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I have a cold and my appointment is tomorrow..

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I've had a cold for a while now, and while i'm nearly over it, i still need Dayquil to get through my symptoms during work..

Now, i'm hoping i feel better for tomorrow, but has anyone had experience with taking Dayquil before/during a tattoo session? Its basically Tylenol, with a few other medicines mixed in.. but i just dont want to be too symptomatic.

any input/advice would be great..


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Depending on what formula of Dayquil you use (the one with real sudafed or the one on the shelf with a sudafed imposter) you may find yourself jumpy or a little hyper, depending on how decongestants affect you. It won't affect the tattoo itself, though. It doesn't have a blood thinner in it, in other words, since Tylenol does not have the same thinning effect that aspirin or ibuprofen can have. If it has an antihistamine in it, that might actually help a little.

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Depending on what formula of Dayquil you use (the one with real sudafed or the one on the shelf with a sudafed imposter) you may find yourself jumpy or a little hyper, depending on how decongestants affect you. It won't affect the tattoo itself, though. It doesn't have a blood thinner in it, in other words, since Tylenol does not have the same thinning effect that aspirin or ibuprofen can have. If it has an antihistamine in it, that might actually help a little.

cool thanks!

in each 15mL. (suggested dose every 4hrs, is 2x that. 30mL)

"active ingredients" include,

Acetaminophen(Tylenol) 325mg... Pain reliever /Fever reducer

Dextromethorphan HBr 10mg .... Cough Suppressant

Phenylephrine HCI 5mg.............. Nasal Decongestant

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Eat something with lots of fresh garlic it fights infection. And if you can get your hands on grapefruitseedextract from a health store you'll improve within less than a day. It is a natural antibiotic without the side effects. But it might be hard to find in a regular store...I order online.

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Grapefruit Seed Extract should not be taken internally as it is often adulterated with all sorts of nasty chemicals that should not be ingested.

Since you are at the end of your cold, perhaps upping the vitamin C will help you a bit (I like the Effer-C packets, they taste infinitely better than Emergen-C or Airborne) - it also helps with the bleeding and swelling.

I'd give your tattoo artist a heads up about the cold (before getting to the shop) and if they don't want you coming in, at least they've had enough notice.

I'd keep taking that Dayquil, and make sure I ate extra well and drank plenty of fluids (avoiding juices and raw foods as they can make mucous worse).

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I'd say go with Purple Drank if you can find some codeine cough medicine. Puts your head in the right place.

I had an appointment back in 2010, me and my wife had real bad colds, she was on nebulizer treatments. Mine morphed into a wicked sinus infection. I had gotten steroid shots to help me kick it.

We were also getting ready to go to California right after my tattoo session. I was going to my appointment even if I was in a body bag.

I just loaded up on CVS brand cough syrup prior to my appointment and I got through it.

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Grapefruit Seed Extract should not be taken internally as it is often adulterated with all sorts of nasty chemicals that should not be ingested.

Since you are at the end of your cold, perhaps upping the vitamin C will help you a bit (I like the Effer-C packets, they taste infinitely better than Emergen-C or Airborne) - it also helps with the bleeding and swelling.

I'd give your tattoo artist a heads up about the cold (before getting to the shop) and if they don't want you coming in, at least they've had enough notice.

I'd keep taking that Dayquil, and make sure I ate extra well and drank plenty of fluids (avoiding juices and raw foods as they can make mucous worse).

And Dayquil and other meds don't contain chemicals? Lol...I assumed this was more about getting rid of cold symptoms quickly rather than finding the most holistic approach to it?

GSE is far less problematic than antibiotics for example.

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EVERYTHING contains chemicals - what do you think our food is, or water, or coconut oil?

My point was that recommending GSE as a "safe" alternative is counterproductive as it is often tainted and not "all natural" "organic" or "pure" as some would be lead to believe.

The OP was not looking for more holistic approaches, he was looking to be as asymptomatic as possible. You want to be asymptomatic? Take the Dayquil. You want to kick your cold faster? Take herbs and foods that are appropriate for the type of cold that you have.

Clinical herbalist, over and out.

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Consider this...

If you have a bad cold or flu...your immune system is run down.

A tattoo is going to slam your system down even further and yeah you'll have a sweet tattoo but it's going to more painful to receive and your recovery from both the tattoo and the sickness is going to take even longer.

Furthermore, you just got your tattooer sick...who then spreads it further to the other clients and tattooers in the shop and/or means he may have to cancel upcoming appointments.

If you're sick...stay home, rest and reschedule your appointments.

(On the flip side...yeah dayquil/nyquil works great to numb you out from the pain. But it will give you a bad stomach ache afterwards. So be pro-active, keep your body fit and healthy and your golden.)

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EVERYTHING contains chemicals - what do you think our food is, or water, or coconut oil?

My point was that recommending GSE as a "safe" alternative is counterproductive as it is often tainted and not "all natural" "organic" or "pure" as some would be lead to believe.

The OP was not looking for more holistic approaches, he was looking to be as asymptomatic as possible. You want to be asymptomatic? Take the Dayquil. You want to kick your cold faster? Take herbs and foods that are appropriate for the type of cold that you have.

Clinical herbalist, over and out.

But I only recommended it as a more natural antibiotic without the side effects to achieve the results the OP asked for.

No word about how pure it is but it would have helped with being asymptomatic.

Yes, I know about all the chemicals in everything. I worked for a chemicals company, studied sciences including biology and chemistry...but I recommended what I felt would give the quickest and best results given the situation :)

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Not to divert this thread even further but... First: colds are caused by viruses, and antibiotics are not the same as antivirals. Second, we don't even know what this person has going on beyond having a "cold" so to recommend anything that could be a detriment to the progression of the illness, without garnering more information is unethical. Standard things are fine, but even garlic can make a hot type of cold worse. Just because one thing has worked for one person in the past, does not mean it is appropriate for everyone.

This is the last I am going to post on this topic because clearly it makes no difference whatsoever and I'm wasting my time and energy. I'm getting off my soapbox now.

Hahaha @xcom.

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Welllp i didnt call in sick. took me 3 months to get the first appointment, so i schedualed this second session shortly after, so id only have a month in between. My 3rd and hopefully last session isnt until August.

I was actually feeling much better the day of the tattoo. Still i loaded up on vitamin c, and took some tylenol cold and flu.

6 hr tattoo went by without any symptoms coming up. I took the next day off to rest up more, and today i feel 100% except for the soreness on my chest!

I appreciate all the feed back !

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@Joey Ryan, I hear you, But I do hope you told your artist you where sick so he can take appropriate measures/decisions.

Glad it all worked out.

Yeah I did tell him i was getting over a cold, even though i was feeling better. No hand shakes to anyone that day!

Where should i post the updated pics? General ta2 discussion?

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I worked for The Pentagon. Does that mean I know everything about the US Government?


I kid I kid! :P

I said I know that everything has chemicals, not I know every chemical in the world. And I also said above that I studied sciences. Plus I ONLY referenced that because Fala gave me a lecture and ended it with "Clinical Herbalist over and out". That was quite rude and why is it necessary to mention your profession as if that gives anything more credibility when I wasn't even debating about how natural GSE is. I did not see this as a "battle of knowledge", only kindy tried to explain my intend.

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Not to divert this thread even further but... First: colds are caused by viruses, and antibiotics are not the same as antivirals. Second, we don't even know what this person has going on beyond having a "cold" so to recommend anything that could be a detriment to the progression of the illness, without garnering more information is unethical. Standard things are fine, but even garlic can make a hot type of cold worse. Just because one thing has worked for one person in the past, does not mean it is appropriate for everyone.

This is the last I am going to post on this topic because clearly it makes no difference whatsoever and I'm wasting my time and energy. I'm getting off my soapbox now.

Hahaha @xcom.

GSE has been found to be effective for colds as well. Whatever concerns you have about it you may share, but I prefer a friendly exchange. I was trying to help like everyone else. Why talk down and try to misunderstand every word?

- - - Updated - - -

@Suiren, It was just a joke. Nothing to get worked up about. :)

Its Friday! LETS GET INKED! :D

I know you were joking but Fala wasn't so I explained further in the hopes of not always being misunderstood.

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