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Posts posted by dari

  1. I'm all for people getting whatever style of tattoo appeals to them the most, it's about personal taste and self-expression and owning your own body. There's not much point in getting tattoos because other people will like them, although that's obviously very common. I'm glad that there are all kinds of tattooers out there, "lid for every pot" and all that. Personally, I like tattoos to look like tattoos, even if you only see a little peek. If this girl were fully dressed and her shirt rode up a little, the glimpse of tattoo might look like scars from a terrible accident or surgery gone wrong. But I bet she loves it, and god bless her for that.

  2. tumblr_l4433g7kS21qzi9vio1_500.jpg

    Wow, if I thought they'd really come out that cool, I'd get some all white tattoos myself. I think, perhaps, someone has adjusted the colors on this photo. The white pigment is under the skin, not sitting on top of it, so any naturally occurring pigment will tint the tattoo. And I think part of why it fades is that it's a pigment, not an ink, which is why colors need black outlines. But if that's what she really wants then that's what she wants, just find a tattooer who will be cool and make her first experience a good one.

  3. I have used some kind of numbing creme before, but when it hits the spots where the creme didn't take it's really, really intense. However, my husband recently brought some home and it's sitting in our medicine cabinet, we're planning on using it to finish my stomach/lower ribs. (I sat extra super crappy when we did the outline.) I think the creme's to make him feel better.

    I had my Jondix arm finished yesterday, he worked on it with a few leisurely breaks from 1:00 pm to 6:30 pm. I should've taken ibuprofen before I got there like I usually do, but forgot and didn't take it til we had been going at least an hour. I ate a big salad and some tofu for protein about halfway through which always helps me. And right before the last 45 minutes, right around the point where I want to tell the tattooer that it's done/that I can't sit any longer, I ate some dark chocolate, got me the rest of the way through. I have taken vicadin or something like it in the past, just made me say dumb shit and feel sick later on.

  4. Hey,

    Thanks for joining us and introducing yourself. and seriously, lucky you for getting such a sweet first tattoo! You'll have to get some shitty ones later just to balance it out.

  5. Blackheart takes credit cards. The company that provides the service and the machine take a big cut of the profits each month, and they pay sporadically, but always make sure to debit their extra monthly service fees in a timely fashion. They just switched to a new company where they swipe the card through a little reader connected to an iPad. So far, it's simpler and less expensive. But cash is always king.

  6. Whether or not you support their position, the First Amendment guarantees our right to freedom of speech and our right to assemble, for people to gather for peaceful and lawful purposes. However, the city is planning an eviction, with police support, to "clean" the park. The park is privately owned, but with the condition that it be open to the public 24 hours a day.

    Showdown looms between Wall St protesters and cops - Yahoo! News

    Protest organizers are cleaning the park themselves, forced removal by the police is a terrible idea. You can sign this petition to the Mayor if you support them staying, or just to let remind them that the world is watching:

    Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) | URGENT: Defend Occupy Wall Street

  7. Phillip, so great to see you on here! Thanks for putting up all those pictures, I really dig your style.

    BTW, have you seen my house lately? You're welcome to walk up driveway and show your son if you want, I think this type of construction is a lot more exciting when you're 4!

  8. The Occupy Wall Street movement has come up in another thread, but I thought it deserved it's own. I thought it might be interesting to post some of the images and quotes that have struck a cord in us, whether it's a picture or a video from a mainstream media source or any type of social media. My first contribution isn't uplifting or even current, but I believe these are relevant words from a master-

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