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Everything posted by Hogrider

  1. It depends on what it looks like when it heals. 😉
  2. You can't "fix" a wobbly line, you can only make them thicker and I've never seen that turn out well. The artist you linked to is exponentially better than the one you previously used. Good luck
  3. Very nice. Now you're ready for your back piece!
  4. What exactly do you think someone can touch up? Don't ever use that artist again if your goal is to get good tattoos.
  5. Tattoos take 4-6 weeks to heal. Put away the microscope and wait.
  6. You won't know what it's going to look like until it's healed. Who told you it was infected? Is it oozing puss? Does it smell? If neither of those, it's unlikely that it's infected. If it IS infected, you need to see a doctor to get antibiotics. You have way too much lotion on that, it looks like it's drowning. The idea is to use just enough to keep the skin from drying out. Did you get that done in a shop? Whoever did that really mauled your skin.
  7. Tattoos take 4-6 weeks to heal. Every single spot doesn't heal at the same rate or the same way as every other single spot.
  8. Nobody will care but you. 😉
  9. Most tattoos take 4 - 6 weeks to heal. All the worrying and hand-wringing and pearl-clutching that goes on before it's healed is a waste of time. Unless it looks infected, just let it heal.
  10. Saran wrap. I've been using it for 10 years with no problems.
  11. It's peeling. normal. Tattoos take 4-6 weeks to heal.
  12. Don't monkey with it. You'll likely make it worse, not better. You'll get used to it.
  13. You got fine lines on thin, delicate skin = prone to blowout. I'd recommend putting away the magnifying glass and just enjoying the tattoo. There's no such thing as a perfect tattoo.
  14. Go see a professional that specializes in coverups. You aren't going to "fix" that.
  15. Try walking on your feet, not the tattoo! Seriously though, that's very common for lower leg tattoos, give it a week. Then give it 4-8 weeks to heal completely.
  16. Then don't wash it for too long or bother the scabs. Guy: Dr. my eye hurts when I drink coffee every morning. Dr.: Take the spoon out of the cup.
  17. Your tattoo takes 4 -6 weeks to heal. You won't know what damage you did or did not do until it's healed. I'd be very surprised if, after a week of healing, it had any affect at all ... not that I'd suggest doing it again.
  18. Just go see a good tattoo artist. There isn't a specific style for getting a tattoo around your waist. See what ideas they can come up with. Be prepared to gird you loins, there is nothing fun about getting a tattoo there.
  19. +1 Don't try to fix it. You can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit.
  20. Absolutely nothing. Your chances of making it worse trying to fix it are about 99%.
  21. I wouldn't go back to that tattoo "artist." Wait until it heals (4 -6 weeks) and then find someone that specializes in coverups. People think that simple tattoos are easy. They aren't; it takes a really good tattoo artist to draw a simple design that works and lay down all the lines evenly. Good tattoos (and coverups) aren't cheap.
  22. All tattoos don't heal exactly the same. Put away the microscope and just let it heal. There is NOTHING you can do until it heals anyway. 4-6 weeks.
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