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    Cork reacted to OutOfIdeas in Full Back Piece Experience Thread   
    I've never asked a man for ass pics before, but you know what they say.... ya never know till ya try it :D
  2. Like
    Cork reacted to 9Years in Full Back Piece Experience Thread   
    @Cork: Agree with @Graeme. Do it!
  3. Like
    Cork reacted to Graeme in Full Back Piece Experience Thread   
    @Cork I think you should do it. I think it's cool seeing how it comes together bit by bit.
  4. Like
    Cork reacted to Lance in Full Back Piece Experience Thread   
    @Cork, so badass! Do you remember how many sessions and how long it took? Thanks for posting it all in one spot so we can appreciate the progression.
  5. Like
    Cork got a reaction from Patrick Bateman in Full Back Piece Experience Thread   
    So here is the remainder. Kongo Yasha Myo-o in his full glory from Dana Helmuth.
    This was pretty much the home stretch at this point. Once all the shading was done, the color was only about 1/3 of the remaining time I spent with Dana.
    I love Dana's snakes. Once mine got colored in, I couldn't stop staring at it, I still can't. Also everyone loves the blue, and so do I. It's bold, and it'll be awesome for a long time.
    I spent a lot of time at Read Street Tattoo in Baltimore and it was a great shop. The final session was in Dana's tattoo lair at his home in Maryland and it's a true honor to be a member of his back piece club.
    And the final obligatory baby picture, because I want to be as cool as @hogg.
  6. Like
    Cork got a reaction from SeeSea in Full Back Piece Experience Thread   
    Well I've always been of the mindset to give the people what they want.
    It looks like I can only bundle 20 pictures per post, so here you have the first half.
    Of note in this set of pictures;
    My back is really only my third tattoo, so I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I just knew I always had an interest in this type of stuff, and it was something I had to do. The very first lining session reminded me of the pain of my previous tattoos, but the worst part was the hair. I distinctly remember clutching the table as the 5th hour rolled around and it was time to start the hair. 30 minutes later, soaked in sweat, I can say I did what needed to be done. After that session, Dana says that he is notorious for pushing his clients, and that if I really needed to take a break, to just let him know. The guy is a machine and just rolls on forever once he gets started.
    Once that love handle got hit, I knew I had to turn to chemical relief. The average session was 4-5 hours and I didn't want to let Dana down by tapping out early. That may be frowned upon by those who never turned to relief, but anyone who has turned to pain killers will tell you that it hardly does anything. It just takes the edge off and lets you breath a little. Make no mistake, you definitely still feel it. Kudos to anyone who goes through the ass without any assistance. I don't think I could have managed sessions any longer than 2 hours if so.
    We did a ton of lines and shading. We both got a little bored with it and decided to color in some fire before finishing the shading. We were both itching to see color and it was a great change of pace.
    One major thing to note, and I want everyone to take notice about how a tattoo changes and you just roll with what works. At first, Kongo Yasha was going to have a nice yellow aura, and the lines were down to lay the path, but that changed once the fire got started. Since Kongo Yasha is an angry ass dude, we decided a full fire aura would look the best. Dana put some lines down and I think it was a change for the better. You can hardly even tell what was originally intended.
  7. Like
    Cork got a reaction from Piha in Full Back Piece Experience Thread   
    Well I've always been of the mindset to give the people what they want.
    It looks like I can only bundle 20 pictures per post, so here you have the first half.
    Of note in this set of pictures;
    My back is really only my third tattoo, so I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I just knew I always had an interest in this type of stuff, and it was something I had to do. The very first lining session reminded me of the pain of my previous tattoos, but the worst part was the hair. I distinctly remember clutching the table as the 5th hour rolled around and it was time to start the hair. 30 minutes later, soaked in sweat, I can say I did what needed to be done. After that session, Dana says that he is notorious for pushing his clients, and that if I really needed to take a break, to just let him know. The guy is a machine and just rolls on forever once he gets started.
    Once that love handle got hit, I knew I had to turn to chemical relief. The average session was 4-5 hours and I didn't want to let Dana down by tapping out early. That may be frowned upon by those who never turned to relief, but anyone who has turned to pain killers will tell you that it hardly does anything. It just takes the edge off and lets you breath a little. Make no mistake, you definitely still feel it. Kudos to anyone who goes through the ass without any assistance. I don't think I could have managed sessions any longer than 2 hours if so.
    We did a ton of lines and shading. We both got a little bored with it and decided to color in some fire before finishing the shading. We were both itching to see color and it was a great change of pace.
    One major thing to note, and I want everyone to take notice about how a tattoo changes and you just roll with what works. At first, Kongo Yasha was going to have a nice yellow aura, and the lines were down to lay the path, but that changed once the fire got started. Since Kongo Yasha is an angry ass dude, we decided a full fire aura would look the best. Dana put some lines down and I think it was a change for the better. You can hardly even tell what was originally intended.
  8. Like
    Cork got a reaction from Reyeslv in Full Back Piece Experience Thread   
    So here is the remainder. Kongo Yasha Myo-o in his full glory from Dana Helmuth.
    This was pretty much the home stretch at this point. Once all the shading was done, the color was only about 1/3 of the remaining time I spent with Dana.
    I love Dana's snakes. Once mine got colored in, I couldn't stop staring at it, I still can't. Also everyone loves the blue, and so do I. It's bold, and it'll be awesome for a long time.
    I spent a lot of time at Read Street Tattoo in Baltimore and it was a great shop. The final session was in Dana's tattoo lair at his home in Maryland and it's a true honor to be a member of his back piece club.
    And the final obligatory baby picture, because I want to be as cool as @hogg.
  9. Like
    Cork reacted to Graeme in Full Back Piece Thread   
    We talked about having the snake's head curving back so that it would be a more evenly matched fight, but sketches didn't flow right. Besides, of course I want the tiger to win.
  10. Like
    Cork reacted to CABS in The Tattoo News   
    *Thanks Taro for showing me the way.
  11. Like
    Cork reacted to taaarro in The Tattoo News   
    This!! Best tattoo experience. Don't sleep!!! I (WEAR A) BACK (PIECE BY) EDDY!!!!
  12. Like
    Cork got a reaction from SeeSea in Full Back Piece Experience Thread   
    I went around between Instagram, my phone, and the back piece thread and pulled together as many shots of my back progress as I could. Anyone interested in seeing the process? The only reason I ask is it is a lot of gratuitous ass. Like, a lot. Obviously it's all already on the internet, but just seeing it one folder on my hard drive seems excessive as it is so I figure I'd gauge interest here before posting.
  13. Like
    Cork got a reaction from Lance in The Tattoo News   
    Eddy Deutsche coming to Smith Street Aug 27-Sept 3.
  14. Like
    Cork got a reaction from joakim urma in Full Back Piece Experience Thread   
    I went around between Instagram, my phone, and the back piece thread and pulled together as many shots of my back progress as I could. Anyone interested in seeing the process? The only reason I ask is it is a lot of gratuitous ass. Like, a lot. Obviously it's all already on the internet, but just seeing it one folder on my hard drive seems excessive as it is so I figure I'd gauge interest here before posting.
  15. Like
    Cork got a reaction from sophistre in Full Back Piece Experience Thread   
    I went around between Instagram, my phone, and the back piece thread and pulled together as many shots of my back progress as I could. Anyone interested in seeing the process? The only reason I ask is it is a lot of gratuitous ass. Like, a lot. Obviously it's all already on the internet, but just seeing it one folder on my hard drive seems excessive as it is so I figure I'd gauge interest here before posting.
  16. Like
    Cork got a reaction from polliwog in Full Back Piece Experience Thread   
    I went around between Instagram, my phone, and the back piece thread and pulled together as many shots of my back progress as I could. Anyone interested in seeing the process? The only reason I ask is it is a lot of gratuitous ass. Like, a lot. Obviously it's all already on the internet, but just seeing it one folder on my hard drive seems excessive as it is so I figure I'd gauge interest here before posting.
  17. Like
    Cork got a reaction from PinkUnicorn in Full Back Piece Experience Thread   
    I went around between Instagram, my phone, and the back piece thread and pulled together as many shots of my back progress as I could. Anyone interested in seeing the process? The only reason I ask is it is a lot of gratuitous ass. Like, a lot. Obviously it's all already on the internet, but just seeing it one folder on my hard drive seems excessive as it is so I figure I'd gauge interest here before posting.
  18. Like
    Cork got a reaction from MrToby in Full Back Piece Thread   
    @MrToby That texture <3
  19. Like
    Cork got a reaction from Graeme in Full Back Piece Thread   
    Aw yeah, that's the money shot.
  20. Like
    Cork reacted to MrToby in Full Back Piece Thread   
    Hello all! Not been on for a little while so thought I better jump on and give a bit of an update. Firstly @Graeme your back is looking great. I'll be that far along soon. Ian reckon's we could be done in 3 or 4 more sessions. In the mean time this is the progress from the last couple of sessions. Reposted from Ian's instsgram.
  21. Like
    Cork got a reaction from ironchef in Full Back Piece Thread   
    Aw yeah, that's the money shot.
  22. Like
    Cork reacted to Graeme in Full Back Piece Thread   
    Okay, fine. Here's the latest progress.

  23. Like
    Cork reacted to Graeme in Full Back Piece Thread   
    I had my second to last back session yesterday. I'm not going to post pictures because it was mostly ass and back of thigh shading, and as a nice bonus we hit my love handles, touched up some of the background and darkened up my ribs a bit. It was all grey wash so it's angry and red at the moment. Like @cltattooing said above, super cool. I go back next month to do the final bells and whistles: the tiger's claws and paws, his eyes, the inside of the snake's mouth, but we're almost done. I'll try to get some good pictures when it's all done and settled in.
  24. Like
    Cork reacted to cltattooing in Full Back Piece Thread   
    Finished all of the linework today. 4 hours on the ass and ribs was super cool. u______u
    But on the plus side it is the most gorgeous tattoo ever and I could not be more thrilled about having gone through with this. Also I met Ed Hardy today and I was pretty much naked except for a drape sheet and my socks so that was awesome haha :rolleyes:
  25. Like
    Cork reacted to Gingerninja in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    A little something by Grez on Friday. https://instagram.com/p/6G4fMVHKjZ/?taken-by=gingahninja_
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