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Posts posted by Androosh

  1. My best advice is to live somewhere that is both relatively close to work and gives you multiple driving options (ie more than one freeway that will get you there and back). The less traffic you deal with on a daily basis, the more you will love LA.feel free to ask any specific questions as you go.

    That's about the best advice you can possibly get. If your office is in Anaheim, live in Anaheim. Avoid commuting longer distances at all cost.

  2. Could you elaborate on that a little? I'm not sure I understand...

    I have observed that sometimes the Tattooers here at LST are a little cold to folks that join the community looking for feedback, tips, pointers, info etc etc...

  3. Anyone familiar with Rose Tattoo in Miramar? A friend recommended the shop but when I looked it up it got a mixed reviews. The portfolio looks pretty good, but should I be concerned if there are a few bad reviews?

    I grew up right near Miramar. You go there for two things - tacos and furniture.

  4. @jayessebee - Dude, I saw H.O.F. a few months back at this small(er) club here in Sacramento. They were intense. Here's a cool interview with Pike where he runs through some of his tattoos.

    Nobody has mentioned Morbid Angel yet. Everyone shit all over Illud Divinum Insanus, but I thought it was pretty goddamn decent. David Vincent is the man.

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