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Everything posted by Amok

  1. here's my newest one from yesterday done by Zane Donnellan
  2. Amok

    by Zane Donnellan

    my hipster tattoo
  3. I work for a large corporation and lots of us have tattoos, but they're all covered by normal work clothes. While my company doesn't have a policy on tattoos, I keep all mine hidden for 2 reasons. 1) I have no reason to show them off to people I don't know. 2) Some of my customers might find tattoos intimidating (I don't agree with this view, but its my responsibility to represent my company and myself in the best possible way). I'll be happy when the generations of homophobes and tattoo haters die off and are replaced by people with open minds (if that ever happens).
  4. Well I have a German shepherd that my parents got for me when I was 18, now I'm 31 so he's pretty old. I have been thinking about a memorial tattoo when the time comes but who knows. I'll cross that bridge later.
  5. I think this is inevitable as tattooing becomes more and more popular. I'm going to call it industry dilution.
  6. Heh that's a great story. And yes, its quite fine to get your kids name as they'll always be your kids. Spouse however is not a guarantee!
  7. Amok


    Welcome to LST!
  8. And here I was thinking you can't put a price on your dignity...
  9. Nice! Reminds me of this great music video!
  10. I love phoenix tattoos but the downside is they are pretty common, many artists will tell you they do them all the time. If you don't mind that, then go ahead and get one. They have a lot of meaning behind them. At one stage I was considering getting a phoenix tattoo myself, but decided to get a Kirin instead as they are far less common. You could also look at Foo Dogs.
  11. Hi Mike, welcome to LST.
  12. That is VERY nice, congratulations. I've only just started looking at Stevies work and its amazing.
  13. Artist: Cliffe Clayton
  14. Hands, neck, face. Pretty much anywhere that can't be easily covered. While I love tattoos, I also love my family and making sure I can support them with a good job takes priority.
  15. I'd much prefer my tattoo artists to have a good amount of ink, but I wouldn't hold it against them if they had no tattoos. But I probably wouldn't let them jab me unless they were proven exceptional artists. I don't know of any good tattoo artists in Australia with no tattoos anyway.
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