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Petri Aspvik

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Posts posted by Petri Aspvik

  1. Just started (really started, had a flu for 3 weeks) my new Deadlift program. Had the first go in Monday and fuck did it feel goooood!

    Here it is briefly.

    Train once a week

    Start by gradually increasing the weights and get to the point where you can do your max with a good form. So no shaking like a leaf and joinking the bar.

    Lets say the good form max is 200pounds, nice even number. You take 5% off from the weight and do as many single reps as you can with a good form. Rest 3-4 minutes between each rep. If you do 3 reps, OK, if you do 13, OK. But as soon as your form starts to go bad, you stop.

    Then the next time you lift, you go for new "good form 1RPM". Then take 5% of from that.

    You train like this for 3-5 weeks, depending how you feel and then a easy week.

  2. I am on top of my nutrition 100%, and I can't hold off DOMS. I'm talking the kind of soreness where you have to use the sink to lower yourself down on to the toilet. I've tried so many different combinations of amino acids and in different ratios... I get sore all the time. I like to blame genetics, but I really have no idea what makes it so bad for me and not others.

    What has worked for me is a post workout drink that has L-Glutamine & creatinemonohydrate. That has reduced doms for about half for me.

  3. The best part was the names. HEATHER SIN, B-TATS, AL FLICTION.. Al Fliction is barely clever.. by like the narrowest of margins.. AL FLICTION!!

    Haha, yeah. But, cant blame the guy. Im giving myself nicknames all the time. Pete Vanilla, Sweet Dick Pete. Im just waiting for the day when I can introduce myself to some girl as a sweet dick Pete. And when they doupt and ask me to prove it (which, OF COURSE will happen) me Ill just say

    Sorry, I cant. My Dick is just too sweet for you

    BLAU! Like moths to a flame.


  4. Some tattooists should not attempt Japanese. I don't tattoo but I know it is the hardest (arguably) style to master and when its done right it looks amazing, when its done wrong it looks damn awful.

    Yes. And when you are talking about Traditional Japanese, you have to take in consideration all the seasons, different elements, Images, religions, Ukiyo-e, beliefs, etc etc. And how to mix them and what not to mix.

  5. That was very cool. Great music too. I have to say I laughed my ass off at the end where Tony makes reference to a conversation with a client:

    Client, "I want a tiger! But I don't want it to look mean."

    Tony,"...Then don't get a tiger!"

    Ha ha!

    Also,"Well if you really look, it's not a mean tiger.". I'm really loving these episodes.

    Yeah :D And also the quote about style being different than a subject matter. Which can get mixed these days, I recon. You can do a ship in traditonal americana style, or a B&G realistic ship. Ships themself arent "Old-School". For example (Yeah, no shit! ;) ). Great stuff!

  6. I love this fucker! Great design and have been actually for some time now day dreaming about how good it would look as a backpiece. I have associated it to anarchism and the likes. Heres some history.

    Gadsden flag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Gadsden Flag: Don't Tread on Me

    The Gadsden flag is a historical American flag with a yellow field depicting a rattlesnake coiled and ready to strike. Positioned below the snake is the legend "DONT TREAD ON ME." The flag was designed by and is named after American general and statesman Christopher Gadsden. It was also used by the Continental Marines as an early motto flag. It was the first flag ever carried into battle by the United States Marine Corps, during the American Revolution. -Wikipedia

    I couldnt find any good tattoos pics. There was a great flash in the Brooklyn Joe Lieber flash book. The pic was in someones myspace, who ever sold it. Cant find it.

    Post pics, any pics!

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