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Posts posted by Androosh

  1. What is Morbid Angel's live set like because if they're playing a lot of stuff off that last album, I wouldn't regret that at all. Okay, maybe a little bit.

    Yeah, I wouldn't know. I didn't go!

    But ummm...you know, I imagine that a Death Metal band of their stature keeps it fairly even. I actually kind of like Illud Divinum Insanus...because I don't really care for convention...and the title has a hidden "anus" in it.

  2. Let's have a thread of recent regrets.

    My wife wanted to take me to see Morbid Angel last night. But after a week where I laid my father to rest, traveled, worked, got tattooed and had a brutal yoga session...I waived it off and passed it up. I feel fucking lame now. So much regret.

    Found a pair of gold Oliver People's glasses at 50% that actually fit my fat face. Passed that shit off. I regret it.

    Drove by my favorite falafel joint on the way home from grocery shopping today thinking "I'll make something at home..." - nope. I didn't make shit. I drank 4 IPAs instead. I regret passing it up.

    I regret not starting Jeremy Maclin in fantasy this week. Projected at 8.47. Actual was 21.0. I regret that shit.

    Please, talk about regrets.

  3. Just got this today from Johnny Bones at Full Circle Tattoo in San Diego, CA.

    Edit: I'd be remiss if I didn't mention how goddamn classy Full Circle is. They accommodated a rigid schedule for me (I jumped on an airplane an hour after this) and Johnny knocked out a nice little memento under pressure. The shop itself is gorgeous and their crew were nice as can be. Johnny Bones has been guesting there for a few weeks. He works at Mi Familia in Anaheim. He's pretty killer.


  4. there was a piece of flash hanging on the wall in between where Valerie and Stewart tattoo. it's a battle royale sheet. i'm not 100% sure, but i think i saw that same pupper hanging on a wall at smith st..

    Pretty sure it is by Steve Boltz. They have it in American Graffiti too. I've looked at that thing for hours and hours. It rules.

  5. I definitely love everything between A Blaze in the Northern Sky and Panzerfaust...but the roll they've been on since The Cult is Alive is just good. There is a certain confidence exhibited on the last 4 records that is just beyond cool.

  6. Nope, pretty much daily. The worst part is, I can never afford to get any of them.

    That is the truth.

    I'm on my 3rd job in 11 months...been playing it safe financially and keeping out of the chair so I can keep a roof over my head. Finally caught a break and my wife generously donated to my tattoo funds for my birthday a few weeks back. I'm going to love every minute of my session tomorrow. It is always nice when you can go get a tattoo in good conscious.

  7. Huge thanks, @Dan S!

    And how funny is this? An old friend emailed me last night with a Wild Bill story. He's the guy with the full suit (largely by Ed Hardy) posing with two naked ladies in your third pic down.

    I think Wild Bill has a shop in Roseville.

    And yeah, these are a lot of fun to look through. Thanks Dan S.

  8. I just told her go to a good shop, after which I told her where I go and would go. I then understood she was just amazed after seeing her first well done tattoo up close. She actually wrote down all the information I told her on a Rx notepad!

    She lucked out. You did a good thing.

    Last week I had just arrived at the airport and was riding a little shuttle/tram thing from the terminals to the baggage check. It was standing room only and there was this tiny little old lady standing next to me and my elbow, which has a mandala on it, was about 2 inches from her nose. I noticed and said "I'm sorry, excuse me..." and she quickly interjected "No, wait! Sooooo cooool..." and ran her finger over it.

  9. Any chance we can get photos of said 'mistakes'?

    I'm such a gump, I totally fumbled this part of it. The request has been sent for his "mistakes" to be photographed. Stand by,

    In all honesty, my Uncle's tattoos were the first "vintage" tattoos I've really seen in person since I started my serious tattoo obsession/education here on LST. Seeing them up close was like having a goddamn lighting bolt hit me dead in the skull. Whoever did them got it right. They ring true to this day.

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