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Posts posted by keepcalm

  1. I'm about 2 hours away now (Harrisonburg). I go into DC pretty regularly, not nearly enough however! I miss my old neighborhood (Del Ray).

    First, apologies to @IAmMattLewis for the thread hijack!

    For three years, I lived in Old Town Alexandria, but at the north end, close to Del Ray. Both are great little neighborhoods. I just moved into the district proper over the summer. If you're ever back in town and want to check in on Del Ray, let me know! Maybe some Dairy Godmother action? Though I guess it's getting too cold for ice cream, huh? Whomp whomp...

  2. haha yep! Got to see the Natural History Museum and the portrait gallery. And of course, all the monuments. Got a panther head from Nikki too! I'll post a pic once it's healed.

    Nice! The Portrait Gallery is my favorite Smithsonian.

    Definitely show that panther head, too! Hope you had a good experience and I'm sure it looks awesome!

  3. Theres not a symbol for the verse(s) that i like or truly represents what im going after. Other than maybe a stop sign?

    When I was getting my first tattoo, for months beforehand, I wanted to get a phrase taken from a John Cheever quote -- "write to make sense of life" (full quote: "The need to write comes from the need to make sense of one's life and discover one's usefulness.") -- AND I wanted to get in Latin. This was only six years ago, but I don't even remember what my reasoning was for the whole Latin thing.

    Anyway, after stressing over the correct spelling for the Latin (seriously. wut.), font options for the script, etc., I finally decided the reason I was dallying on actually getting the tattoo was because I didn't really want to get words written on me. I wanted an image. I wanted something that would look beautiful. I wanted art.

    So I found the ibis, the bird that represents the Egyptian deity Thoth, who served as scribe to the gods. As soon as I stumbled upon it, I knew it would be the image I got tattooed on me. It held the meaning I wanted, that was important to me, but it was also a beautiful image of a lovely bird (my ibis is in flight).

    Now that I have three more tattoos, I feel confident saying I don't think I'll ever put text on my body. I think script can look really great incorporated into certain designs, but what I personally like about tattoos is that they are mobile art that I get to carry with me everywhere I go. It's a bit ironic given how much I clearly value the written word, but hey, a time and place for everything, right? :)

    Side benefit -- there's more ambiguity with pictures. They feel more personal to me. I know what my ibis means, and if someone who sees it asks me about it, I can tell them. For everyone else who doesn't ask, they'll just see a pretty bird in flight. And that's cool, too.

    Anyway, good luck with your tattoo -- I hope you get exactly what you want.

  4. Welcome! Nikki is awesome! I live in DC and have previously been tattooed by Scott M. at Tattoo Paradise, but I'm looking at getting a lady head from Nikki next.

    Enjoy your visit here -- if Congress can get its shit together, maybe the museums & monuments will be open again and you can actually see some stuff.

  5. I'm still over here trying to figure out how to get a shot of all my tattoos at once without crossing into inappropriate territory :o

    Might have to try left side then right side, haha.

    Loving seeing the full-body shots, though -- it really helps when thinking of where I'd like to put more work and what it might look like on me. Hopefully some more ladies will share, too! :)

  6. So in regards to balancing things out and placement... I do still partake in that little detail. For some reason symmetry must really be a woman's thing. I have 18 tattoos total and nine are on the right side of my body and nine are on the left side.

    This is awesome, haha! Also makes me think about the different ways to achieve balance...

    My left/right split is 2 and 2.

    My front/back split is 1 on front, 2 on back, 1 on side.

    My top/bottom split is 3.5 on top, and 0.5 on bottom ;)

    I dunno, the more people post and the more I think about it, I realize it's all totally personal preference and style, and people who care more about managing their overall look will always pay more attention to things like this, and people who are more relaxed about it won't. And the world goes on ;) I tend to think of my tattoos as permanent accessories -- I always think about how they'll look with the kinds of clothes I like to wear / my style / etc., so I'll probably always agonize over placement before a getting new one.

  7. Maybe not that spectacular, but I've booked my first 'all-alone' trip. I've always been fascinated by people who travel the world alone but was always afraid that I couldn't handle it.

    It's just a 5 day trip (to Krakau, Poland, hooray), but it's a big step.

    You're gonna love it! You can do whatever you want and don't have to agree or compromise with a travel partner. You are also much more likely to meet locals along the way, in my opinion. When traveling with another, it's so easy to just keep to yourselves, since you already have companionship. But when you travel alone, you are much more likely to meet and interact with people along the way -- and I have found some of the best detours by talking with people like this... either other travelers staying at my hostel, or locals in the bar/restaurant while I'm having dinner or a drink, etc. It can be really great.

    I hope you enjoy it! :)

  8. So there's this. I started off with a bird on my left arm. When that was finished, I wanted a koi. Had it placed on my right lower leg for balance on my body. But then summer ends and I stop wearing shorts and start wearing jeans and a tee. visually all of a sudden I lose the balance (covered legs) so I get my right arm tattooed with a dragon. But oh wait! Now I'm no longer balanced when wearing shorts again. Oh the angst!

    This is what I worry will happen to me, haha! Perfectionism and tattoos do NOT go together...

  9. but I still love the look of my milky white skin accented with tattoos, not just tattooed everywhere.

    I think this is kind of it for me, too. I like the way tattoos look on skin, and I feel like I still need to be able to see some skin to really appreciate them. I also think it's really cool when a tattoo flows perfectly with the part of the body it's on -- like one that follows the curve of the back or hip, or curls around the shoulder or elbow perfectly. It looks so cool to me because it highlights the natural shape/movement of the body, and to me, those kinds of tattoos always look like they really BELONG where they are, especially when there is negative space around them that makes them stand out. I just think it's neat. I would love to get more work like that.

  10. Interesting! I assumed some people would pay much more attention to all of this than others, but it's cool to hear everyone's reasoning.

    I definitely have an interest in keeping my work at least partially balanced on my body, as that look is just more appealing to me personally. The problem is deciding exactly where I want things to go! I have some ideas for pieces that I know will look best on certain body parts, and I am trying to create a game plan around that, haha. I also take into consideration how public I want each tattoo to be -- that is, if I want to be able to hide it easily. In my opinion, there's a lot to think about!

  11. For those who are not necessarily going for full-body coverage, do you ever think about the overall look you have as a tattooed person?

    Like I imagine many people here, I am an appreciator of aesthetics, and when I consider getting new work done, I think long and hard about where to put it and how it will change the way my body looks in clothes, out of clothes, in swim suits, etc. It might be slightly different for females since we tend to have more variety in the clothes we wear (different cuts, lengths, dresses, etc.), but I do wonder... Do you pay a lot of attention to keeping your work balanced on your body? Do you take into consideration places on your body where you don't plan to ever get work? I guess one approach would be to prioritize the design, and pick the place on your body where that design fits best. Another approach would be to think about where you'd like to have tattoos, and pick designs you like that would flow well in those spaces.

    This post is partially inspired by this thread about negative space with tattoos.

    I am a huge fan of negative space and have spent a lot of time thinking about the best way and location to place substantial tattoos on my body, with space in between them. Some people might say this is overthinking it, but I can't help it, ha. I've considered putting most of my work on my left arm and right leg, leaving the opposites mostly clear. I've also considered mainly tattooing my torso and leaving my limbs mostly clear. When you think about it, following each of those two patterns would make for a really different overall look.

    Maybe as a still-kinda-newbie to this world, I do think about this stuff too much, but I'm still curious as to others' thoughts :)

  12. It also could just be that the planning phase of getting a tattoo is exciting. Maybe people just want like minded people to talk about it with.

    Yeah :) I am always excited when I start thinking about an idea for a new piece, and since I don't have a ton of friends who are into tattoos, I just come here. I always make my final decisions with my artist, but I like to think (and talk) through my ideas a LOT, and I don't want to bug my artist with excessive questions, haha.

    @keepcalm is a tough cookie, she can handle it :)

    And also this :)

    Also thanks to everyone who likes to chat about ideas - I appreciate you!

  13. These turned out so nice! I really like where they are placed. Do you mind me asking what picture it is from? I love those lines in the ocean waves and they look so familiar (maybe it's a certain style of drawing?).

    Thanks so much! The only thing Scott went off was the illustration/drawing in my first post in this thread. I found that image on a website called Behance (?) -- not sure exactly what that site is about, I found it through an image search. Not sure if that helps, sorry!

    - - - Updated - - -

    yes,that turned out really really nice IMO,very cool piece

    Thanks! :)

  14. Nikki is definitely on my list of people to get a tattoo from. Her lady heads ARE killer.

    You should! :) I'm excited to get some work from her.

    Holding off on my next one. I had originally planned to get it a couple weeks ago, but I've already missed out on so much training this summer. Moving my date closer to the middle of autumn. The piece is already drawn up (a darker Alice), so it's pretty hard not to run on in and get it done.

    "a darker Alice" as in Alice in Wonderland? I would love to see that - sounds awesome!

  15. Stopped by Tattoo Paradise last night to chat with Nikki about a lady head idea. I explained it, and she was basically like, "I would totally crush that." I love it when the artist is just as excited about an idea as you are! Now I just have to decide when to get it (and where to put it). I'm moving apartments next month, so I'd like to get that over with first, then go in to get it.

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