Hustle Butter on a new tattoo.

Is there anything else I can use from a local store (like Walmart and the like) for a bit? I am getting inked Wednesday and I don't think I can get it in time.

Many people use Lubriderm or Aquaphor with no problems. I would suggest Eucerin or Lubriderm over Aquaphor because (my opinion only) I'd rather risk some mineral oil than some petrolatum, though they are probably equally as bad.

My concern is having my fresh tattoo stick to the sheets and having to rip it off which (as many have said in the thread) hurts like a son of a bitch.

If you get and finish your tattoo early in the day, you may not have a problem sticking to the sheets. Just wash the excess plasma off after you get home and before bed (or however your artist tells you to do this).

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Has anybody else used Tegaderm? It's a fairly new method of healing and I'm loving it! My artist put on some A +D, wiped off excess very thoroughly, did a tight sterile witch hazel wrap to suck out excess plasma, wiped off again, and then applied Tegaderm. It let's it breath because air can move, but liquids can't get in or out. It's clear, sterile, very flexible, feels like wearing nothing, has kept me from feeling sore post tattoo, no hassle, and protects my ink from germs, dirt, and pain if it's bumped. I can wear whatever clothing I like without it bothering me, I just got out of a nice shower without any problems, and I didn't have to worry about staining my sheets!

My artist said to leave it on 5 days. If plasma builds up, you can either lift a corner, drain, and replace or you can remove it, sterilize and dry, and add a new sheet (they sell it at stores such as Walgreens in the first aid section in the US). All artists recommend using it at least 3 days to get over the worst part of it.

After 5 days, you take it off and the ink will be at the flaky stage. Then it's just a little lotion and gentle soap from there. No hassle and no infection risk like with dry healing. The only thing extra you could do during the healing process is use an ice pack as needed (which as yall know is recommended even if you dry heal). It's good for after showers or other times when it has some heat in it. I'll update with how it went in a week. :)

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Thanks @9Years ! That thread made me like this stuff even more ^_^

From what I can tell looking and pics (and taking into account that mine was solid black done with a lining needle), the witch hazel wrap helped draw out enough plasma that my Tegaderm film that was put on minutes after the tattoo looks about the same as people who gave it 10 or so hours before applying the film. I wonder if it's the same for everyone who uses the witch hazel wrap before?

I do have a new question though. His wife (who was well inked and medically trained) recommend Fruit of the Earth Vitamin-E Cream as my lotion after I remove the Tegaderm on day 5. What is yall's opinion on it? I raised an eyebrow at the ingredients and the fragrance when I opened it just now. Should I use A + D for a few days with it as well? Could it damage my ink in any way? Is it on par with other lotions mentioned (other than Hustle Butter as now I don't have time to order it before I remove the film)? If not, what can I buy at Walmart or Walgreens that will work best? I know @21stNow suggested Lubriderm, Aquaphor, or Eucerin, but does anybody know one free of mineral oil and/or petrolatum?

Edit: The only local product I could find that was petroleum and mineral oil free was Tattoo Goo. Ingredients: Olive oil, beeswax, cocoa butter, wheat germ oil, tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), lavendar oil, sunflower oil, rosemary extract, D and C, and green 6. Does it sound okay?

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Thanks @9Years ! That thread made me like this stuff even more ^_^

From what I can tell looking and pics (and taking into account that mine was solid black done with a lining needle), the witch hazel wrap helped draw out enough plasma that my Tegaderm film that was put on minutes after the tattoo looks about the same as people who gave it 10 or so hours before applying the film. I wonder if it's the same for everyone who uses the witch hazel wrap before?

I do have a new question though. His wife (who was well inked and medically trained) recommend Fruit of the Earth Vitamin-E Cream as my lotion after I remove the Tegaderm on day 5. What is yall's opinion on it? I raised an eyebrow at the ingredients and the fragrance when I opened it just now. Should I use A + D for a few days with it as well? Could it damage my ink in any way? Is it on par with other lotions mentioned (other than Hustle Butter as now I don't have time to order it before I remove the film)? If not, what can I buy at Walmart or Walgreens that will work best? I know @21stNow suggested Lubriderm, Aquaphor, or Eucerin, but does anybody know one free of mineral oil and/or petrolatum?

Edit: The only local product I could find that was petroleum and mineral oil free was Tattoo Goo. Ingredients: Olive oil, beeswax, cocoa butter, wheat germ oil, tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), lavendar oil, sunflower oil, rosemary extract, D and C, and green 6. Does it sound okay?

The thing that bothers me with Tattoo Goo is the added color (green #6). Other than After Inked and Hustle Butter, most moisturizers are going to have some ingredient that isn't recommended for tattoo after-care.

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It bothers me too, but at least it's food grade. There are a lot of good reviews and at least it doesn't have mineral oil, petroleum, or fragrance. I'm not sure if I could find anything else better by Monday. I know next time I'll order Hustle Butter.

As far as the Fruit of the Earth Vitamin-E Cream, the ingredients just scream no to me. Water, mineral oil, glyceryl stearate, cetyl alcohol, stearic acid, glycerin, stearyl alcohol, tocopheryl acetate, collagen, elastin, aloe vera gel, squaline, wheat germ oil, retinyl palmitate, dimethicone, coconut oil, sunflower seed oil, carbomer 940, triethanolamine, propylene glycol, diazolidinyl urea, methylparaben, propylparaben, and fragrance. I mean seriously? This has so many red flag tattoo no nos. I wish I had just ordered the Hustle Butter like I planned, but stupid me got talked out of it. This stuff smells too strong for me even want to use it anywhere! Is Lubriderm, Aquaphor, and Eucerin the same?

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