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Everything posted by HaydenRose

  1. The line-up is great. Unfortunately, I'll be short on cash this summer with my Grez appointments, but it may be cool to take a road trip out one of the days.
  2. I'll also echo @Joe Shit that not everyone gets work done by separate artists because they are "impatient". I have a 6+ year old tattoo that is an outline and I plan on getting it finished/reworked by someone else... well, someone better (first tattoo mistakes). I believe the original poster is looking for something similar. Also, the guys at Kings Ave and similar artists are usually into reworking old stuff, even bad stuff. They want people to have good tattoos, so turning down a customer and knowing they will have to go to an artist with lesser quality doesn't really compute.
  3. I just had to revive this thread with this...
  4. I can't wait! Especially since the premiere is on my birthday! :o
  5. HaydenRose

    Book thread

    That happened with me and Everything is Illuminated (same author). However, I've seen both movies and they are excellent. Everything is Illuminated is easily on my top 5. So basically if you can't get into the book, just watch the movie. You won't be disappointed. And as book lovers know, that's super rare, but I think his books sometimes translate to film better.
  6. Sounds like you're doing the right thing, but if it starts looking wacky or anything just follow up with your artist. Also, please introduce yourself in the Initiation Thread!
  7. Welcome! Definitely check out the artist interviews. You're in the right place!
  8. Welcome! Tell us about your tattoos!
  9. Same! I thought it was going to be a discussion about the tattoo design. Oh welp.
  10. I hate these studies. Everyone has varied preferences. And usually these douchebags just poll their own close-minded friends.
  11. When I got tattooed this summer the artist had just gotten that area tattooed. She said sitting wasn't the issue, it was standing up when everything would shift back... I can't imagine what that feels like haha
  12. I'm so bummed I wasn't able to make it for the second time... I hope they do it again. Great pictures @irezumi.
  13. I think I would stay away from an exfoliating scrub because they are designed to remove dead skin cells and it's best to let the flaky tattooed skin fall of naturally not forcefully to avoid pulling ink out.
  14. Exactly. So many tattooers have said to just wash (and not like obsessively--I probably wash twice a day the first week and once a day after that) and let it dry out completely and then apply the teensiest bit of lotion. My thigh tattoo covers the whole front of my thigh and I literally use a pea size amount. A dot more and it's scab city.
  15. NPR Music's 50 Favorite Albums Of 2013 : Best Music Of 2013 : NPR I had fun going through this. Obviously Deafheaven is on there, but there were some real gems like Dawn of Midi - Dysnomia and I didn't realize The Flaming Lips released a new album last year.
  16. Ugh, agreed! To me, it's like asking how much money I make.
  17. My parents were not over the moon, but not demeaning in any way when I started getting tattooed. Now that I'm older and it's really become a huge interest of mine they love it and look forward to seeing my new work. Both of them want to get a tattoo now for me and my brother. Everyone has the capacity to change.
  18. I second @Killercook76. Definitely tell them your budget and also know it's OK to ask for a ballpark even when the design is in limbo. I ask all the time and they usually give me a range, then I save the amount of the highest figure + tip.
  19. @David Akers, my only fear with blackwork/mandala type stuff is it's very light and sparse compared to what you have now. You would have to laser that to the point of extinction. It's your decision, but another option would be to do the blackwork/mandala stuff from your shoulder down and have it blend into your existing forearm tattoo. Just my $0.02.
  20. It's super dark, so you may need to work the black band into an existing piece or get laser treatments to cover it with something new. However, if you like the piece then a tattoo artist may be able to give suggestions on how to incorporate it into a sleeve or other designs. The only problem I see with it is that it is upside down and that may make it difficult to continue a similar or different design up your arm. *Please note I am not a tattoo artist only an avid collector and I have no personal experience with laser removal/cover-ups.
  21. Nathan Kostechko I fell in love with this the other day. I would totally consider doing something like this for filler, very neat!
  22. Welcome! Are those your first tattoos or do you have others you would care to share? I'm sure you're waiting until your Jun Cha pieces are finished before indulging us :) Enjoy LST!
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