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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. This Rick Ta Life masterpiece finally resurfaced. Thanks B9.
  2. I was gonna say... he liked something of mine a few days ago. How about Captain Canada? That was my international internet drinking friend.
  3. With you on this. I mostly run and music tends to fuck with my pace. Especially municipal waste. Sprinting and air drumming ruin my long distance runs.
  4. @MadeIndelible I have ran a few over the last year around this area. The best site to visit for running info around the bay is Brazenracing.com They offer a lot of runs from 5K's to 50K trail races. They are well organized and do not price gouge you. Also, I recommend that you at least sign up for one and train for it. It may just be me, but when I spend money on something you tend to train harder/more seriously than you would otherwise.
  5. It sounds like you want all of us to join the Hells Angels... which I am totally down for. Just not the motorcycle thing. Those fuckers scare me.
  6. Tattoos do weird shit. If you feel that you are becoming bummed about the color change, go get it touched up. Otherwise, sit back and enjoy the ride.
  7. Duane Peters was pretty yikes worthy... then again, he has always been a little weird. And about Rodney, I have probably watched almost every one of his interviews on youtube/read all about him. The guy is fascinating. I feel that he is a textbook case of a high-functioning autism or some other form of developmental disorder. I'm sad that I never got to see him skate in person, but the Rodney/Daewon videos will live on forever. Django was one of my favorites this year. I was nervous that it would drag on and lose my attention, but it kept me engaged for the entire time, unlike Jackie Brown or Kill Bill V. 1.
  8. I'm bummed this is sideways, but am too lazy to fix it. If you have me on instagram you saw this last week, but figured I would post it here. Tobias lives.
  9. I've watched the episode about Charlie's dream book at least 4 times now. Denim Chicken is my favorite.
  10. I will drink those for you. It's a shame to waste delicious beer.
  11. chadkoeplinger valeriefst oliverpecker stateofgracetaki curtbaer stewartrobson rossnagle hectorfong scsylvia jefrocribb that should get you started.
  12. I like the phrase... but it gives me douche chills at the same time. It's beautiful.
  13. You should listen to Loch. I hear he knows what he is talking about... much like 90% of this board. Then again... this is coming from the dude who is here for the pictures of dudes asses freshly tattooed.
  14. I gave my resignation letter at my job which I have grown to resent over the last year after finding a job where I am finally appreciated and learning more about my field of practice. As I walked out of our main station I raised my hands in the air and yelled: Best day EVER.
  15. True. I am not one to grant virtual amnesty, but I will for the lack of ketchup on delicious things. If this brewery served hot wings with said unmentionables I would live there.
  16. #1: @hogg / @gougetheeyes BAN THIS DOUBLE POSTER. #2: I think its a good idea. People would be super chill all the time.
  17. Making Thai flank steak salad with blu cheese and garlic roasted almonds. I have no idea if this is going to work, but it sounds fucking delicious. I will be posting pictures later. I lied. I ate it all and got drunk.
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