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    viezure reacted to Iwar in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    It was great seing you again Gareth! Although I have to admit I felt like a sadist at times too, haha. You're tougher than most!

  2. Like
    viezure reacted to jnin in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Here's a little party shark I got from Scott Sylvia recently. I meant to post healed pictures but it's a difficult area of my arm to photograph. Thanks for looking! starting the left sleeve next. 

  3. Like
    viezure reacted to ItsNewport in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Made another Oslo trip last week to start a cover up on my lower stomach. While i was there i picked up a namakubi from Nicholas at Blue Arms.

    The cover up is ongoing and i don't mind admitting i'm very apprehensive about the next session! This was not a fun tattoo to get although Marius did his best to keep my spirits up and a visit from LST's own Mr @Iwar definitely kept me distracted from the significant pain!

  4. Like
    viezure reacted to real meta in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Got this kitsune from Matt Arriola yesterday.

  5. Like
    viezure got a reaction from rufio in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Small preview, full picture when it's healed. I love it!
    Ripley: This thing bled acid. Who knows what it's gonna do when it's dead?

  6. Like
    viezure got a reaction from rufio in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    WIP, can't wait to finish it next week :3
    Dallas: Mother's interrupted the course of our journey. She's programmed to do that should certain conditions arise. They have. It seems that she has... intercepted a transmission of unknown origin. She got us up to check it out.

  7. Like
    viezure reacted to Tornado7 in Lady Parts! (Arms, just lady arms...)   
    Well, it is lined. There was a lot of drawing around it that will go back up next time.
    PS my photo is 666kb ?

  8. Like
    viezure got a reaction from sesa in Torn between two artists   
    First of all, damn, that huzzink site is a horrible mess, so hard to navigate it.
    Secondly, none of them are extremely good, in terms of saturation, lines, details etc. Don't want to sound smug, but i think you could do better.
    Your starting point should be the tattoo you want: if you want a bold colour flower, you don't pic artists that mostly do black&grey. Look for artists that do tattoos in the style you like and go through their portofolios.
    BUT, if i were to pic one, i'd go to Zhdanov from Huzzink, his colours and lines look good, he can do a bold red flower :)
  9. Like
    viezure reacted to kassandrac in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Got this piece done last week! My artist was amazing and gave me exactly what I was looking for! The shin nearly killed me, but it turned out amazing!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Like
    viezure reacted to Intomyskin in Cool stuff you've learned/gotten into/etc. thanks to getting tattooed   
    @viezure: I'm an architect. We have corporate and institutional clients who are often quite traditional on such things, especially for someone my age, who should "know better"   ;-)   I value my job, am committed to it, and enjoy it too, and my personal point of view is that I don't want to do anything to make clients uncomfortable. That may sound a little like "sucking up," but business is business. Because of those clients I can  feed my family and pay the mortgage...and get tattooed!
    On the other hand we have some clients who I know would not care, and we currently have one tattooed client. But I prefer to to keep business and personal stuff separate but in the proper balance, which had been my big hang up for years. 
  11. Like
    viezure got a reaction from Intomyskin in Cool stuff you've learned/gotten into/etc. thanks to getting tattooed   
    Nice post and read! One question, what's your profession? Really curious to know the answer, seems that it played a big role in your tattoo-less self :)
  12. Like
    viezure reacted to Intomyskin in Cool stuff you've learned/gotten into/etc. thanks to getting tattooed   
    Bumping this topic - interesting reading!
    I’ve only got one small tattoo from 40-odd years ago, but I’m planning a back piece. Even though I haven’t started the actual tattoo yet, I have already learned things as I’ve made my decision and started planning. 
    I’m learning that tattooing is a process and that for me most important part of the process is not in the studio, it is in the brain. 
    It took me over 30 years to decide to get my second tattoo. Even though I wanted one, I didn’t think it fit my professional image, and I was afraid of being judged negatively by friends and colleagues. I waffled between “should I or shouldn’t I?” for decades. Over time my desire to get a tattoo grew stronger and stronger. And to complicate matters, my interest evolved from “getting a tattoo” into “getting a very large tattoo.” 
    I couldn’t understand why I was unable to make a decision. I spent a lot of time analyzing it and ended up writing down the whole history of my interest in tattooing, as far back as far as I could remember — every incident, what I saw, what my thoughts were along the way, and what was going on in my life, my feelings of conflict— everything I could think of (condensed, but still fairly long version here). Ultimately that led me to the realization that my indecision was not really about whether or not to get a tattoo, but was really an expression of my inability to be the person that I wanted to be in life. 
    I came to the realization that I had lived my whole life trying to fit into an image of what I perceived that others and my profession wanted me should be, while completely burying what I wanted to be. I realized that I had unwittingly gradually reprogrammed myself to believe that by “fitting in” I would become the “right kind of person.” 
    That may have been one of the most important things I learned about myself in my 60-odd years on the planet. Once I acepted that, it was easy to decide to go ahead with my tattoo project, but more importantly It helped me start to live my life more as I wanted, and move toward a better balance between the professional me and the private me. 
    It was only through trying to decide to get a large tattoo that I was able to find that out about myself. I’m not sure if I could have gotten to that realization any other way. I think that for me it took a confrontation with a desire to do something that in my world was really radical, extreme, and beyond the norm (getting a huge tattoo) to jolt me into exploring and learning something deep in me.
  13. Like
    viezure got a reaction from unigoat in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Small preview, full picture when it's healed. I love it!
    Ripley: This thing bled acid. Who knows what it's gonna do when it's dead?

  14. Like
    viezure got a reaction from zetroc in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Small preview, full picture when it's healed. I love it!
    Ripley: This thing bled acid. Who knows what it's gonna do when it's dead?

  15. Like
    viezure got a reaction from Gingerninja in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Small preview, full picture when it's healed. I love it!
    Ripley: This thing bled acid. Who knows what it's gonna do when it's dead?

  16. Like
    viezure got a reaction from Devious6 in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Small preview, full picture when it's healed. I love it!
    Ripley: This thing bled acid. Who knows what it's gonna do when it's dead?

  17. Like
    viezure got a reaction from SStu in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Small preview, full picture when it's healed. I love it!
    Ripley: This thing bled acid. Who knows what it's gonna do when it's dead?

  18. Like
    viezure got a reaction from Makar in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Small preview, full picture when it's healed. I love it!
    Ripley: This thing bled acid. Who knows what it's gonna do when it's dead?

  19. Like
    viezure reacted to unigoat in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Got this a couple days ago, by Brittany Kilsby at Hot Copper in Melbourne, AU. First tattoo, and probably the start of a collection. 

  20. Like
    viezure reacted to oboogie in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I got this little tiny one for Friday the 13th. I was there early (first) because I had the day off, and it is my regular shop. I was texting with my artist the whole time before they opened and waited at the door. There was a short line, but I was there first, so it was all good. This big fat guy (who appeared to have zero tattoos, which is fine, of course, but kinda cheap to only get $20 tattoos) was at the front of the line, and he seemed to be eyeballing me. When the door was unlocked at noon, he PUSHED ME OUT OF THE WAY and blocked my entrance. My friend/artist saw him do it, and he just about lost his shit. All the guys in the shop know me and said, "We got you, Jen, you're first. Just go on back." So I sit down while everyone else is still signing in, and he starts tattooing me with the little cup o' coffee. My artist has steam coming out of his ears. He's furious because this guy shoved me. He yells over to the fat guy (who is now starting to get a tattoo), and says, "Hey, is he getting the cock? HE SHOULD. F***ing ASSHOLE." I had to convince him NOT to punch the guy. Meanwhile, big fat guy is scared shitless and never made eye contact with me again.
    Long story short, my friend is F***ing awesome, and he always has my back. And I like my little cup o' Joe. The end.

  21. Like
    viezure got a reaction from Tornado7 in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    WIP, can't wait to finish it next week :3
    Dallas: Mother's interrupted the course of our journey. She's programmed to do that should certain conditions arise. They have. It seems that she has... intercepted a transmission of unknown origin. She got us up to check it out.

  22. Like
    viezure got a reaction from Machcekborrach in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    WIP, can't wait to finish it next week :3
    Dallas: Mother's interrupted the course of our journey. She's programmed to do that should certain conditions arise. They have. It seems that she has... intercepted a transmission of unknown origin. She got us up to check it out.

  23. Like
    viezure got a reaction from Moonpie1917 in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    WIP, can't wait to finish it next week :3
    Dallas: Mother's interrupted the course of our journey. She's programmed to do that should certain conditions arise. They have. It seems that she has... intercepted a transmission of unknown origin. She got us up to check it out.

  24. Like
    viezure got a reaction from zetroc in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    WIP, can't wait to finish it next week :3
    Dallas: Mother's interrupted the course of our journey. She's programmed to do that should certain conditions arise. They have. It seems that she has... intercepted a transmission of unknown origin. She got us up to check it out.

  25. Like
    viezure got a reaction from Gingerninja in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    WIP, can't wait to finish it next week :3
    Dallas: Mother's interrupted the course of our journey. She's programmed to do that should certain conditions arise. They have. It seems that she has... intercepted a transmission of unknown origin. She got us up to check it out.

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