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Posts posted by Duffa

  1. Never been a problem. The nurses are always nice though they basically laugh in my face when I have to turn my head, close my eyes, and put the opposite arm over my eyes when they have to take blood..

    Haha - This! It's weird, but I have to do the same (except for the arm over the eyes ;) ) & the lovely nurses always ask "are you ok? is everything all right?" and with my response being "Yeah, I just hate needles" there are always blank looks and double takes and then their next question or statement naturally is "... but you have tattoos?..." I normally just giggle and reply "I sure do" lol.

  2. I came across this story the other day, had a good laugh but then forgot to post it. Don't get me wrong, not saying she 'deserved' it, but in regards to a get back at someone scheme this ones pretty up there ;)

  3. I don't think I've ever wanted to be tattooed by someone so much in my life now. And not because he's 'Freddy Corbin'... but because he is Freddy Corbin. All of the episodes where great for one reason or another, but the Corbin series was next level. I mean, all of them got pretty personal but there was something about these last few that really hit home...

    Thank you Vice. And to thank you to all the artists that made this possible.

    P.s Best quote of the whole series, Tim Hendricks - "... at 35, I still want to be Freddy Corbin when I grow up."

  4. I want to meet this man.

    It's hard to tell what my favorite part of the ad was, because it was so fucking awesome, BUT I think this gets me:

    "Sometimes I play guitar. Are you going to love getting baked and listening to Bob Dylan and Pink Floyd? LIVE? WHENEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT? Of course you are! I'll take requests and learn any song you like, because I have the voice of an angel and the acoustical stylings of James Fucking Taylor. AWWWWWW SHIT YEA! "

    acoustical stylings of James Fucking Taylor... awesome.

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