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Extremely fast tattoo-artists , advantage or disadvantage?


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seems like this ship has sailed, but i tend to agree with @Synesthesia on his feedback. I've also been tattooed by Chad K a few times, who is known to work hella fast and I've never been disappointed in his work. He and Jondix finished my entire back in probably around 12hrs. Walter McDonald did a palm-sized piece on my chest and he just ripped right thru it. It hurts like hell while the needle's on skin, but the pain is fleeting. not to mention, slow tattoos hurt too! when you're past 3hrs into a session and working an already sensitive area, each touch of the needle is hell.

Oh and btw, I've never been tattooed by THE Ed motherfuckin Hardy, but all accounts i've heard says he works fast as F***. I'm sure a buncha LSTers would take anything he could put out in 20-30mins.


Advantages - you get done faster, pain doesn't last as long, more instant gratification

Disadvantages - hurts more, probably less detailed



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man the chest around the Sternum and nipples, that hurts like hellll, worst as the elbow area. 

the disadvantage of the probability of less detail is fine by me, i can live with that, personally i cant tell more than 5% difference between artists who take 5k for a sleeve and others that take 20k for a sleeve ((i mean here only B&G tattoos and not realism color ones)) i like how my piece turned out, and it took only 2 hours!!, touch-ups free forever whenever *artist said probably will not need it* so i am happy. 

only thing bothering me with my sleeve is the Tiger on the shoulder, it was done in 4.5 hours but the results arent what i was hoping to be, after healing it has lost alot of detail and intensity of black, it got alot lighter, so i will either have it touched up by same artist or go to another one

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8 hours ago, murci999 said:

btw does my sleeve with all the lines connecting the pieces resemble realistic japanese works? or only realistic? or even traditional? to me and few guys who saw it in real life, they said its like a mix between realistic japanese and normal realistic works. 

it looks like a photo-realistic, portrait style tattoo. not a Japanese tattoo. not a traditional tattoo. but either way, who cares, i think the tattoo turned out nice for you and connects into your arm fine. you got what you wanted, don't overthink it cause there is no turning back now :) 

...and did I really read somewhere in this thread...$20K for a sleeve? WTF who is getting tattooed by JonBoy & BangBang in gold ink. yeeesh. 

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thanks man. i like it so far, and am not OCD type of guy. 

but my older sister is a also a doctor *dermatologist* , so for me laser treatments are free if i ever want to, but i love my tattoos and love tattoos in general so would never ever think about lasering sth off, unless one of my pieces turns out to be crap. so it would be laser then coverup .

and yeah there is a guy in germany wanted to charge me 3k just for chest piece, which is insane, a sleeve by him costs 20k minimum. he is talanted,his work is more detalied than my guy, but cant really see that big of difference to warrant me paying 20k instead of 5k !. 

i stuck to my artist and everything he has done so far looks nice in my eyes, and i like it, so that is what matters the most. 

i am asking about the style because few people who saw and examined my arms in an out said the lines and style are more to realistic japanese and not traditional japanese, so anyway what the he** ,,, it doesnt matter as long as i find it cool and nice. 

btw you guys and the forum were a very big help for me. before joining here i had absolute no idea, so i kept lurking alot of months before jumping the gun. and i am happy to be rocking a complete sleeve with a chest. and i hope i can find the urge to stop here and not continue further and tattoo my whole body. :)) its kinda addicting.

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The german guy he's talking about is Randy Engelhard from Heaven of Colours in Zwickau, Germany. And for sure you'll have to pay an added celebrity status as Randy is a leading actor in a popular german tattoo tv reality show.

Randy estimated around 7h for the chest piece while charging 1500€. That's around 200€/h, think that's a solid price for a talented and busy artist. And as he's so busy he just proposed the possibility to do this piece on a sunday for double his usual rate to get an earlier appointment. Otherwise I would expect him to have a waiting list of at least 6-12 month, if not even more (not sure about that though...).

But I don't think it's possible to calculate with these numbers and just say: Well, a whole sleeve from this guy would be around 20k... Taking into account an hourly rate of 200 bucks I would probably expect a sleeve done by him around 20-40h and so by 4k - 8k €.

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so 1500 euros for a chest piece from randy but with a longer wait time and 3000 euros if he wanted it done on sunday. that seems pretty fair to me. randy much like the other realism artist of his caliber all charge similar rates, i also know a fair few of them who actually lower their rates if the tattoo takes longer than expected. 

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honestly more like 3.5k + 1k bonus from me to get the appointments to match my working-schedule because i work alot and my schedule is pretty busy all year round. 

i dont have the time, never will, to travel abroad to ryan evans or other recommended artists of this forum, for a full sleeve, maybe a piece but not a whole sleeve, and then it would take me 5 years to get my sleeve done. 

and like i said i got different prices from artists in my country, all were kindof similiar, their work in real-life looks also similiar, what i found out is that on instagram everything looks waaaaay better, the only one which seemed to me pretty steep is the 3k for a black&grey chest piece but like i said it was on a sunday and without waiting on the wait list + its a celebrity tattoer, so its fair.  

why are you guys shocked of these prices ? does it cost 1k to get a sleeve and a chest piece in the states or does my tattoos look so shit that you consider its overpaid ??

i personally like and trust the artist i ve gone with, the only piece that didnt turn out to my liking is the tiger on the shoulder which will be reworked, almost the whole sleeve is still fresh and not yet healed, and personally i like b&g realism more than extremly detailed color realism because i dont trust that on the long term these colors and details will hold out and not get faded.

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not everyone edits their work on instagram. fair few of the big names are actually against it. 

all that matters is that you like it and you’re happy with it. everything else is irrelevant really. 

i have 7 off days per year and finished my sleeve in 3 days while on vacation, so i think it’s definitely doable. i also have seen randy’s work upclose and heeled after 2 years, to say there’s not much difference is unfair. 

Edited by Dominiccjs
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