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Posts posted by Reyeslv

  1. I had the back of my forearm done by Stewart Robson and it didn't hurt that badly. He also did my back and that wasn't a bad sitting as well. I was finishing my sleeve by Clark North at the time my forearm was done and there was a HUGE difference. Clark has a heavy hand, he even jokes about it.

  2. I too would like different groups with different dynamics. I am stil enjoying this series but the farm has gotten stale

    I agree on the staleness of the farm, but did you see the last one? Spoiler alert, where Rick kills Shane? In the previews there is going to be a stand-off with a shit-ton of walkers! This last part of the season has been edgy....

  3. happy man, although this throws huge kinks in my 2012 SOG,blackheart plans since the little one is due in last week of august. will find out in 2 weeks if its a boy or another girl

    Congrats! You have 9 months to sleep, so rest up.... After that it's LONG NIGHTS!!!! But it's well worth it!

  4. It always blows my mind when fellow "artists" (in quotes cause i hate to call this guy one) rip you off. Sounds like another one who needs to visit the broken fingers line, although it sounds like he did that to himself already and still didn't pay attention to karma.

    Maybe someone should email him the link to this thread and the one of the other board so he can see for himself what kind of reputation he's putting out there.

    And who are these other machine builders that are letting an asshole like this come on vacation to their place and make machines? Shame on them for letting this guy continue the trend (that is, if they are aware of his apparent sketchiness)

    BEFORE we order any finger breaking can we insure that this guy doesn't also have cancer.... :D

  5. I got tattoed today (rib panel) and I feel like shit because I tapped out on him when he was obviously into the piece and wanted to do more. Honest, its my first time I ever tapped out on anyone. :eek: And to add insult to injury, it was the shortest session Ive ever had. I feel like a three pump chump. But damn, it was brutal! From the first line I was saying to myself "what the hell were you thinking!"

    What we got done looks awesome though!

    I can't imagine how the ribs feel. Back in 90 or 91 I was getting my first Tattoo at Divinci in Wantaugh, NY. In the room next to me Frank Romano was working on a large demon on the side of this guy. All I heard was the guy screaming and the buzz of the needle. Frank kept telling him to relax, after 5 minutes the dude passed out!!! Every since then I have feared getting the rib area done.....

  6. We've been using Slingbox to hook-up to my fiance's parents pc out of town to watch Starz stuff. It's not true full screen and seems pretty dark, but it's been handy when we hit a roadblock on Netflix

    Seriously contemplating spending the $35 to buy Season 4 of Breaking Bad to be caught up by the time season 5 starts

    Season 4 was the BEST!!! Totally worth buying....

  7. Arrested Development is an all time favorite! So much random, messed up shit going on and each character is hilarious in their own way. The writing is pretty brilliant.

    That's why you should watch The Increasing Bad Decisions of Todd Margret it's with David Cross and Will Arnett. David Cross wrote on AD.

  8. I joined just to contribute a photo of my neck-to-knees backpiece done by Dan Wysuph at Samuel O'Reilly's in Santa Cruz, CA. My username here was derived from the nickname I earned by spending so much time naked in their shop. I think Adam Barton originally coined it and everyone there calls me that to this day.


    It took 20 three-hour sessions over the course of almost 2 years. To answer an earlier question regarding healing, it is not sitting on fresh tattoo that hurts, it's sitting down or standing up, or just about any other activity that makes your clothes (or sheets!) rub the area. Also, having a wife to help with the cleaning aspect of the healing process was a huge help.


    I am speechless, that is a remarkable!!! and WELCOME to LST!

  9. My feeling behind this is my children can do what they want we THEY can pay for it. To be more specific, when are on their own and no longer on my payroll. While they are under my roof, the goal is doing well in school and getting a college education. Or some type of trade development that will make them productive members of society. There is plenty of time to tattoo and pierce things. I am or will be heavily tattooed but that doesn't mean my children get a pass. Take the time to become a person, there's more then enough time for tattoos after that.

  10. @Reyeslv I just love that panther with a devils head on Immaculate Tattoos website, tattooed by Aaron Coleman.

    Yeah, his portfolio in the shop is something to look at!!! I'm doing a Mom tattoo of a heart and roses. It's a tribute piece. I told him to go crazy on the heart with a crown or something. Aaron is real laid back as is Mondo, one of the other guys in the shop. There is also another artist named Josh Carter. They are all on INSTAGRAM and their work is top notch!!! Looking forward to what Aaron creates.....

  11. Did anyone catch the premiere of the second half of season two last sunday? Season two started slow, but the last couple episodes has had me on the edge of my seat.

    It was awesome and didn't dip back like the beginning of season 2. I agree with @tammy I think they are going not introduce new shady people!

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